LED Teeth whitening kit giveaway

RO: Astazi am o surpriza misto, zic eu, pentru voi: va invit sa testam impreuna un sistem de albire a dintilor acasa.

Smile Brilliant ofera solutii de albire a dintilor acasa, bazata pe o solutie ce contine 22% carbamide peroxide, cu care puteti obtine rezultate comparabile cu cele obtinute in urma unei albiri efectuate intr-un cabinet stomatologic doar ca la un pret mult mai avatajos, as indrazni sa spun chiar si comparativ cu preturile din Romania.

Eu am pentru voi un kit LED de albire impreuna cu 2 "stilouri" cu gel care ar trebui sa va ajunga pentru destule sedinte astfel incat sa obtineti cele mai bune rezultate posibile, bineinteles ca aceste rezultate variaza in functie de dintii fiecaruia. Un stilou contine 4 ml de solutie si ajunge pana la 7 sedinte iar in functie de cat de patati sunt dintii, de gradul de sensibilitate, puteti face pana la 14 sedinte pentru a va albi dintii.

Pe langa stilouri, mai aveti dispozitivul LED, a carui lumina accelereaza efectul gelului de albire si o protectie pe care o puneti pe dinti, dupa ce ati aplicat gelul si inainte de a aplica lampa LED. Pentru a va fi mai usor am facut si un colaj cu pasii pe care trebuie sa-i urmati.

Daca aveti vreo nedumerire, pe site-ul Smile Brilliant gasiti foarte multe informatii, de la FAQs pana la un blog cu articole pe diverse teme legate de albirea dintilor acasa. Au si Live Chat, unde cineva va poate raspunde la intrebari pe loc cu conditia sa folositi Live Chat-ul noaptea (fiind din USA, atunci gasiti pe cineva on-line, in rest puteti lasa un mesaj).

Sper ca va place premiul, mie mi s-a parut tentant mai ales ca albirea dintilor devine tot mai populara si in Romania iar daca va tenta aceasta procedura, va astept inscrierile.

Apropo, concursul este international. :> Formularul si conditiile le gasiti mai jos. Dupa ce se termina concursul, voi afisa castigatoarea in formular si o voi contacta la adresa lasata.

Gasiti mai jos ingredientele gelului si daca aveti intrebari si nedumeriri, puteti lasa un comentariu si am sa incerc sa va raspund.

EN: I have a nice surprise for you ladies: what do you say about trying out an at home teeth whitening kit, tempted?

Smile Brilliant offers at home teeth whitening solutions, based on a 22% carbamide peroxide gel, that gives you similar results to professional whitening procedures but at a more affordable price.

The price I have for you is a LED kit with 2 pens that should be enough for achieving the best results. One pen holds 4 ml of whitening gel and, depending of each others teeth,  it should last up to 7 whitening sessions. Also, taking into consideration the staining of your teeth, the sensitivity level, you would need up to 14 sessions in order to get your teeth as white as they can be.

Also, beside the 2 pens, you get the LED light that accelerates the whitening process and a lip guard that you put over your teeth after you've brushed the gel onto them and before the LED light. I have done a collage with all the steps you have to do.

If you have any questions, you can find a lot of information regarding the whitening process on the Smile Brilliant site, from FAQs to a blog with a lot of posts on different topics regarding the subject and also reviews by other people that have previously tried one of the Smile Brilliant kits. The site incorporates a live chat window service where you can ask any question and get an answer right away, although you do have to have in mind that they are based in USA so you would have to take into account the time difference because you can find someone on Live Chat only during the day, otherwise you would have to leave a message.

So, in conclusion, I hope you like the prise, I thought it was really tempting, considering the increased popularity of teeth whitening.

One last note: the giveaway is open internationally. :> All details and conditions are in the Rafflecopter form down below. When the giveaway is finished and I will choose a winner, it will be made public in the same form and I will contact the person at the email address left in the form.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I will do my best to answer all of them.

The gel's ingredients:
Glycerin 77.1% | Carbamide Peroxide 22% | Carbomer 0.5% | Menthol 0.2% | EDTA 0.2%


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Awesome :D Poate tine Iepurasul cu mine haha..:))

  2. Done, dar au fost ceva problemuțe cu Rafflecopter. Am reușit, într-un final, foarte simpatic GA. :*

  3. Multumim de giveaway! :-* sper sa fi complectat bine tabelul Rafflecopter :)

  4. super giveaway, un Paste Fericit


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