Nature's Gate Biotin Shampoo

RO: In urmă cu ceva mai multe luni vă povesteam despre problemele cu care se confrunta părul meu  ÅŸi vă arătam cu ce intenÅ£ionez să combat acele efecte (click), printre care ÅŸi ÅŸamponul despre care vă voi vorbi astăzi. Timpul a trecut iar eu am terminat ÅŸamponul ÅŸi am zis că e cazul să vă povestesc despre efectele acestuia.

Iată descrierea lui de pe iHerb:
Natures Gate Biotin Shampoo helps fortify weak hair. utilizing the strengthening properties of Biotin, an array of fortifying amino acids and our nourishing 7 healthy hair nutrients, this shampoo helps hair look and feel stronger, vibrant and full of life.Exclusive healthy hair blend includes panthenol, soy proteins, vegetable proteins, jojoba oil, borage flower seed oil, vitamin C and vitamin E.
  • B vitamins biotin, folic acid and niacin are well known for their important role in hair health
  • Jojoba oil helps restore the natural moisture level of hair
  • Panthenol (vitamin B5) and soy protein help strengthen hair
  • Vegetable proteins condition and moisturize, helping to reduce the appearance of split ends.

L-am ales pentru că treceam printr-o perioadă în care îmi cădea foarte mult păr şi ştiam că biotina ar trebui să amelioreze acest aspect, în plus, are un raport preţ/cantitate foarte bun (5.09$/532 ml) şi pe deasupra are ingrediente bune, doar vreo 2 problematice dar exact la sfârşitul listei deci în concentraţii prea mici că să le mai iau în calcul.

Consistenţa şamponului este una nu foarte lichidă, uşor vâscoasă şi are un parfum mentolat, dar parcă nu miroase numai a mentă, parcă a ierburi, în orice caz, nu este un parfum care mi-a plăcut în mod special. Face spumă, dar nu atât de multă cât un şampon cu surfactanti mai puternici, însă e ok, nu m-a deranjat.

Curăţă bine părul ÅŸi nu am simÅ£it că mi s-ar îngrăşă mai repede decât în mod obiÅŸnuit, ba chiar parcă am revenit la normal, pentru că la un moment dat ajunsese să mi se îngraÅŸe foarte repede, dar nici nu am simÅ£it că mi l-a uscat. TotuÅŸi, eu mereu folosesc balsam ÅŸi ulei de păr după ce mă spăl.

Cât despre căderea părului, vreau să vă spun că acum îmi cade muult mai puţin păr, nu ştiu dacă este doar meritul şamponului sau şi a faptului că mi l-am tuns destul de scurt (alte schimbări care ar putea afecta căderea părului nu am făcut), însă în ultimul timp am realizat că îmi mai cade doar foarte puţin păr.

Ah, era să uit ceva foarte important, cel puţin pentru mine: nu m-am trezit cu mătreaţă după ce l-am folosit, ba chiar, pe perioda în care am folosit acest şampon, nu am mai folosit aproape deloc Selsun Blue, doar aşa o dată, de două ori în toate aceste luni.

Per ansamblu, mi s-a părut un şampon bun şi am fost foarte, ba chiar super, mulţumită de el, nu am să-i reproşez nimic iar cei 532 ml m-au ţinut din Octombrie până acum în cazul în care părul meu este destul de scurt. Pentru că mi-a plăcut, m-am hotărât să mai încerc şi alte şampoane de la Nature's Gate şi aşa l-am ales pe cel cu jojoba, pentru păr degradat, nu musai pentru că este adresat părului degradat, din fericire nu mai am astfel de probleme, dar l-am ales pentru ingredientele lui foarte bune pe care vi le-am înşirat şi în această postare.

Produs şampon Nature's Gate cu biotină
păr cu firul subţire, fragil
Textură and miros uÅŸor vâscoasa, nu foarte lichidă; miros de mentă ÅŸi ierburi
532 ml 
Expiră  nu am găsit niciun termen de valabilitate trecut pe ambalaj
Water, cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine (coconut derived), sodium cocoyl isethionate (coconut derived), disodium cocoamphodiacetate (coconut derived), glycerin (vegetable derived), biotin, panthenol, hydrolyzed soy protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) seed oil, borago officinalis (borage) seed oil, tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), hordeum vulgare (barley) extract, geranium maculatum extract, olea europaea (olive) leaf extract, viola tricolor (pansy) extract, sodium riboflavin phosphate, niacin, sodium PCA, sodium lactate, cysteine, arginine, serine, threonine, folic acid, aspartic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, PCA, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, proline, histidine, phenylalanine, polysorbate 20, sorbitan sesquicaprylate (coconut and corn derived), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (plant derived), glyceryl undecylenate (vegetable derived), sodium hydroxide, phenoxyethanol, fragrance*.
*Phthalate free
+ raport preţ/cantitate excelent
+ nu conţine SLS/SLES
 + bine formulat
 + nu mi-a făcut mătreaţă
+ curăţă bine dar blând părul
+ este cruelty free

 Unde cumpăr aici
 PreÈ›  5.09$
Aţi încercat acest şampon şi dacă da, ce părere aveţi despre el? Sau aţi încercat alte şampoane fortifiante ce conţin biotină?

***Click the Read More button to get the English version***

EN: A few months ago I was complaining on the blog about the state of my hair and the fact that I was losing a lot of it and I also mentioned a few products, including the shampoo I am going to talk about to you today. Time passed and I finished the shampoo. so I figured it was time to do the review.

If you're interested, this is the desprition for the shampoo found on iHerb:

Natures Gate Biotin Shampoo helps fortify weak hair. utilizing the strengthening properties of Biotin, an array of fortifying amino acids and our nourishing 7 healthy hair nutrients, this shampoo helps hair look and feel stronger, vibrant and full of life.Exclusive healthy hair blend includes panthenol, soy proteins, vegetable proteins, jojoba oil, borage flower seed oil, vitamin C and vitamin E.
  • B vitamins biotin, folic acid and niacin are well known for their important role in hair health
  • Jojoba oil helps restore the natural moisture level of hair
  • Panthenol (vitamin B5) and soy protein help strengthen hair
  • Vegetable proteins condition and moisturize, helping to reduce the appearance of split ends.

I chose this shampoo because I was losing a lot of hair, a lot and I knew that biotin is supposed to be good in dealing with hair loss, plus the great price/quantity ratio and the fact that it has a great formula with just 2 minor irritants that I didn't event take into account.

It has a thicker consistency, not very runny and a minty scent, but minty with a sort of herbs scent, anyways, not a perfume I was very fond of, but it's manageable.

It cleans the hair well, I didn't feel that it made my hair get oily sooner than usual, quite the opposite, I can say that my hair is back to it's usual state after a period during which I would had needed to wash it once every 2 days but I also didn't feel it drying. Although, I don't ever skip the conditioner and hair oil.

Regarding the hair loss, I have to confess that I am now losing very little hair, compared to some months ago, I don't know for sure if it's just due to this shampoo or the combination with my hair cut (when I drastically changed my hair length). In any case, it is a great improvement and I didn't change anything else that could also affect my hair loss.

Oh, and I also forgot a very important fact, for me: it didn't cause me dandruff, actually, during the period I used the shampoo I have barely used my dandruff shampoo, Selsun Blue, maybe once or twice in all these months.

All in all, I think it's a good shampoo and I am very pleased with it, nothing to hold against it and the 18 oz had lasted me from October until recently taking into consideration my short hair.So because I liked it so much I decided to try other Nature's Gate shampoos and I got the jojoba one for damaged hair, not because I have damaged hair (luckily) but because of its great ingredients.

Product Nature's Gate Biotin Strengthening shampoo
Addressed to 
thin and fragile hair
Texture and scent 
denser, not very runny; minty and herb-y 
Quantity  18 fl. Oz / 532 ml 
Expiry date  I couldn't find any information on the packaging
Water, cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine (coconut derived), sodium cocoyl isethionate (coconut derived), disodium cocoamphodiacetate (coconut derived), glycerin (vegetable derived), biotin, panthenol, hydrolyzed soy protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) seed oil, borago officinalis (borage) seed oil, tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), hordeum vulgare (barley) extract, geranium maculatum extract, olea europaea (olive) leaf extract, viola tricolor (pansy) extract, sodium riboflavin phosphate, niacin, sodium PCA, sodium lactate, cysteine, arginine, serine, threonine, folic acid, aspartic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, PCA, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, proline, histidine, phenylalanine, polysorbate 20, sorbitan sesquicaprylate (coconut and corn derived), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (plant derived), glyceryl undecylenate (vegetable derived), sodium hydroxide, phenoxyethanol, fragrance*.
*Phthalate free
+ great price/quantity ratior
+ SLS/SLES free
 + good formula, no major irritants
 + didn't cause me dandruff
+ cleanses the hair gently, yet effectively
+ cruelty free

 Where to buy here
 Price 5.09$

Have you tried this shampoo and if you did, what did you think of it? Or have you tried other strengthening shampoos with biotin?


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. un review de nota 10! nu am auzit de aceste produse.

  2. L-am pus pe wishlist :). Nu-mi cade parul, dar am scalpul sensibil, deci cred ca mi s-ar potrivi.

  3. Nici eu nu am auzit de ele insa ma gandesc sa recomand la sora mea care are tenul mai sensibil si nu are voie la multe chimicale.

  4. @FromMegwithLove mersi. :D Ce-i drept nu l-am mai vazut prin postarile cu iHerb (daca nu ma insel) dar e bine sa ai mai multe variante si sa flki despre produse necunoscute, nu-i asa? Pup :*

  5. @Coconut :) daca te hotarasti sa-l iei, sper sa-ti fie bun si daca ai reveni cu o parere as fi tare bucuroasa. Pup :*

  6. @Edeir cred ca voiai sa te referi ca are scalpul (pielea capului) sensibila, nu? Daca da, cu atat mai mult ii recomand un sampon cu agenti de curatare blanzi si fara iritanti, in mare parte se incadreaza samponul asta.

  7. Eu am varianta cu musetel, dar din pacate nu mi se potriveste. Imi usuca foarte tare scalpul :(


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
