Outfit post: the ultimate layering

Hello ladies!

So, went to the mall yesterday to meet up with a friend and try and get that Olay creme (total failure). But at least i got to meet with her and catch up on things. She helped me with the pictures but couldn't take the time to get quite the pictures that i wanted since we're in Romania and everyone stares at you if you're doing something like this.

Why the title you may ask? Well, after Adela gave that link for Refinery 29, about the ways to wear belts, found another slideshow about how to switch up little details in order to make your winter outfits interesting. And there, one of the tricks was to wear 2 pairs tights, one coloured and one textured. I immediately thought of my Accesorize tights that my boyfriend got me for my birthday but couldn't wear with this "lovely" weather that we've been having here in Siberia Romania. I mean, we all know about layering, we've all been doing it, seen it, but have you ever thought about this kind of combination? Well, I sure didn't :D And since I had decided to wear a skirt, no matter the temperatures because I'm tired and fed up with pants, so this was the perfect occasion to try the combination. And i liked the results, so did my boyfrined, and my friend :D Now tell me if you like it

Noticed I have improved in the smiling area, no more awkward smile in the pictures (well, except for the last picture but didn't have a better one) Ehhh eh? :D And talking about the smile, of course I was wearing my love, the True color no 7 lipstick :D The details on the skirt are wonderful, but of course I forgot to take pictures (next time, i promise), as I forgot to take pictures of the yummy macaroon I ate at Starbucks, and it costs just 4,75 ron, as I forgot to take pictures with all the people standing in line waiting to get that damn cream. Still adjusting and improving :D Oh oh...almost forgot to mention: don't know if it is noticeable in the pictures but finally managed to leave my hair in its natural form, curly Yeeey! :D I love a curly Bob :)))

Jumper: Mini Prix (first pictured here)
Skirt: Zara (gift from zah bf)
Blue tights: random
Textured tights: Accesorize (sale)
Boots: Zara
Headband: Ama something (:))) got it from the same artist as the belt)
Watch: Q&Q (old gift)



Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. foarte frumos!rar vezi o fata imbracata mai deosebit,cred ca nu au curaj.bravo pentru floare!superb!pup

  2. @siginutz - mi-au luat ochii prima oara cand i-am vazut. Si dupa ce i-am visat am zis ca trebuie sa fie ai mei :D

  3. @modniza - mersi, chiar ma bucur ca iti place :*

  4. imi place foarte mult,ti-am spus. sa stii ca sunt mereu alaturi de tine,chiar daca nu am timp mereu sa comentez.sa stii ca am admirat bratara facuta de tine!superba.nu oricine e capabil.bravo!pup,pup.week-end placut!poate imi fac si eu poze azi.

  5. @modniza - mersi mult pt sustinere, inseamna f mult pt mine. Imi imaginez ca esti ocupata si nu ai timp. Weekend placut si tie, astept poze poze :D >:D< :*:*


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
