Finally H&M Romania 1 day away!!! [pic heavy]

Hello ladies!

Finally we're gonna have some H&M!!! Tomorrow is the opening of the first H&M store in Romania Hurraaay! Anyone going to the opening say I! :) I was pretty excited and tried to abstain myself from any shopping this month (hence the lack of shopping posts) in order to save my money for H&M. I was pretty successful in abstaining but, as i browsed today through the Romanian site, noticed that many articles that i have lusted over are not available for us  :((( Buuuummer! I thought that i wouldn't be able to choose what to buy and that my first desire would be to get everything. But it wasn't that way :(((and i was able to make a list with the things I'd like to get. Thought of sharing it with you:

yes...there are a lot of dresses, but they're nice, and the pants and skirts are not impressing at all

i need a hat :)))

And the things i actually hope to score tomorrow:
 These shorts remind me of a pair of scalloped shorts from Queens Wardrobe that i was drooling over for some time now, so when i saw them i immediately knew they had to be mine.

have i told you about my latest obsession with feathers? guess not, 
will leave it for the obsessions post i guess

And finally, i need your help: in order for me to have some money left to buy a pair of pants from Zara (because of course H&M doesn't have colored skinnies...grrr!!) i will be able to buy one of these rings.

I really like the golden and coral stone one, it reminds me of the YSL arty ring (by the color combination) and i have really been into golden accessories lately but the silver and turquoise one is perfect with a pair of earrings that i have. Sooo...which one do you like most????

In the end, will the girls going to (at least one of) the openings please stand up? ;) What would you buy from H&M? I'm really really curious ;;)

Photo credit: H&M Romania



Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. sambata poate !! e greu cu scoala asta:)) [sambata dim am partial] :)) daca mergi si sambata si scap si eu pana la 11 mergem in Afi? oricum sunt aproape, ajung repede de la scl:))

  2. Abia astept sa se deschida.Nu cred ca o sa am curajul sa merg la deschidere,banuiesc ca o sa fie foarte aglomerat. Imi plac mult cele 2 inele.

  3. @Iulia - V-au bagat sambata partial? Ce oameni! Dar ce ma mir :))... succes atunci sambata. Ce studenta studioasa esti :) (eu nu mergeam niciodata la partial). Eu incerc sa merg maine, sa vad ce-o fi

  4. @Andreea - eu am zis sa incerc. Doar inelele? :D

  5. Eu am fost azi la H&M! Si abia astept sa ma intorc, si reintorc iar si iar:))

  6. @Mika - felicitari atunci! Am vazut ca a fost deschiderea neoficiala ieri, poze ceva??

  7. nice follow :)

  8. @SupeficialBeauty - ma bucur ca iti place :)


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
