RO: Sper ca v-ati simtit bine la cumpana dintre ani, eu cu siguranta m-am simtit foarte bine iar astazi am gasit o combinatie intre timp si chef de scris pentru a va prezenta si voua produsele preferate in 2011.
A fost un an plin de descoperiri, am invatat o groaza de lucruri in materie de beauty si in acelasi timp am impartasit cu voi cateva din ele prin interemediul blogului. Am incercat muuuulte produse noi, unele m-au dezamagit, altele in schimb m-au facut sa ma gandesc cum de am stat atatia ani fara ele iar acum am sa incerc sa va prezuint pe scurt produsele mele preferate in anul ce a trecut, asa ca hai la treaba :)
Scroll mai jos ;;)
EN: I hope you had fun on the new year's eve, I certainly had and today I've found the perfect combinationa of spare time and urge to wright so thought about shouwing you my favorite products of 2011.
It had been a year of many discoveries, I've learned many new things, beauty wise and at the same time shared some of them with you throught the blog. I've tried maaany new products, some of them were disappointments and some of them made me think how I got through without them until now. So, you'll see here a brief description of the latter category so let's get to it, shall we? :)
I've used this product non-stop almost since receiving it in September, review here.
[De cand l-am primit in Septembrie am folosit acest produs aproape neincetat, puteti citi aici review-ul]
Also worth mentioning: Gliss Ultimate repair conditioner and hair mask and Ganier Naturals cranberry and argal oil conditioner.
[Alte produse demne de mentionat: balsamul si masca de par Gliss Ultimate Repair, balsamul Garnier Naturals cu merisoare si ulei de argan]
This hand cream is wonderful, really helpful during this cold times, if you're interested you can translate this review.
[Minunata crema de maini cu ulei de masline si catina de la Cosmetic Plant, mult timp a stat in wishlist, ma bucur ca in sfarsit am incercat-o. E un aliat bun impotriva mainilor uscate, mai ales acum iarna. Aici gasiti review-ul.]
I've never confessed to you my undying love for this body lotion, but I do love it. I've been using it for 4 years now, at one point it has been discontinued here in Romania and was forced to make my stock from foreign lands. I love the smell of vanilla and always carry this lotion in my bag ♥♥♥♥
[Nu v-am marturisit iubirea nemuritoare pentru aceasta lotiune de corp, dar o iubesc de mor. O folosesc de 4 ani deja, la un moment dat au scos-o din magazine la noi si am fost nevoita sa ma aprovizionez din tinuturi straine :D Ador mirosul de vanilie si permanent exista in geanta mea un flacon mic ce contine aceasta lotiune ♥♥♥♥]
Also worth mentioning: Fennel body butter (used them for many years) and Garnier Body Repair
[Alte produse demne de metnionat: unturile de corp Fennel (le folosesc de multi ani) si lotiune de corp Ganier Hidratare Intensiva]
Balea Biphasic eye make-up remover, now here's one of those products that made me think: "how the heck did I get by without it until now??". Great product, great price, brilliant make-up remover, waterproof or not.
[Demachiantul bifazic Balea este unul dintre acele produse care m-au facut sa ma gandesc: "cum de am rezistat pana acum fara el??". Un produs foarte bun la un pret foarte bun, este nemaipomenit pentru a indeparta machiajul, rezistent la apa sau nu.]
Micellar solutions, another great find in 2011, my recent one is from Bioderma, Sensibio H2O but for the most part of the year I've used one from Ivatherm, romanian brand.
[Solutiile micelare, o alta descoperire care m-a incantat, cea mai recenta fiind cea de la Bioderma, Sensibio H2O dar majoritatea anului am folosit-o pe cea de la Ivatherm.]
The Vichy Essentielles cleanser has been a favorite for some time now and I've been extremely pleased with it. Now I'm using a different cleanser, since I've wanted to try other new things, but I regret not buying the Vichy once again. You can find my review here.
[Spuma demachianta Vichy Essentielles a fost un produs pe care l-am folosit mult timp si am fost foarte multumita de el. Acum am trecut si incerc alta spuma demachianta. ca deh, am zis sa incerc si altceva dar in ultimul timp am inceput sa regret ca nu l-am recumparat. Puteti citi aici review-ul.]
Also worth mentioning: Cosmetic Plant cleanser with chamomille and the one with sea buckthorn and olive oil
[Alte produse demne de mentionat: demachiantele Cosmetic Plant cu musetel si catina si ulei de masline]
My sweet sweet almond oil, great moisturizer for dry skin, great against under-eye circles and also a great moisturizers for your cuticles :) A real great find, a product that I always have to have.
[Dulcele ulei de migdale dulci, hidrateaza pielea uscata, ajuta ameliorarea cearcanelor, bun si pentru cuticule. O mare descoperire pentru mine, a devenit un produs de care nu ma pot lipsi.]
[Alte produse demne de mentionat: crema hidratanta Gerovital Plant]
Elf quad in Brwonstone, highly used this year, actually the gold color is almost gone, that's how much I've used it. Also, I've been using the darker brown for my brows as well as the eyes, all in all, for me they've been great, they've stayed put though the entire day, not to mention the great price.
[Quad-ul Elf Brownstone, l-am folosit atat de mult incat auriul aproape l-am consumat, iar nuanta maro inchisa o folosesc atat pentru conturarea sprancenelor cat si la ochi, mie mi-au placut foarte mult si mi-au rezistat intreaga zi fara a se strange in pliu. Pentru 8 lei mi se par minunate.]
MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack, after many, many searches decided that it would be a great investement. I just love gel eyeliners, for eyeliner clumsy me is the perfect thing.
[Tusul gel MAC Fluidline in nuanta Blacktrack. Dupa multe cautari m-am hotarat ca ar fi o investoitie foarte buna, mi s-a parut geniala ideea de tus sub forma de gel, mai ales pentru o persoama cu doua maini stangi, asa ca mine :)]
Farmasi True Color lipstick in no.7, gorgeous coral color, I rocked this color all spring and summer, swatch and review here.
[Rujul Farmasi True Color nr. 7, un corai superb pe care l-am purtat neincetat in primavara si vara, Swatch si review aici.]
Oriflame Silky Kiss in Burgundy Taffeta has been my to go color this autumn and winter, I just love the color. I have all the pics for a swatch and review, I just have to write it...bummer :))
[Rujul Oriflame Silky Kiss in nuanta Burgundy Taffeta a fost pe departe preferatul meu in perioada asta mai rece, ador culoarea. Am poze pentru rreview si swatch, doar mai trebuie sa scriu postarea, ce pacat ca nu se scrie singura :))]
Oh, gosh, Colorstay, by far a favorite when it comes to foundation, the other brands I've tried didn't come close to it (true I haven't tried any high-end products, but the ones in the price range surely are not even close). It has been featured many times in my monthly favorites and I've written a little about my experience here.
[Mda, pe departe preferatul meu cand vine vorba de fond de ten, ce am mai incercat nici nu s-a apropiat de rezultatele pe care le am cu el (ce-i drept nu am incercat produse foarte scumpe dar cele din aceeasi gama de pret clar nu se apropie). De multe ori l-ati regasit printre preferatele lunii si am scris putin despre experienta mea cu el aici.]
Sleek palettes, need I say more? Google them for reviews and you'll see why they're here :P
[Paletele Sleek, nu cred ca mai trebuie sa zic nimic. Cu un simplu search pe google pentru swatch-uri si review-uri veti intelege de ce zic asta :P]
Also worth mentioning: Farmasi Gleam Rouge no.6 (swatch and review coming) and L'Oreal Glam Shine 6h in Cinnamon addict (also coming soon)
[Alte produse demne de mentionat: Farmasi Gleam Rouge nr. 6 (swatch si review in curand) si L'Oreal Glam Shine 6h Cinnamon addict (la fel)]
My first 2 Sigma brushes: F80 and E25. The F80 is simply fabulous, I've used it for everything from applying liquid foundation to contouring my face, buffing and blending, it's a great brush. As for the little E25, it's my to go blending brush and it's the perfect size for my little eyes. More about it here.
[Primele mele pensule Sigma: F80 si E25. F80-ul este de-a dreptul minunata, am folosit-o in atatea moduri, de la aplicarea fondului de ten lishid pana la conturarea fetei, blending, e o pensula nemaipomenita. Iar E25-ul este pensula la care apelez mereu in materie de blending si e perfecta pentru ochii mei mici. Mai multe puteti citi si aici.]
Golden Rose no. 186
I haven't done a NOTD with it but here it is on my nails, taupes have been a huuge obsession last winter and this is also a perfect dupe for an OPI taupe (can't remember which one because the article is no longer available :(()
[Desi nu am apucat sa v-o arat pe blog, iat-o pe unghii, am fost de-a dreptul obsedata de culoare iarna trecuta si am purtat-o non-stop, unde mai pui ca este si dupe pentru un taupe OPI, nu-mi aduc aminte care exact iar Shopperita si-a sters blogul :(((( (la ea am descoperit asta)]
Love the first 4 colors ♥
foarte frumos facute poze! Pupici!!
ReplyDeletece poze frumoase X:
ReplyDeleteMultumesc fetelor, permanent incerc sa imbunatatesc pozele si ma bucur ca va plac :) Pupici
ReplyDeleteCe bine arata lotiunea de corp de la The Body Shop :X.
ReplyDeleteSi mie mi-au placut in anul 2011 multe produse prezentate mai sus.
@Iulia - trebuie s-o mirosi :X:X:X
ReplyDeleteCrema de corp de la Cosmetics plant am si eu. E foarte buna si e si ieftina
ReplyDelete@Immunaid - ce crema de corp de la CP folosesti? Cea de sus este cea pentru maini :)
ReplyDeleteI love nail polishes, and the ones you have here appear to be so thick and shiny -- really cool! (:
ReplyDeletecrema de maini de la CP o am si eu si e foartee buna!:x