This is a thank you

Hello ladies!

RO: Pe 11 ianuarie 2010, cu mari emotii, am publicat prima mea postare pe blog, fara prea multe asteptari, dar multe sperante si atat m-am bucurat in momentul in care am vazut primul follower, cu siguranta cele care aveti blog stiti la ce ma refer, apoi primele comentarii. Vreau sa va multumesc din tot sufletul celor care ma cititi, lasati comentarii, sper ca ati gasit informatii folositoare si ca nu v-am plictisit prea mult :))

Ah, si cat de curand voi veni si cu surprize (voiam sa dau drumul inca de la inceputul saptamanii dar nu am avut timp sa ma ocup de tot asa ca lasam pe saptamana care vine :P) pentru ca nu se poate sa trecem asa fara sa sarbatoresc putin :D

EN: It was January 11th when I anxiously published my first post, without many expectations but with great hope and the joy I experienced when I got my first follower was indescribable, those of you with blogs know what I'm talking about, and then the first comments. It's been truly a joy ride and I want to thank all of you who read me, comment and hope that you've found useful information and I didn't bore you too much :))

Oh, and pretty soon enough I'll have some surprises for you (was planning in reavealing on Monday but because of the lack of time they've been delayed for next week) because of course I couldn't just let the anniversary go by without a little celebration :D


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Felicitari si la multi ani! Sa ai numai satisfactii si bucurii de la blogul asta si sa ne incanti cat mai mult cu lucruri interesante! Kisses :*

  2. La multi ani blogului tau! Tie iti doresc multa inspiratie si timp sa te ocupi de el asa cum ai facut-o pana acum.
    Te pup!

  3. Va mutumesc pentru urari, va pup pe amandoua :*:*

  4. La multi ani si la multi cititori!


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
