RO: Acum ceva timp am fost contactata de cei de la Diva Hair si mi s-a oferit oportunitatea de a testa un produs Oyster, marca de produse pentru par din Italia, destul de noi pe piata noastra.
Daca doriti sa aflati mai multe despre acest brand, puteti citi acest articol, iar pentru a vedea toate produsele Oyster, puteti accesa site-ul lor: http://www.oystercosmetics.it. Daca ati fost cumva la expozitia Cosmetics Beauty Hair de la Romexpo ce s-a tinut acum 1 luna, cei de la Diva Hair au avut stand cu produsele Oyster iar fetele de la stand au fost foarte dragute si mi-au prezentat cateva produse potrivite parului meu .
De colaborarea cu Cristina si, implicit, Diva Hair nu am decat cuvinte de lauda, s-a tinut cont de tipul meu de par in alegerea produsului, chiar mi s-a oferit si sansa de a-mi exprima eventuale preferinte. Dar cum produsul care mi-a fost propus m-a incantat foarte mult si cum era ceva ce eu cautam de mult, nu a mai fost cazul.
Dar acum sa va povestesc si voua despre acest balsam si cum m-am impacat eu cu el in tot acest timp. Face parte din linia de profesionala de produse Oyster (eu au si produse mass market dar pe acestea nu le gasiti la noi), gama Extra Care si este bazat pe un complex de minerale.
Descrierea produselor:
Toate tipurile de par
Hidrateaza parul fara a-l incarca iar complexul de minerale printre care siliciu, magneziu, cupru, fier si zinc repara firele de par pana la radacina. Keratina lichida ofera volum iar filtrele solare ofera protectie impotriva agentilor externi.
Par stralucitor, cu volum si fin.
Ingrediente active
Apoasa, dupa cum se poate si observa in poza.
Mod de utilizare
Se aplica pe parul pre-spalat si uscat in prosop. Aplicati pe toata lungimea firelor de par, pana la varfuri (evitati sa aplicati la radina) o cantitate proportionala cu volumul parului. Masati, pieptanati si nu clatiti, apoi puteti trece la aranjarea parului.
Cantitate 150 ml
Unde cumpar: urmatoarele saloane din Bucuresti Gout Style, Dimisian, Baroque, Api Estetic, Asal, Blue Spa, Salon Madame, Lady Ann, Scorpion, Blue Effect, Ellia, La Rouch, Belle Sophia, Hair Wellness and More, Ina Style, Daryo
Valabilitate 12 luni
Quick pros and cons:+ textura usoara
+ atomizor pentru usurarea aplicarii
+ are filtru solar
+ keratina lichida pentru volum
+ ajuta la descalcirea parului
-> Textura apoasa si ambalajul cu atomizor usureaza folosirea balsamului si economisirea timpului. Imi place ca in 2 timpi si 3 miscari am pulverizat produsul in tot parul, masez un pic si gata. Cred ca acest lucru este foarte folositor celor cu par lung, tin minte ca pierdeam destul timp cu ingrijirea parului si nu imi placea deloc sa stau atata timp doar pentru a-l sampona, apoi aplicarea balsamului etc.
-> Mirosul mie imi aduce aminte de unul barbatesc, dar mie imi place si oricum nu mi s-a parut a fi unul puternic si nici persistent. Pentru mine clar e un pro, dar poate altele il vad ca un con.
-> Am verificat ingredientele si nu sunt din cele mai "user friendly", nu e nimic alarmant in prima parte a listei, dar nici nu abunda ingredientele bune, iar in coada listei sunt destuli iritanti. Nu am pus acest aspect la minusuri pentru ca este vorba de par, si nu stiu in ce masura afecteaza aceste ingrediente firul de par (tin cont si de faptul ca acest produs nu trebuie sa ajunga prin apropierea scalpului), atata timp cat nu exista alcool care sa-l deshidrateze e ok, din punctul meu de vedere. Daca am fi vorbit de ceva pentru piele ar fi fost cu totul alta poveste. In plus, nu am gasit nicaieri in lista de ingrediente cupru, zinc sau magneziu, ingrediente precizate in descrierea produsului ca facand parte din acel complex de minerale. Am identificat si filtrul solar (BENZOPHENONE-9), este totusi unul care nu protejeaza impotriva spectrului complet daaar, vorbind de par, mie mi se pare bine ca macar exista si acel filtru solar.
-> Astept ca orice balsam as folosi, acesta sa ma ajute cu parul meu care se incurca foarte usor. Avand par moale si cu fire subtiri, doar sa bata alizeul iar parul meu este deja incurcat, chiar si asa scurt cum il am eu in momentul de fata. Daca aplic balsamul, se schimba total situatia, nu se mai incurca nici pe departe atat de usor si nici atat de rau.
-> Dupa ce aplic balsamul, parul capata un aspect foarte frumos, stralucitor, se aseaza foarte frumos dupa ce il aranjez si chiar cand nu il aranjez. Chiar daca il las cu buclele naturale, acestea se aseaza foarte frumos si stau foarte bine.
-> Desi s-a intamplat sa aplic ceva mai mult produs decat era nevoie, dupa ce s-a uscat, parul nu a avut un aspect imbacsit si nici nu mi s-a ingrasat mai repede.
-> Multumita si keratinei lichide din compozitie, volumul parului se mentine mult mai bine. In cazul meu, parul sta bine in prima zi, dar dupa o noapte de somn e la loc turtit, fara pic de volum. In schimb, daca usuc parul si ofer volum, acel volum se mentine si a doua zi, si a treia.
De cand am primit acest balsam l-am folosit doar pe el pentru ca pot sa-l aplic imediat si pentru ca imi si protejez parul cat de cat. Per ansamplu, imi place foarte mult, unde mai pui ca imbina proprietatile keratinei lichide cu cele ale unui balsam la care mai adaugi si protectia solara. Ce ai putea sa ceri mai mult de la un balsam? Eu, nimic.
EN: Some time ago I was contacted by Diva Hair and offered the opportunity to test an Oyster product, italian brand of hair products, fairly new here.
If you'd like to know more about the brand, you can read this article, and for all the Oyster products, you can access their website: http://www.oystercosmetics.it. I already had had the chance to familiarize myself with the products at the Cosmetics Beauty Hair expo, back in September, where Diva Hair brought the products and the girls there were very nice and extremly helpful in telling me a little about some products for my hair type.
Of my collaboration with Cristina, and Diva Hair, I have only good words, my hair type was taken into account when choosing a product from me and I had the possibility of expressing any preference I may have in the type of product to test. But since I was very happy with the product chosen for me there was no need for that.
And now let me tell you about this conditioner and about my experience using it. It is part of the professional line by Oyster (they also have mass market products, sadly, not available in Romania), the Extra Care line and based om a mineral complex.
Product description:
Hair type
All hair types.
Moisturizes without weighing down and thanks to the high-performing mineral-complex based on Silicon, Magnesium, Copper, Iron and Zinc, it restores hair structure up to the roots. The action of Keratin endows full body and volume and the sun filters protect hair from the actions of atmospheric agents.
Moisturizes without weighing down and thanks to the high-performing mineral-complex based on Silicon, Magnesium, Copper, Iron and Zinc, it restores hair structure up to the roots. The action of Keratin endows full body and volume and the sun filters protect hair from the actions of atmospheric agents.
Shiny, full of volume and silky smooth hair
Active ingredient
Water-y, as you can see in the picture above
Water-y, as you can see in the picture above
Apply on pre-washed, towel-dried hair, applying onto the entire hair length and ends, avoiding the roots, using a quantity proportional to hair mass. Massage, comb and do not rinse. Proceed with hair styling.
Size 150 ml
Where to buy: For Bucharest, here is a list of beauty salons that sell Oyster: Gout Style, Dimisian, Baroque, Api Estetic, Asal, Blue Spa, Salon Madame, Lady Ann, Scorpion, Blue Effect, Ellia, La Rouch, Belle Sophia, Hair Wellness and More, Ina Style, Daryo. As for other areas, I tried to find some information but didn't get anywhere :(
Where to buy: For Bucharest, here is a list of beauty salons that sell Oyster: Gout Style, Dimisian, Baroque, Api Estetic, Asal, Blue Spa, Salon Madame, Lady Ann, Scorpion, Blue Effect, Ellia, La Rouch, Belle Sophia, Hair Wellness and More, Ina Style, Daryo. As for other areas, I tried to find some information but didn't get anywhere :(
Validity 12 months
Quick pros and cons:
+ the light texture
+ the pulverizer to ease application
+ it has SPF
+ liquid keratin for volume
+ good for untangling hair
-> The water-y texture and pulverizer ease the use of the conditioner and ensure time savings. I like that I can be done with it in no time, just spray on the product, massage and all done. I think this aspect is particularly useful for those with longer hair, I remember very well the amount of time spent on just shampooing, conditioning etc
-> The smell reminds me of a manly one but personally, I kind of like it and besides, it isn't a strong or persistent one.
-> I checked the ingredients and they're not the most user friendly ones, but neither in the bad category, no red flags for the first part of the ingredients list but it's not an abundance of good ingredients either. I didn't include this aspect in cons because we're talking about hair (taking into account the fact that this product is not intended to go near the scalp), I don't know how much those ingredients affect it, as long as it's not alcohol to dehydrate it, it's ok by me. If we would be talking about a skin products it would've been a whole other story. I also managed to identify the solar filter, it doesn't provide full UVA spectrum protection but since we're talking about hair, I think it's a good thing that at least there is a solar filter.
-> Any conditioner I may use, I expect it to help me with my tangled hair. Being the proud owner of thin and soft hair, the slightest breeze can tangle it even as short as I now have it. But after applying this conditioner, things change significantly, my hair doesn't tangle as easily and as bad.
-> After applying the conditioner and drying my hair, it looks very smooth and shiny. The curls look tamed and nice, no frizziness either.
-> I did involuntarily applied more product than needed and even so, my hair didn't look oily or get so sooner than normal.
-> Thanks to the liquid keratin, the hair maintains its volume better. In my case, the hair would look great for the first day but after a night of sleep it would lose all its volume. If I blow dry my hair and give it volume, that volume will last all through the second day, the third day
Overall, I love this product, I couldn't find anything to complain about it, I think it's a great product and I love the fact that combines the perks of liquid keratin with the ones of a conditioner and also protection from the elements. What else could you expect more from a conditioner? Me, nothing.
Quick pros and cons:
+ the light texture
+ the pulverizer to ease application
+ it has SPF
+ liquid keratin for volume
+ good for untangling hair
-> The water-y texture and pulverizer ease the use of the conditioner and ensure time savings. I like that I can be done with it in no time, just spray on the product, massage and all done. I think this aspect is particularly useful for those with longer hair, I remember very well the amount of time spent on just shampooing, conditioning etc
-> The smell reminds me of a manly one but personally, I kind of like it and besides, it isn't a strong or persistent one.
-> I checked the ingredients and they're not the most user friendly ones, but neither in the bad category, no red flags for the first part of the ingredients list but it's not an abundance of good ingredients either. I didn't include this aspect in cons because we're talking about hair (taking into account the fact that this product is not intended to go near the scalp), I don't know how much those ingredients affect it, as long as it's not alcohol to dehydrate it, it's ok by me. If we would be talking about a skin products it would've been a whole other story. I also managed to identify the solar filter, it doesn't provide full UVA spectrum protection but since we're talking about hair, I think it's a good thing that at least there is a solar filter.
-> Any conditioner I may use, I expect it to help me with my tangled hair. Being the proud owner of thin and soft hair, the slightest breeze can tangle it even as short as I now have it. But after applying this conditioner, things change significantly, my hair doesn't tangle as easily and as bad.
-> After applying the conditioner and drying my hair, it looks very smooth and shiny. The curls look tamed and nice, no frizziness either.
-> I did involuntarily applied more product than needed and even so, my hair didn't look oily or get so sooner than normal.
-> Thanks to the liquid keratin, the hair maintains its volume better. In my case, the hair would look great for the first day but after a night of sleep it would lose all its volume. If I blow dry my hair and give it volume, that volume will last all through the second day, the third day
Overall, I love this product, I couldn't find anything to complain about it, I think it's a great product and I love the fact that combines the perks of liquid keratin with the ones of a conditioner and also protection from the elements. What else could you expect more from a conditioner? Me, nothing.
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