
RO: Iar am lipsit, dar voi stiti ca nu as lipsi fara un motiv intemeiat, nu-i asa? Cum sa las eu bloguletul de izbeliste, fara un bun motiv. Pei, pentru inceput, weekend-ul l-am petrecut la tata, unde nu am acces decat la un net Vodafone 3G de toata jena, chiar nu suport sa stau si sa scriu in conditiile alea, plus ca asa am mai stat si cu tata, daca el tot pleaca asa cate 2 saptamani, abi apuc sa-l mai vad si eu. Alt motiv ar fi ca am avut treaba cu micul meu proiect despre care v-am zis aici, e terminat si gata de expediat in cateva zile. Sambata am fost si am facut o verificare finala a ansamblului, totul merge cum trebuie, iar incepand din Noiembrie, Institutul Pasteur din Noumea, Noua Caledonia va "gazdui" primul meu proiect de automatizare. Sunt foarte, foarte mandra! Si imi aduc aminte de o intamlare, acum 1 an, 2, la un targ de joburi, din greseala am intrebat la alta firma daca au posturi de automatizare, la care o fufa de la HR (nu ma intelegeti gresit, nu am nimic impotriva persoanelor competente ce luecreaza in domeniul HR, dar sunt si multe fatuci pe dinafara) incepe sa-mi spuna ca n-o sa gasesc posturi in automatizare, ca prietenul ei a terminat Automatica si nu lucreaza in domeniu. Bleah! Intotdeauna mi se face scarba cand imi aduc aminte de ea si de remarcile ei gratuite.
O sa mai lipsesc cateva zile, acum ma straduiesc sa-mi indeplinesc un vis, daca e posibil. S-a ivit o oportunitate, nimic sigur insa, dar trebuie sa ma documentez destul de mult si vreau sa fiu pregatita :) Am prin drafts articole care asteapta sa fie terminate, plus idei ce trebuie asternute in noi drafturi, imi trebuie doar timp sa ma ocup de ele.
Acum sa revenim, nu mai bat campii, stiu ca pe voi va intereseaza care au fost preferatele mele in August. Ce zboara timpul! In fiecare luna ma surprinde acest aspect: "Se pare ca e timpul pentru postarea cu preferatele lunii. Cum? Deja?" Ca de obicei exista si produse "veterane" dar e mereu loc si pentru produse noi.
Kallos sampon pentru par uscat si degradat
Nu am apucat sa-l folosesc decat putin peste jumatate de luna dar mi-a placut atat cat sa-l includ aici.
Gliss Ultimate Repair balsam de par
Tot un produs folosit cam jumate de luna, dar mi-a facut o impresie buna.
Gliss Ultimate Repair masca de par
Stiti ce imi place cel mai mult la aceasta masca? Nu trebuie sa stau cu ea in par decat 1 minut. Nu-mi
place cand trebuie sa stau cate 30 de minute cu o masca in par, dar o fac, pentru par.
Totusi in ultimmul timp am scapat de asta :D
place cand trebuie sa stau cate 30 de minute cu o masca in par, dar o fac, pentru par.
Totusi in ultimmul timp am scapat de asta :D
Iwostin Hydratia crema de fata cu ceramide
Nu ma pot abtine, imi place, mi s-a parut perfecta pt vara.
Cosmetic Plant crema de gommage cu galbenele
Am terminat un borcanel, nu am mai folosit-o un timp, am vazut consecintele (pe nas) si am luat alta
Me Me Me Pussy Cat lip and cheek tint
Nu ma mai satur de el, cum va ziceam si aici, nu plec de acasa fara el.
Technic Hide it! paleta corectoare
Am in drafts pregatit postul pentru paleta, doar trebuie terminat. Mi-au placut si am folosit in special
nuantele galben si roz (nude).
Sigma F80 flat top kabuki
E minunata pensula asta, ce sa mai zic. Inca nu am scris niciun review pt ea deoarece inca nu am folosit-o pentru a aplica fondul de ten. Dar in rest, am folosit-o pt a aplica pudra, blush, blending si imi place foarte
Rimmel Extra Wow Lash mascara
Initial m-a cam dezamagit, dar dupa ce m-am obisnuit cu ea mi-a placut, l-am aplicat intr-un strat cand
am vrut ceva natural, si in 2 cand am vrut ceva mai dramatic.
Rimmel Extra Wow Lash mascara
Initial m-a cam dezamagit, dar dupa ce m-am obisnuit cu ea mi-a placut, l-am aplicat intr-un strat cand
am vrut ceva natural, si in 2 cand am vrut ceva mai dramatic.
Rimmel I ♥ Lasting Finish in Apricot punch
O puteti vedea pe ungii aici, am purtat-o in disperare in August
Rimmel I ♥ Lasting Finish in Misty jade
Desi este o oja dificila, si nu prea buna, imi place atat de mult culoarea incat, pentru mine compenseaza neajunsurile. O puteti vedea pe unghii aici.
Nicole by OPI Step 2 the beat of my ♥
Imi place foarte mult sa mai adaug cate o inimioara pe unghii, o puteti vedea pe unghii aici.
Care au fost produsele voastre preferate in August?Nicole by OPI Step 2 the beat of my ♥
Imi place foarte mult sa mai adaug cate o inimioara pe unghii, o puteti vedea pe unghii aici.
EN: Yes, I've been missing again, but you know it's for a good reason, don't you? I wouldn't leave the little blog, all unattended for no good reason. Well, for one, I was at my dad, and I only have access to a shitty Vodafone 3G modem, I really don't stand writing in those conditions, plus, I spent a little time with daddy, since he's been away for 2 weeks at the time, I barely get to see him. And the other reason, well, you know I told about my little project. It's finished and ready for shipping in a few days. On Saturday I went to check it out and do some final checks, all seems fine and starting November, the Pasteur Institute in Noumea, New Caledonia will have my first automation project. I am very, very proud! I remember going to a jobs fair and mistakingly asking at another firm if they had posts for automation. A HR bimbo (don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against competent HR people, but there are a lot of bimbos working in HR) told me that I won't find a job in automation, that her boyfriend finished Automation and applied informatics (basically the same as me) but didn't work in the field. Bleah! It always makes me sick when I think of her remarks.
I'll be missing a few more days, now I'm scrambling to make one of my dreams come true, if possible. An opportunity has come up, nothing sure, but it involves some research on my part and I want to be ready :) I do have a lot of drafts and ideas, I just have to get around and finish them/start to write them down.
Now, back to the point, no more babbling around, I know you're interested more in my faves for August. Man, does time fly! It always amazes me, month after month: "Hey, it's time to do a faves post. Really, already?" As usual a lot "veteran" products, but there's always space for some new-comers.
Kallos shampoo for dry and sensitive hair
I only got to use it for a little over half a month but I liked it that much and included it in this post
Gliss Ultimate Repair conditioner
Again, a product used just for one half of the month, but very good first impression and
Gliss Ultimate Repair hait mask
Well, let me tell you the main reason I like this mask: you only have to keep it 1 minute in your hair. I
really don't like it when I have to stay 30 minutes with a mask in my hair, but I do it, for the hair.
Although, not lately :D
really don't like it when I have to stay 30 minutes with a mask in my hair, but I do it, for the hair.
Although, not lately :D
Iwostin Hydratia face cream with ceramides
I can't help it, I like it, perfect for summer
Cosmetic Plant gommage cream with marigold
I finished one, didn't use it for a while, saw the consequences (on my nose :P), went quickly
and bought another one.
Me Me Me Pussy Cat lip and cheek tint
I am in love with it, like I said here, never leave home without it.
Technic Hide it! concealer palette
I have the draft for the overview of the palette just sitting there, waiting to be finished. I especially
liked and used the yellow and pink (nude) tones.
Sigma F80 flat top kabuki
This brush is amazing and I can't get enough of it. I haven't written a review for it yet because I
haven't tried to apply foundation with it, yet. But otherwise, for powder, blending, blush,
been there, done that and loved it!
Rimmel Extra Wow Lash mascara
Initially, the mascara disappointed me, but as I got used to it I began to like. Applied it in 1
layer for a more natural look and in 2 for a more dramatic one.
haven't tried to apply foundation with it, yet. But otherwise, for powder, blending, blush,
been there, done that and loved it!
Rimmel Extra Wow Lash mascara
Initially, the mascara disappointed me, but as I got used to it I began to like. Applied it in 1
layer for a more natural look and in 2 for a more dramatic one.
Rimmel I ♥ Lasting Finish in Apricot punch
See it here, worn it a lot this past month.
Rimmel I ♥ Lasting Finish in Misty jade
See it here, though it's a difficult and not so good nail polish, the color makes up for it, in my opinion.
Tell about your August favorite products.
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