At the moment, my hair looks like this, au naturelle :)
[Asa arata parul meu, in poze nu e aranjat in niciun fel]
Some extra pics, with my bf's mom hair
[Cateva poze in plus, si cu parul mamei lui]
Daca nu ati apucat sa cititi detaliile despre gama Gliss Ultimate Repair, le gasiti aici, si daca va vreti sa aflati ce asteptari am de la un sampon, gasiti aici articolul. Acum ma voi referi strict la experientele, mea si a mamei prietenului meu , cu samponul. Asa ca hai sa incepem:
Quick pros and cons:
+ miros nemaipomenit
+ nu agrseaza parul
+ nu mi-a ingrasat parul mai repede
+ mai putin par rupt
- mie mi-a cauzat matreata
Experienta mea:
Aruncand o scurta privire asupra aspectului egeneral al liniei, imi place mult ambalajul, elegant, imi place combinatia de negru cu auriu. Mirosul, este superb, dulce, dar imi place, mi se pare ca seamana mult cu parfumul Enigma de la Oriflame, daca il stiti si ce imi place si mai mult e ca mirosul persista si ramane chiar si dupa uscarea parului.
Prima oara cand m-am spalat cu acest sampon, am fost nevoita sa folosesc doar apa rece. Am ramas debusolata cand am observat, dupa samponare, ca parul se simtea ca dupa ce am aplicat balsam (m-am si uitat pe ambalaj, sa verific daca eu ma spalasem cu sampunul sau balsamul :D ). De altfel, a fost si mai greu sa clatesc parul bine, si chiar nu cred ca l-am clatit destul atunci. Dar pana la urma a fost bine, nu mi-a incarcat parul.
In general, samponul spala bine dar fara sa obtii acel scartait de par curat cum e in cazul altor sampoane. De fapt, parul devine moale si il simti exact ca dupa ce aplici balsamul, deci e destul de bland cu parul. Face multa spuma si nu trebuie sa folosesti foarte mult produs la o spalare. Cat timp am folosit samponul chiar s-a simtit diferenta la cat par lasam "in urma mea" (am un laptop alb la care imi petrec mare parte a zilei si in momentul in acre dau cu mana prin par se vede imediat pe laptop) si trebuie sa va spun ceva despre parul meu: in fiecare an, in perioada asta, ca dupa un ceas intern, incep sa "naparlesc". Da puteti sa radeti, dar va zic , in fiecare an, prin septembrie imi cade mai mult par decat in mod obisnuit. Dar folosind samponul, am observat ca nu s-a intamplat asa si anul acesta. Am fost multumita de asemenea si de aspectul parului, e intr-adevar mai stralucitor, buclele se asezau frumos, a fost un pic electrizat, dar putin :)
Dar...din mare trsitete in suflet...a trebuit sa renunt la folosirea samponului pentru ca am fcaut matreata, nu am multe asteptari de la un sampon in general dar matreata e ceva ce nu pot accepta. Nu am folosit niciun alt sampon (iar cel folosit inainte nu mi-a creat probleme, plus ca matreata nu a aparut imediat dupa prima spalare), nu am folosit nici macar foenul pentru a-mi usca parul, nu am schimbat nimic in dieta, deci sunt sigura ca este de la sampon. Si nu sunt singura care a intampinat aceasta problema cu samponul. Citind alte recenzii unde blogger-itele ziceau ca au facut matreata eu ma gandeam:"o, ce bine ca eu nu am facut matreata de la el, cu tot cu parul meu sensibil, ce noroc pe mine". Eh, nu am fost chiar atat de norocoasa.
E pentru a doua oara cand incerc un sampon de reparare si intampin exact aceeasi problema, matreata. Din acest motiv, samponul este unul din produsele pe care le schimb foarte greu, doar in momentul in care parul meu nu se mai impaca cu el.
Experienta mamei prietenului meu:
V-am zis ca nu voi fi singura care incearca samponul. In plus, in momentul in care am aplicat pentru campanie, ea a fost un factor important in decizia de a participa pentru ca stiu ca nu e multumita de parul ei. Dupa multi ani de par vopsit blond, mereu folosind foenul, stil de viata incarcat, parul ei avea nevoie de ceva mai multa atentie. Deci m-am gandit ca produsele ar fi perfecte pentru ea.
Si a fost foarte bine. O scurta descriere a parului ei ar fi: uscat, degradat, pe care il spala o data pe saptamana, fire groase si mai aspre, fara probleme cu matreata.
Ei bine, i-a placut foarte mult samponul, si a observat imbunatatiri la par: mai putine fire rupte, aspectul general este unul mai bun, eu as adauga chiar si ca are mai mult volum (observatia imi apartine :D), mai stralucitor nu stiu daca e (n-am intrebat, am uitat, uff, poate fac si niste poze). In principiu, au fost aceleasi rezultate ca la mine, mai putin partea neplacuta cu matreata.
Bineinteles ca nu putem observa daca exista modificari in interiorul firului de par, la nivel molecular, ne putem doar exprima parerea despre aspectul exterior. Si chiar daca nu se repara firul la interior, este perfect de folosit pentru a-i da un aspect mai frumos, in timp ce incercam sa facem schimbarile necesare astfel incat firele care se regenereaza sa fie cat mai sanatoase. Unde mai adaug ca te poti baza pe el si in cazul in care vrei un sampon bland.
Eu nu voi cumpara samponul, am revenit la cel pe care il foloseam inainte sa inceapa campania dar mama prietenului meu cu siguranta il va cumpara. Eu sunt fericita ca l-a folosit si a fost multumita de el.
EN: I was planing on doing the review much earlier because I have not used the shampoo in a week but I did stall in order to get some more insight and of course was busy with my little project but here it is, pictures and all, the review for Gliss shampoo I received as part of the latest Trender W(ord)O(f)M(outh) campaign.
If you missed the first part of the review, you can check it here and read here about my expectations with any shampoo. Now, I will be talking only about my and my boyfriend's mom experience with the product. So, let's begin:
Quick pros and cons:
+ great smell
+ gentle with hair
+ hair didn't get oily sooner than normal
+ less torn hair
- dandruff, in my case
My experience:
A quick look at the general aspect of the prodct starting with the packaging, very classy in my opinion, love the black and gold combo. The smell is divine, sweet but I love it, reminds me o the perfume Enigma from Oriflame, I think their very similar. In any case, it's a nice feeling to wash my hair and feel the lovely perfume, not to mention that the smell persists even after drying your hair.
The first time I washed my hair I had to do it using cold water, and I was puzzled by the conditioner-like texture of the shampoo (I even checked the label, in order to be sure that I washed my hair with the shampoo and not the conditioner). Also, it was rather hard for me to rinse well from my hair, and kind of I actually didn't. But, in the end. it was fine and my hair was clean and looked good.
In general, the shampoo washes your hair very well but you don't get that squicky clean sound you would get when washing with other shampoos. It also makes a lot of foam, so you won't use a lot of product when washing you hair. During the time I used the shampoo I did see the difference as to how much hair I was "leaving behind" (I have a white laptop and spend a lot of time at it, so whenever I would run the hand through my hair I'd notice every hair because they would fall onto the white keyboard) and let me tell you a little something about my hair: every year, around september, like clockwork I start "shedding". Yes, laugh if you want, but I'm telling you, every year around this time I lose more hair than usual, don't know why but while using the shampoo it was nothing like that. I was quite pleased with the aspect of my hair, it was shinier indeed, my curls looked good, a little bit of frizziness, but only a little :)
But... unfortunately... with great sadness in my heart...I had to stop using the shampoo because it caused me dandruff. I have some simple expectations from a shampoo and dandruff it's a big no-no for me and I guess for everybody else. Also, I didn't use any other shampoo (and I have been using the previous one for some time in order to be sure that it's not from it, plus it didn't appear right away after starting to use the Gliss shampoo), didn't even blow dry my hair, didn't change anything in my lifestyle, so I know for sure the shampoo was the cause. And I'm not the single one that had this problem with the shampoo. When reading other ladies sharing their experience, I was like: "oh, joy lucky me, with all my sensitive hair, this shampoo didn't cause me dandruff ". Not so lucky, after all :(.
It's the second time I try to use a repair shampoo and it had the same effect: dandruff. This is why the shampoo is among the products I use for many years before changing it.
My bf's mother experience:
I told you that I wouldn't be the only one testing the products. In fact, when applying for the campaign she was as big a factor in my decision because I knew she wasn't happy with her hair. After dying her hair blonde for many years, always using the blow dryer, busy lifestyle her hair is dry, damaged and in need of much TLC. So I figured, these products should be perfect for her.
And it a good match indeed. A quick description of her hair type would be: dry, damaged, she washes it once a week, thick and tough hairs, no problems with dandruff or anything else.
She loves the shampoo, she really does and has seen improvements with it. There are less torn hairs, her hair looks good, I would even say a little more volume as well (this is my observation :D), shinier, I don't know (uff, I forgot to ask, maybe I'll also add some pictures). Basically, the same things I said, just that she didn't have any problems with dandruff.
Of course, we can never know if the changes happen inside our hair follicles, we can only see the outside changes. And even if the repairing is not actually happening at the molecular level, it's a great way to keep your hair looking good and at the same time change our routine in order for it to grow healthier. You can also use it if you're looking for a gentle shampoo.
I will not be buying and using this shampoo but my boyfriend's mother surely will. I'm just glad that she got to use it and is pleased with the results.
Mie imi place foarte mult ambalajul, e asa classy. Am mai citit pe la fete ca lasa parul moale dupa spalare si chiar caut un sampon care sa faca asta, dar nici eu nu pot accepta matreata. Si cum si spus, nu esti singura careia i-a aparut...asa ca nu cred ca-l voi cumpara. Imi place parul tau, se vede ca ai firul mai gros si sanatos, nu ca al meu. :)
ReplyDelete@Blonde Kitten - firul meu e destul de subtire :) Imi pare rau daca asa pare in poze, dar el e de fapt subtire
ReplyDeletePai e bine ca iese asa in poze:D Mie una imi place cum meu e subtire si fara volum si se vede si in fotografii uneori ca are probleme.
ReplyDelete@Blonde Kitten - Mersi ;;) Eh, eu nu am observat la tine :D Si mare pacat ca e asa problematic samponul :(