Gliss Ultimate Repair conditioner and mask review
RO: Tocmai ce mi-am dat seama ca 14 inseamna sfarsitul campaniei Gliss asa ca m-am grabit sa termin si celelalte 2 review-uri. Nu mi s-a intamplat niciodata asta, sa ma trezesc in ultima zi asa nepregatita, ufff. Asa ca hai sa trecem la subiect.
Daca ati ratat articolul de prezentare a gamei de produse, il gasiti aici. Daca vrei sa aflati parerea mea despre sampon atat cat si poze cu parul meu, asa cum e acum, le gasiti aici.
Quick pros and cons:
+ miros superb
+ m-a ajutat cu parul incalcit
+ usor de clatit
+ lasa parul moale
+ nu ingrasa parul
- as fi vrut sa ma ajute mai mult cu parul meu carliontat
Ca sa-mi fie mai usor dar si tie, nu mai separ si bag la un loc si experienta mamei lui, sunt la fel, deci nu mai are rost.
E redundant, dar tot voi zice ca-mi place ambalajul, acelasi pentru toata gama, elegant. Din cate am vazut, Gliss nu duce lipsa de ambalaje frumoase :D Mirosul este acelasi ca in cazul samponului, ceea ce este bine, avand in vedere ca este un miros persistent, asa nu pui un anumit miros peste altul si le amesteci.
Dupa ce aplic balsamul, parul meu se piaptana mai usor si nu se mai incalceste atat de rau. Un par moale, ondulat si cu fire subtiri este reteta perfecta pentru a se incalci usor deci balsamul este un aliat de nadejde pentru mine. Un alt lucru care mi-a placut a fost faptul ca se clateste usor, chiar mai usor decat samponul desi de obicei te astepti sa fie invers.
Avand in vedere ca de 2 saptamani nu mai folosesc samponul, va pot spune ca si balsamul lasa parul moale fara a-l incarca si in principiu, nu pot ii pot gasi si aspecte negative desi mi-ar fi placut sa ma fi ajutat mai mult in ceea ce priveste parul carliontat.
Este un balsam bun, nu m-a dat pe spate dar il folosesc in continuare si poate il voi si cumpara (desi imi place sa variez balsamurile, din acest motiv nu pot spune cu siguranta, dar il voi avea in vedere). Mama lui a zis ca va cumpara balsamul dupa doar 2 folosiri, este foarte multumita de el.
Quick pros and cons:
+ miros placut
+ textura placuta
+ lasa parul moale
+ timp de actionare: 1 min
+ usor de clatit
+ nu mi-a ingrasat parul
Nu stiu de ce, dar imi este greu sa scriu un review pentru acest produs. Va pot spune despre aspectele exterioare, nu stiu ce altceva v-as mai putea spune.
Ambalajul, acelasi, mi-a placut textuta mult: in ambalaj este mai solida/vascoasa dar o data ce iei in palma cantitatea dorita, si o data ce o aplici in par, se topeste. pur si simplu. Este un avantaj pentru ca este usor sa iei cantitatea dorita de produs si totodata e usor de intins pe par.
Ce-mi place cel mai mult la masca asta de par este faptul ca nu trebuie s-o las mai mult de 1 minut (hai fie cateva :) ). Nu-mi place deloc atunci cand trebuie sa stau cate 30 de minute cu masca in par, dar o fac pentru par. Dar intotdeauna ma enerveaza, dar nu si cu masca asta de par, imi place ca o pot aplica si inlatura cat sunt inca in dus.
Alt lucru care mi-a placut este ca, desi am folosit aat balsamul cat si masca la fiecare spalare, nu mi-au incarcat parul, acesta nu s-a ingrasat mai repede decat in mod normal. In trecut, mereu ezitam sa folosesc ambele produse la o spalare tocmai din acest motiv, a fost prima oara cand am folosit balsam si masca la aceeasi spalare dar a fost ok.
Daca te grabesti sau doar nu-ti place sa stai cate 30 de minute cu masca in par, asa ca mine, asta e alternativa perfecta. Atat eu cat si mama lui, vom continua s-o folosim si presimt ca ea o va si cumpara.
EN: I just realized that the 14th is the final day of the Gliss campaign so I hurried up to work on the other 2 reviews I had pending. It never happened to me, to get to the last day so unprepared, ufff. So let's cut to the chase.
If you've missed the product overview, you can see it here. If you want to see my opinion on the shampoo and pictures of my hair, as it is now, check this link.
Quick pros and cons:
+ great smell
+ helped my always tangled hair
+ easy to rinse
+ leaves hair soft
+ hair didn't get oily sooner
- would have liked to help more with the frizzled hair
To make it easier for me and you, I'm telling you that the results were the same for me and for my bf's mom so no need to separate the 2 experiences and I'm also going to be breef.
So, again, the packaging, the same for the whole line of products, very classy. From what I've seen, Gliss is not lacking in great packaging :D The smell, is the same one as for the shampoo, which I find very good since it's so persistent.
After applying the conditioner, my hair would not be so tangled and also didn't tangle as much. Having thin and soft hairs, it's a perfect recipe for easily tangled hair so conditioner is really helpful. A thing that I liked very much was the fact that I could rinse it easily from my hair, actually it's way easier to rinse the conditioner than the shampoo when usually it's the other way around.
Since I am now using the conditioner without the shampoo I can tell you that the conditioner leaves your hair soft and very nice, it doesn't feel heavy on the hair and basically, I cannot find any flaws though I would have liked to help a little bit more with my frizzled hair, it wasn't quite the result I hoped for, but pretty close.
It's a good conditioner, it didn't blow me away though, I continue to use it and maybe I'll even go buy it (I do like to try out different conditioners, that's why I'm not sure if I am going to buy it again, but I will have it in mind, just in case). My bf's mom decided to buy the conditioner after just a couple of uses, she is very happy with it.
Quick pros and cons:
+ great smell
+ nice texture
+ leaves hair soft
+ 1 minute action time
+ easy to rinse
+ hair didn't get oily sooner
For whatever reason, it's very hard for me to review this product. I can tell all about the noticeable things, though I don't know what else I should tell you.
Great packaging, great smell again ofc, I like the texture very much: in the jar you can see it's more solid, but as soon as you get in your hands and hair it melts away. I like that because it's easy to get the ammount desired from the jar and then it's very easy to apply it on your hair.
The best thing about it, in my opinion, is the fact that you only have to leave it in your hair for 1 minute, which I find great. I really don't like keeping the hair mask for 30 minutes, but still do it though, for my hair. Still, always find that annoying, but not with this hair mask, it's a great thing to apply it and wash it off while still in the shower.
Another great fact is that, even though I used both the conditioner and hair mask, they didn't feel heavy on the hair, I didn't feel the need to wash it sooner because it was oily, so a great plus. In the past, I would always avoid using both these products of fear of being too much, this was the first time I did this but it was ok.
If you're in the hurry or just don't like keeping the hair mask for 30 minutes in the hair, like I do, this is a great alternative. We both (me and my bf's mom) will continue to use it and I have a feeling that she will buy this product as well.
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