NOTD: My little purple heart

Hello ladies!

the actual color in a little darker green than this one
culoarea reala a ojei este un verde putin mai inchis decat cel din poza

RO: M-am intors! Am lipsit mai mult decat anticipasem si imi dorisem, dar am facut ceva productiv. Avand in vedere ca nu am prea avut timp sa pregatesc ceva mai elaborat, va las din nou cu unghiile mele si voi incepe sa ma ocup de niste articole mai consistente.

Principala oja folosita pe unghii este Rimmel Misty Jade (pe care v-am mai aratat-o si aici) si am descoperit ca este o oja foarte capricioasa si am sa va explic. Trebuie sa fii foarte atenta cand o aplici ca sa nu te trezesti cu dungi (nici aplicatorul nu te ajuta, 2 straturi sunt obligatorii) si a doua zi dupa aplicare, s-a hotarat ca nu mai vrea sa stea pe 2 degete si a sarit. Chiar si timpul de uscare nu este unul prea mic. Ador culoarea, dar trebuie sa ai grija cu ea.

Si acum va arat cea mai noua oja din colectia mea (da, stiu. inca una, dar ce sa fac?): Step 2 The beat of my ♥, primita cadou de la mama prietenului meu. N-am apucat eu sa incerc OPI pana acum, dar macar am Nicole by OPI :D Lacul face parte din...wait for it...wait for it...colectia Justin Bieber, eh de fapt colectia se cheama The one less lonely girl si e in colaborare cu Justin Bieber, dar macar parte din profit se duce catre organizatia Pencils of promise, care construieste scoli in zone sarace.

Daca va intrebati unde exact pe unghii este, gasiti lacul pe inelar. Ideea e baza cu sclipiciul si inimioarele e foarte draguta si arata foarte bine in sticla dar este dificil sa scoti inimile din sticluta si mai dificil sa le aplici pe unghii. Si asta e motivul pentru care nu am folosit oja decat pe inelar pentru a plasa o singura inimoara mov. Dar am descoperit ca este foarte bun ca top coat, asa ca poate fi folosita asa iar particulele sclipitoare sunt mici si rare, abia se observa, trebuie sa te uiti atent. Am aplcat-o peste oja S-he, care este groaznica la capitolul rezistenta, a doua zi sare de pe unghii, dar cu lacul Nicole a rezistat 5 zile fara sa sara deloc.

Dar ce-mi place cel mai mult este aplicatorul: este pur si simplu perfect! Acoperire uniforma aproape instant.

EN: I'm baaack! Been missing more than I've anticipated and wanted but it has been productive, sort of speak. So, since I didn't quite have the time to prepare something more elaborate I'm leaving you my nails again and will begin to work on some consistent articles.

The main varnish used was my Rimmel Misty Jade (also shown here) and I found it to be very difficult. Let me elaborate on that: you have to be very careful when you apply it in order to avoid stripping (the applicator is not helpful either, 2 coats are mandatory) and it decided it won't stay put any longer on 2 of my fingers and chipped, the very next day after applying it. Even the drying time is a little long. I still love the color to death, but you have to be careful and again, the actual color

And now I present you my newest addition (yes, another nail polish, I know, but what can I do): Step 2 The beat of my ♥, received as a gift from his mother. I didn't get to try an OPI nail polish yet, but at least I now have a Nicole by OPI :D The color is part of...wait for it...wait for it...the Justin Bieber collection, well it's actually called The one less lonely girl collection and it's in collaboration with Justin Bieber, but I still find it funny. Though some of the profits go to the Pencils of promise organization.

If you're wondering where exactly on my nails is that nail polish, it's on the ring finger. The idea behind the glitter and little hearts is very nice, but it's very difficult to get the hearts out of the bottle and to place them on your nails. And this is why I only used it on one finger to place one little heart. But I found out that it acts very good as a top coat, so you can use it like that, the glitter being very subtle and you have to look closely to see it. I applied it on top of my S-he nail polish which is a terrible nail polish, chipping the next day after being applied, and it lasted about 5 days without any chipping.

But the thing I love most about this nail polish is the applicator: it's simply perfect. Perfect coverage almost instanly.



Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. si eu port acum misty jade :D ff frumoasa:D

  2. @Miha.ela - ma bucur ca iti plac :*

  3. @Dariaa - nu-i asa ca e superba nuanta? Dar nu pot s-o surprind de nicio culoare :P, si nici n-am vazut pe altcineva sa pozeze culoarea reala :(

  4. Ce draguta e oja cu inimioare... am avut si eu una asemenatoare some time ago, intr-adevar e cam greu de utilizat. Dar adorabila! :)

    S. - The Hearabouts

  5. @S - Da...e super draguta asa in sticla, dar nu ma las, cum zici tu, e adorabila :*


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