Me Me Me Pussy Cat tint swatch and overview

Hello ladies!

2 layers vs 1 layer

1 layer

2 layers (you see, that's what you get with chapped lips)

RO: Astazi va povestesc despre un produs dupa care am tanjit mult timp, de cand am citit pentru prima oara despre produs: lip/cheek tint. Dupa parerea mea, tipul asta de produse sun geniale si "kissing friendly", ceea ce un maare plus pentru mine :)

De cand am aflat de Benetint de la Benefit mi-am dorit asa ceva, dar momentan nu sunt dispusa sa dau atat cat costa Benetint asa ca am asteptat cumintica sa apara si alte variante. Si au aparut, din fericire :D

Prima varianta a fost sa cumpar cele doua nuante de la Oriflame, dintre toate variantele usor accesibile erau cat de cat apropiate ca idee de original (desi au scos produse asemanatoare si cei de la Max Factor si Astor, nu sunt destinate decat pentru buze, si nu au acel aplicator sub forma de pensula). Zis si facut, am gasit o reprezentanta, am comandat si apoi am asteptat, si am am mai asteptat ceva. Dupa 3 saptamani m-am dus sa intreb ce s-a intamplat cu comanda mea (a comandat la un stand din Obor, unde au si Avon), a zis ea ceva p-acolo, cert este ca nu erau produsele mele mult dorite. Pe scurt, uitandu-ma pe blogul Lianei, mi-au sarit ochii direct pe Me Me Me Pussy Cat lip/cheek tint si am sarit in sus de bucurie :) Dimineata am plasat comanda iar la ora 6 dupa-amiaza eram deja in posesia lui.

Din ce am citit, este un dupe foarte bun dupa Benetint (desi eu nu l-am testat inca), cert este ca de aratat, arata la fel, acelasi ambalaj, acelasi aplicator iar de cand am cumparat minunatia nu plec d-acasa fara ea.

Culoarea: trandafiriu, perfect atat pentru buze cat si pe post de blush
Textura: lichida, dar se absoarbe si nici nu-l mai simti
Pigmentare: treptata, daca vreti o culoare mai intensa, mai aplicati un strat
Blending: foarte usor, tamponati usor cu degetele
Rezistenta: nu s-a miscat de pe obraji pe tot parcursul zilei, dra pe buze, trebuie sa-l reaplicati cam o data la 2 ore
Rezultatul: un look proaspat cu "eforturi" minime
Partea proasta: atunci cand tamponati cu degetele, vi se vor colora si ele si am simtit ca imi usuca buzele, deci recomand sa-l aplicati dupa un balsam de buze. Ah, inca ceva, era sa uit, daca aveti buze crapate sau rani pe buze, se vor colora mai mult decat restul buzelor, deci trebuie sa aveti buze hidratate si lipsite de rani.
Partea buna: il pot saruta pe prietenul meu fara sa-i las urme de ruj (si stim ca barbatilor nu le place deloc sa fie sarutati cand avem ruj sau lip gloss pe buze) iar eu am o culoare pe buze, la care mai adaugi si faptul ca e foarte usor si rapid de folosit
Pretul: mult mai mic decat cel al Benetint, cam un sfert, iar eu l-am luat cu 10 lei parca
Asemanari: foarte multe, o sa incerc sa ma duc sa fac un swatch cu Benetint si apoi sa le fac o poza una langa alta pentru a vedea exact cat de mult se aseamana culorile

Ce parere aveti despre aceste produse? Ati cumpara unul, sau aveti deja unul?

EN: Today I want to tell you about something that I have been dying to try since I've first read about it: cheek and lip tint. In my opinion, these kind of products are pure genius and totally kissing friendly, which is biiig plus for me :)

Ever since finding out about Benefit's Benetint I craved and craved but at the moment I am not willing to pay the price for it so I patiently waited for other options to pop up. And so they did, luckily :D

My first choice was to buy the 2 lip/cheek stains from Oriflame, they were the closest to Benetint from the available options (Max Factor and Astor have lip stains, but they're strictly for lips and do not have the brush, such as Benetint). I found a representative, placed my order and waited, and waited...and waited some more. After 3 weeks I went to ask what had happened with my order, she mumbled something, the idea was there were no lip/cheek stains. Anyways, long story short, as I was browsing a blog that sells cosmetics (Liana's Boutique) my eyes stumbled upon this baby and I jumped for joy :) Placed the order in the morning and by mid afternoon it was mine, all mine.

From what I've read, this is a perfect dupe for Benetint (though I really don't know how it is), looks exactly like it (packaging, brush) and since buying it, never leave home without it.

The color: rosy pink, perfect for the lips as well as for the cheeks
The texture: liquid, but absorbed after applied and you simply forget it's there
The pigmentation: buildable, if you're not happy, simply apply another round
The blending: easily, just tap your fingers gently
The resistance: didn't even budge from my cheeks, it stayed there all day long, as for the lips, you do have to reapply after a couple of hours or so
The result: effortless and simple way to look fresh
The downsides: when blending with your finger, you also tint your finger and I've felt it kind of dried my lips, so I recommend using lip balm before applying it. One more thing, I almost forgot, if you have any scars on your lips, or chapped lips, the tint will look more intense in those areas, so your lips have to be perfect
The upside: kissing my boyfriend without leaving him with colored stains (and we all know how much men hate being kissed with lipstick or lipgloss) and me being able to wear some color on my lips plus very easy and quick to use for an on the go look
The price: much much lower than Benetint
The similarity: pretty big, I'll try to swatch them together and take a picture, in order to see the actual difference, because in every other aspect they're the same

What do you think about this lovely invention, lip and cheek tints? Would you buy one or better, do you already have one?



Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. I dunno, nu sunt inca hotarata...dar cred ca o sa incerc si eu unul... dupa concediu, la vreo 3 luni, cand imi revin cu banii=))

  2. @Alexandra Rotaru - :) chiar iti recomand sa incerci, aveam eu buzele cam uscate, dar per ansamplu se vede foarte bine

  3. e interesant, imi place numele si ambalajul, dar pt buze nu mi se pare f ok.. pt obraji e de incercat:)

  4. @S - si mie mi-au placut mult ambalajul si mai ales numele :>

  5. @RedLips Makeup as aprecia daca nu v-ati face reclama "moka" pe blogul meu, reclama se plateste, daca sunteti interesati de promovarea produselor gasiti adresa mea de contact in sidebar.


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
