Hello ladies!
RO: Iar am disparut de pe blog, si net in general. Sunt cam ocupata zilele astea, dar in acelasi timp bucuroasa. Pentru cei care ma cunosc nu e un secret (cei care ma citesc nu, pentru ca nu am vorbit eu despre asta pe blog, inca) ca imi place mult automatizarea, ca aspir sa lucrez in domeniu si cu cata pasiune vorbesc despre automatizari. Iar acum trag de zor pentru a realiza un proiect de automatizare la care eu voi realiza partea de soft, in proportie de 90%, sper, si nu prea am timp sa ma mai ocup de blog, desi am sa va arat si sa va povestesc. O data ce pun toate detaliile la punct voi reveni pe blog.
Apropo, zic sa va povestesc si voua, pentru ca e o intamplare foarte funny, morala fiind cum sa scapi de cocalari pusi pe agatat :D Prin anul 3 de facultate am avut de facut un proiect practic: la un fel de placa de circuit, de fapt o unitate centrala, trebuia sa adaug o extensie/placuta cu niste senzori (temperatura, umiditate, presiune), sa-i incorporez in sistem si sa afisez pe un ecran valorile citite de senzori. Dupa ce am fost si am prezentat proiectul m-am intalnit in parc cu o prietena, eu cu placuta dupa mine. Ne asezam pe o banca stam la taclale, nu trece mult, vin niste cocalari si se aseaza pe banca lipita de a noastra. Vorbind noi acolo, nebagandu-i in seama, la un moment dat zic: "hai sa-ti arat ce placuta am facut eu" (eu foarte mandra de mine si de realizarea mea). Scot cutia, scot placuta, incep sa-i explic ce si cum pe acolo, in termeni cat mai inteligibili pentru "the non-engineer person" :P Cand vad cocalarii cum sta treaba, o lasa balta, se ridica si pleaca. Va zic fetelor, it's that easy! :D
Sper ca v-a placut povestioara mea, sa aveti o saptamana minunata si am sa revin cat repede posibil.
EN: I've been missing again, I have been pretty busy these last days, but very happy at the same time. For those who know me it's no secret (those who read me don't, for I haven't wrote about it here, yet) that I love automation, I dream of working in this domain and talk about it passionately. These days I am scrambling in order to make a project happen, one to which I will be contributing about 90% (hopefully) for the software, and don't have that much time for zah blog, even if I want to tell and share with you many things. Once I'll put all the details in order, I'll come back.
By the way, a funny story I want to share with you, the moral of it being: how to get rid of sleazy guys trying to pick you up. In my 3rd year at the University I had to do a project: adding an extension/circuit board of sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure) to an existing central unit and displaying the values on a small display. After presenting my project, I met up with a friend for a walk in the park and at one point we sat on a banch to talk and catch up. Shortly after that, some guys walk by, and take a sit on the next bench to ours, trying to pick us up. As we're talking, trying to ignore them I tell my friend: "let me show you my project", pull out the circuit and begin to explain how it worked in reasonable terms for a "non-engineer" person. When the guys see how it is, the give up, get up and leave. I'm telling you ladies, it's that easy :D
Hope you enjoyed the little story, have a great week and hope to be back soon.
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bravo! impresionant
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@AB FAB Team - multumesc, va pup si eu