Hello ladies!
Scroll down for English
RO: Saptamana mea a inceput foarte bine, a voastra cum a inceput? Azi m-am trezit devreme casa ajung la posta vamala cat mai devreme pentru a-mi ridica mult asteptata pensula E25 de la Sigma, cea oferita si in giveaway. Eram ca un copil in dimineata de Craciun, cand deschide cadourile :D Stiu ca e o mica pensulica, altele dintre voi poate nu ar fi asa entuziasmate, dar eu sunt pentru ca aveam nevoie de pensula asta.
Mica intoducere:
Normal ca primul lucru pe care l-am facut atunci cand am ajuns acasa a fost sa ma apuc sa testez minunatia. Iar apoi am realizat ca va trebui s-o spal si ca nu facusem poze :)) Norocul meu ca e o pensulica asa mica si s-a uscat foarte repede.
Simt nevoia sa precizez ca in general nu port machiaje complicate, cu multe culori, ma multumesc cu un machiaj simplist si cat mai natural (o nuanta de baza, highlighter si cate-o dunga neagra acolo, cand am chef :D ) iar din cand in cand cate-u smokey. Dar ma mai apuca din cand in cand sa mai xperimenteze ceva p-acolo si chiar am simtit nevoia unei pensule de blending.
Descrierea produsului:
Pensula de forma ovala cu margini usor rotunjite. Imbina si atenueaza culorile fardurilor pudra sau crema. Ideala pentru a aplica primer de ochi, fardul baza de machaj si pentru a atenua liniile stridente.
Quick pros and cons:
+ dimensiune mica
+ foarte moale
+ imbina frumos culorile
Datorita faptului ca este varianta travel-size a pensulei, este micuta si incape foarte bine atat in palma, cat si in portfard. Este incredibil de moale si e o adevarat plcere s-o simt pe piele. Dupa ce am folosit pensule Elf, iar de cand mi-a venit F80-ul ma minunez cat de fine sunt cele de la Sigma, si cat de dure sunt cele de la Elf. Nu m-as mai satura de a atinge pensulicile Sigma :X Apoi, chiar daca eu am niste ochi mici si nu am mai folosit o pensula de blending pana acum, nu am avut probleme si m-am descurcat bine (dupa ce am citit la Koko de atatea ori fraza: "insistati cu o pensula fluffy cu miscari circulare inainte si inapoi", poate nu e chiar asa fraza dar am scris-o oricum din memorie :D)
Am testat pensula doar pe farduri pudra/compacte (farduri crema nu detin momentan, dar in seara asta pun mana pe o baza de machiaj Nyx si voi testa cat de curand si revin cu impresii). Nu am incercat sa aplic primer-ul cu pensula, nu-i prea vad rostul, primer-l il poti intinde foarte usor si cu degetele, dar daca exista doritoare, spuneti-mi si incerc .
Pozele care apar aici sunt facute dupa ce am spalat pensula, asa ca va las pe voi sa decideti (folosind pozele) cum s-a comportat dupa o prima spalare.
La final, va zic ca nu am gasit nimic in neregula cu pensula, momentan :P Voi reveni cu cateva precizari pe masura ce mai vad si eu, si sigur va voi spune ceva mai incolo cum s-a comportat pensula dupa ceva mai multe utilizari si spalari.
PS: Nu uitati de giveaway-ul Sigma
PPS: Foarte important, legat de giveaway: cele cu wall privat de Facebook va rog sa-l faceti public (macar cateva zile, sa zicem duminica si lunea ce urmeaza, 5 si 6 Iunie) pentru ca altfel nu pot verifica daca ati postat sau nu si pierdeti acel extra-entry. Imi cer mii de scuze, ma voi indeletnici cu tag-urile pe Facebook si voi proceda asa data viitoare, pentru a u mai avea probleme cu wall-uri private
EN: My week has started very well, how 'bout yours? Woke up early in the morning in order to go to the post office and pick up my much anticipated and long awaited Sigma brush, the E25 blending brush, available in the giveaway. I was like a little child on Christmas day. Yes, I know it's just a little brush, maybe some of you wouldn't be that excited, but I was/am since I really need a blending brush.
Little introduction:
So, of course that the first thing I did after coming back home, was to test the beauty. And then I realized that I had to wash the brush and I didn't have pictures :)) Luckily, being a small brush it dried quickly. I would have to state that I don't wear complicated make-up, lots o colors and so on. I like to stick with natural make-up and a smokey here and there. But I did felt the need for a blending brush lately
Product description:
Oval-shaped brush with gently chiseled sides. Blends and softens the look of powder or cream shadows. Ideal to apply eye shadow primer, base eye shadow colors, and blend harsh lines.
Quick pros and cons:
+ small brush
+ very soft
+ good blending
The brush is small, being the travel-size version, fitting perfectly in the palm of your hand and in your make-up bag as well. It's incredibly soft, feels great on your skin, it's such a pleasure to use it. Even if I haven't used this kind of brush before, I was very pleased with the results and even if I have teeny tiny eyes, I could use the brush without any inconveniences (after reading on Koko's blog over and over the phrase: "keep insisting using a fluffy brush and circular back and forth motions" :D). I was in doubt about that aspect, but I'm glad it worked out.
I only tested the brush for powder shadows (don't have cream ones yet, but I'm getting my hands on the Nyx eyeshadow base today and gonna test it) but it performed wonderfully. I also didn't apply the primer with it, don't know if I should, but you can easily apply the primer with your fingers. If yu want me to test the brush for primer, pls let me know and I will.
The pictures featured here were taken after washing the brush and I will let the pictures talk for themselves.
All in all, at my first glance/wash, I cannot find a single bad thing about this brush, yet :P I will come back with later editing though, if I feel like adding something extra. Actually, I will surely be adding impressions about the condition of the brush after some use
PS: Don't forget about the Sigma giveaway
PPS: Very important, about the giveaway: the ones with private Facebook walls, please make the wall public (at least for a few days, let's say sunday and monday, 5th and 6th of June) so I can check if you have ndeed posted about the giveaway. Otherwise, you will lose that extra entry. I'mreally sorry for the inonvenience, I promise to learn more about tagging in Facebook, and next time I'll use tagging to keep track of all the posts, no matter if the wall is publi or private.
Scroll down for English
RO: Saptamana mea a inceput foarte bine, a voastra cum a inceput? Azi m-am trezit devreme casa ajung la posta vamala cat mai devreme pentru a-mi ridica mult asteptata pensula E25 de la Sigma, cea oferita si in giveaway. Eram ca un copil in dimineata de Craciun, cand deschide cadourile :D Stiu ca e o mica pensulica, altele dintre voi poate nu ar fi asa entuziasmate, dar eu sunt pentru ca aveam nevoie de pensula asta.
Mica intoducere:
Normal ca primul lucru pe care l-am facut atunci cand am ajuns acasa a fost sa ma apuc sa testez minunatia. Iar apoi am realizat ca va trebui s-o spal si ca nu facusem poze :)) Norocul meu ca e o pensulica asa mica si s-a uscat foarte repede.
Simt nevoia sa precizez ca in general nu port machiaje complicate, cu multe culori, ma multumesc cu un machiaj simplist si cat mai natural (o nuanta de baza, highlighter si cate-o dunga neagra acolo, cand am chef :D ) iar din cand in cand cate-u smokey. Dar ma mai apuca din cand in cand sa mai xperimenteze ceva p-acolo si chiar am simtit nevoia unei pensule de blending.
Descrierea produsului:
Pensula de forma ovala cu margini usor rotunjite. Imbina si atenueaza culorile fardurilor pudra sau crema. Ideala pentru a aplica primer de ochi, fardul baza de machaj si pentru a atenua liniile stridente.
Quick pros and cons:
+ dimensiune mica
+ foarte moale
+ imbina frumos culorile
Datorita faptului ca este varianta travel-size a pensulei, este micuta si incape foarte bine atat in palma, cat si in portfard. Este incredibil de moale si e o adevarat plcere s-o simt pe piele. Dupa ce am folosit pensule Elf, iar de cand mi-a venit F80-ul ma minunez cat de fine sunt cele de la Sigma, si cat de dure sunt cele de la Elf. Nu m-as mai satura de a atinge pensulicile Sigma :X Apoi, chiar daca eu am niste ochi mici si nu am mai folosit o pensula de blending pana acum, nu am avut probleme si m-am descurcat bine (dupa ce am citit la Koko de atatea ori fraza: "insistati cu o pensula fluffy cu miscari circulare inainte si inapoi", poate nu e chiar asa fraza dar am scris-o oricum din memorie :D)
Am testat pensula doar pe farduri pudra/compacte (farduri crema nu detin momentan, dar in seara asta pun mana pe o baza de machiaj Nyx si voi testa cat de curand si revin cu impresii). Nu am incercat sa aplic primer-ul cu pensula, nu-i prea vad rostul, primer-l il poti intinde foarte usor si cu degetele, dar daca exista doritoare, spuneti-mi si incerc .
Pozele care apar aici sunt facute dupa ce am spalat pensula, asa ca va las pe voi sa decideti (folosind pozele) cum s-a comportat dupa o prima spalare.
La final, va zic ca nu am gasit nimic in neregula cu pensula, momentan :P Voi reveni cu cateva precizari pe masura ce mai vad si eu, si sigur va voi spune ceva mai incolo cum s-a comportat pensula dupa ceva mai multe utilizari si spalari.
PS: Nu uitati de giveaway-ul Sigma
PPS: Foarte important, legat de giveaway: cele cu wall privat de Facebook va rog sa-l faceti public (macar cateva zile, sa zicem duminica si lunea ce urmeaza, 5 si 6 Iunie) pentru ca altfel nu pot verifica daca ati postat sau nu si pierdeti acel extra-entry. Imi cer mii de scuze, ma voi indeletnici cu tag-urile pe Facebook si voi proceda asa data viitoare, pentru a u mai avea probleme cu wall-uri private
EN: My week has started very well, how 'bout yours? Woke up early in the morning in order to go to the post office and pick up my much anticipated and long awaited Sigma brush, the E25 blending brush, available in the giveaway. I was like a little child on Christmas day. Yes, I know it's just a little brush, maybe some of you wouldn't be that excited, but I was/am since I really need a blending brush.
Little introduction:
So, of course that the first thing I did after coming back home, was to test the beauty. And then I realized that I had to wash the brush and I didn't have pictures :)) Luckily, being a small brush it dried quickly. I would have to state that I don't wear complicated make-up, lots o colors and so on. I like to stick with natural make-up and a smokey here and there. But I did felt the need for a blending brush lately
Product description:
Oval-shaped brush with gently chiseled sides. Blends and softens the look of powder or cream shadows. Ideal to apply eye shadow primer, base eye shadow colors, and blend harsh lines.
Quick pros and cons:
+ small brush
+ very soft
+ good blending
The brush is small, being the travel-size version, fitting perfectly in the palm of your hand and in your make-up bag as well. It's incredibly soft, feels great on your skin, it's such a pleasure to use it. Even if I haven't used this kind of brush before, I was very pleased with the results and even if I have teeny tiny eyes, I could use the brush without any inconveniences (after reading on Koko's blog over and over the phrase: "keep insisting using a fluffy brush and circular back and forth motions" :D). I was in doubt about that aspect, but I'm glad it worked out.
I only tested the brush for powder shadows (don't have cream ones yet, but I'm getting my hands on the Nyx eyeshadow base today and gonna test it) but it performed wonderfully. I also didn't apply the primer with it, don't know if I should, but you can easily apply the primer with your fingers. If yu want me to test the brush for primer, pls let me know and I will.
The pictures featured here were taken after washing the brush and I will let the pictures talk for themselves.
All in all, at my first glance/wash, I cannot find a single bad thing about this brush, yet :P I will come back with later editing though, if I feel like adding something extra. Actually, I will surely be adding impressions about the condition of the brush after some use
PS: Don't forget about the Sigma giveaway
PPS: Very important, about the giveaway: the ones with private Facebook walls, please make the wall public (at least for a few days, let's say sunday and monday, 5th and 6th of June) so I can check if you have ndeed posted about the giveaway. Otherwise, you will lose that extra entry. I'mreally sorry for the inonvenience, I promise to learn more about tagging in Facebook, and next time I'll use tagging to keep track of all the posts, no matter if the wall is publi or private.