Sigma travel size E25 blending brush giveaway - Closed

Hello ladies! 

Scroll down for english
RO: Nu am mai postat de mult dar cum sa revin mai bine decat cu un giveaway! :D A venit si randul meu sa organizez un giveaway Sigma, ta-na-na-na :D M-am afiliat de curand si am aplicat destul de repede pentru a primi de la ei un cadou, si conform numarului meu de followeri m-am incadrat pentru a primi pensula de blending E25 travel size. Eu ma bucur foarte mult ca primesc aceasta pensula in primul rand pentru ca este ceva ce chiar imi trebuia, o pensula de blending. Imi lipseste cu desavarsire dar, si simt nevoia uneia. Din cate am citit eu, este o pensula foarte buna pentru blending si foarte practica fiind micuta, dar puteti sa cautati si voi, va voi arata si eu poze atunci cand voi intra in posesia ei, si voi scrie cateva ipresii pentru a va ajuta. 

LE (30.05): Gasiti aici parerea mea despre pensula (abia acum am intrat in posesia pensulei)

So, dupa cum stiti cei de la Sigma nu-mi ofera doar mie pensula E25, ci si uneia dintre voi, asa ca mai aveti o sansa in plus pentru a castiga aceasta pesula. Nu trebuie decat sa urmariti cativa pasi simpli (clasici), completati formularul si gata. Daca aveti vreo nedumerire sau intrebare, imi puteti lasa un commentla aceasta postare.

Acum, ce trebuie sa faceti voi pentru a participa la giveaway (cerinte obligatorii):
    1.    Sa fiti follower al acestui blog prin Google Friend Connect (gasiti in partea dreapta, sub bannerul    Sigma)
   2.    Sa dati Like paginii de Facebook Sihaya's World (gasiti de asemenea in partea dreapta, in dreapta banner-ului Sigma)
   3.    Vreau sa stiu parerea voastra despre blogul meu, oricare ar fi ea. Va place, nu va place, ati vrea sa vedeti ceva in plus.  Nu as vrea sa vad replici de genul "imi place tot, punct".

Urmatoarele cerinte sunt optionale si va acorda fiecare cate un extra entry (voi mai scrie numele vostru inca o data in tabelul final). Sunt 3 deci, daca le indepliniti pe toate numele vostru va aparea de 4 ori in tabelul final.
    4.    Sa postati pe blog-ul vostru despre acest giveaway, cu un link activ catre postarea aceasta. (nu se accepta bloguri facute doar pentru giveaway-uri)
   5.    Sa trimiteti un email catre 10 prietene in care sa le anuntati de giveaway iar la Cc scrieti adresa mea (lov3ly.sihaya(at), cu un link catre aceasta postare.
   6.    Sa postati pe wall-ul vostru de Facebook despre giveaway si sa includeti link-ul catre aceasta pagina. (Cele cu wall privat, va rog macar in zilele de 5 si 6 Iunie sa-l faceti public: Account->Privacy Settings -> prima setare puneti everyone; daca nu pot verifica pe wall pierdeti acel extra entry)

Dupa ce ati urmat pasii, completati formularul pus la dispozitie la sfarsitul postarii. Am ales varianta formularului pentru a-mi usura si mie centralizarea datelor, si voua completatul :D. Cand va fi publicata lista participantelor voi include si timestamps, pentru a putea verifica intrarile.

Acest giveaway va fi deschis 3 saptamani incepand de azi, pana pe 6 iunie. Pe 7 voi publica lista cu participantele si cea finala (unde voi include extra entry-urile)  si voi alege castigatoarea cu ajutorul Aceasta are la dispozitie 48 h pentru a-mi trimite un e-mail cu datele de transport pe care le voi transmite celor de la Sigma (pensula va va fi trimisa direct de ei), altfel voi alege o noua castigatoare

Foarte important: daca persoana aleasa de a mai castigat aceasta pensula la un giveaway anterior o rog sa ma anunte (voi verifica si eu oricum) ca sa pot face o noua extragere pentru a avea si altcineva sansa de a primi pensula.

Special thanks: trebuie sa va impartasesc faptul ca...AM CASTIGAT UN GIVEAWAY!!!...primul giveaway castigat, si chiar pentru o Sigma F80 si ii multumesclui Endre, pentru sansa oferita :*  :* So, see, it only takes one :D

EN:  I haven’t posted in a while but what better way to come back than with a giveaway :D It’s my turn now o have a Sigma giveaway…hihi I became an affiliate not long ago and immediately applied for their incentive program and according to my current number of followers I qualified for the E25 travel size blending brush. I’m really happy to receive this brush because I do need a good blending brush, actually, I need a blending brush period :) From my searches over the web I understand that it’s a good brush for blending and a very practical one due to its size. Of course I’m going to post pictures with my brush, once it arrives and I will tell you my first impressions on the brush. So, I hope it’ll arrive soon…fingers crossed 

LE (05.30): U can find here my opinion on this brush (sorry but I just got the brush)

So, as you might know, the guys at Sigma are giving one of my readers a chance to win this brush as well, and you have to do is follow some simple (classical) steps, fill in the form and you’re done. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to leave me a comment here.

Now, all you have to do to enter the giveaway is (mandatory steps): 
1. Be a follower of my blog via Google Friend Connect (you can find it on the right  side of the blog, right under the Sigma banner) 
2. Like Sihaya’s World Facebook page (right side of the blog, to the right of the Sigma banner) 
3. Tell me your opinion about my blog, good or bad. I’d wish not to see answers like “I like everything, period”

The next steps are optional, but completing them gives you an extra entry for each one. Being 3 optional requirements, if you complete all of them you get 3 extra entries meaning on the final list your name will be written down 4 times. 
4. Post about this giveaway on your blog  with an active link to this post (blogs made just for giveaways are not accepted)
5. Send an email to 10 girl friends telling them about this giveaway and including the link to this post. Also, write my email address in the Cc field (lov3ly.sihaya(at) 
6. Post on your Facebook wall about the giveaway, includig the link to this post. (The ones wth private Facebook walls, pls make it public at least on the 5th and 6th of June: Account -> Privacy Settings -> the first setting check eveyone; therwise, I won't be able to check your wall and you'll lose the extra entry)

After following the steps, fill the form at the end of this post. I chose to do a form in order to help me in gathering all the info in one place and to make it easier for you to give me the information. When publishing the list of participants I will include timestamps in order for you to be able to check the order.  

This giveaway is open international and it will be opened for 3 weeks beginning today, eding on the 6th of June, and on the 7th I will publish the participants list and the final list (with the extra entries) and I will choose a winner with the help of The winner will have 48 h to email me her shipping address that I will forward to Sigma (they will be sending your brush), otherwise, I will choose another winner.

Very impotant: If  the winner has won a previous giveaway for ths brush I will ask her to tell me (though I will be checking myself) in order to choose another winner, giving more ladies the chance to win this brush.

Special thanks: It only takes one! And I won my first giveaway, and one for the Sigma F80 I might add and I want to thank the lovely Endre for giving me this opportunity :* :*

Photo credit



Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. @Adinapup - imi pare rau dar nu poti participa pentru ca nu ai cum sa indeplinesti una din cerintele obligatorii, deci nu poti da submit la formular (si nu ar fi corect fata de celelalte participante sa modific acum formularul). Nu m-am gandit la acest aspect, stiind ca majoritatea au Fb dar voi lua in considerare la urmatorul giveaway Sigma. Te astept la acela, o data ce fac 100 de followers voi aplica pentru pensula F80, si incerc sa ofer doua, nu una :*


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
