T*I*S: NYX 2014 - part II

RO: Vreau sa incep postarea cu aceasta exclamatie: "Vai de mine, m-au omorat NYX cu toate noutatile lor!!!". Revenind, am terminat postarea initiala prezentandu-va niste produse de care nu gasisem nimic pe site. Mistery solved! Se pare ca cei de la NYX nu terminasera de prezentat noutatile, si pentru ca sunt prea interesante, am zis ca trebuie sa fac o noua postare si sa va arat restul produselor noi.

In primul si in primul rand, trebuie sa vedeti noile nuante de Soft Matte Lip Creams. Gama de nuante initiala mi se parea cam neatragatoare, inafara de 3 nuante, nimic nu ma tenta. Not anymore!

Noile nuante de NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream 6$:

  • Zurich SMLC14 - matte muted rose
  • Athens SMLC15 - matte peach beige
  • Cairo SMLC16 - matte pure nude
  • Ibiza SMLC17 - matte deep rose pink
  • Prague SMLC18 - matte merlot
  • Cannes SMLC19 - matte muted mauve
  • Copenhagen SMLC20 - matte rich plum
  • Transylvania SMLC21 - matte deep violet
  • Morocco SMLC22 - matte coral orange 

Noi nuante de Powder Blush 5$

  • Flamingo PB30 - baby pink with blue tone
  • Bordeaux PB31 - deep red brown
  • Apricot PB32 - pink peach with gold shimmer
  • Ethereal PB33 - pink with blue undertone with gold shimmer
  • Bittersweet PB34 - deep mauve/plum with golden sheen
  • Coral Dream PB35 - matte deep coral

NYX Illuminator 9$

Se pare ca vechiul Illuminating Bronzer a devenit acum doar Illuminator si a capatat 2 nuante noi.
Brighten up your complexion! The radiant shimmer of this illuminator diffuses light so your skin looks vibrant and refreshed while adding a subtle glow.
  • Narcissistic IBB01 - champagne with gold sheen
  • Chaotic IBB02 - dark pink with gold sheen
  • Magnetic IBB03 - peachy pink with gold sheen and glitter
  • Ritualistic IBB04 - gold sheen (NEW)
  • Enigmatic IBB05 - sofy pink with gold sheen (NEW)

Noi nuante de Retractable Lip Liner 4.5$

  • Hot Pink MPL20 - deep magenta
  • Soft Pink MPL21 - medium pink with blue undertone
  • Pretty In Pink MPL22 - rose pink
  • Pinky Beige MPL23 - true baby pink

BB Cream 13$
Perfection in a tube. This lightweight miracle worker was developed to hydrate and prime for a complexion that looks perfectly beautiful. The result is skin that appears smoother and more radiant. The luxurious oil-free and mineral enriched formula is versatile delivering multiple benefits all in one.
  • Nude BBCR01 - light-medium with beige undertone
  • Natural BBCR02 - light-medium with pink undertone
  • Golden BBCR03 - medium with golden undertone

Mineral Stick Foundation 10$
Portable and buildable, what could be easier and more convenient than foundation on the go? This luxurious formula is easy to apply and blend. Use on the entire face or isolated areas that need a little extra attention. It’s up to you. Can be blended with fingertips, sponge or foundation brush.
  • Fair MSF01 - fair complexion with beige undertone
  • Porcelain MSF02 - light complexion with pink undertone
  • Light MSF03 - light complexion with yellow undertone
  • Light Medium MSF04 - light-medium complexion with beige undertone
  • Medium MSF05 - medium complexion with beige pink undertone
  • Golden Beige MSF06 - medium complexion with golden undertone
  • Cool Tan MSF07 - medium complexion with pink undertone
  • Warm Tan MSF08 - medium deep complexion with red undertone
  • Caramel MSF09 - medium deep complexion with beige undertone

Invisible Fullest Coverage Foundation 12$ (disponibil in 15 nuante)
If you have something to hide, we have got the perfect solution for you! NYX Invincible Fullest Coverage Foundation offers exceptional coverage with a long-lasting, natural-looking finish. The incredibly high-pigment load has the super powers to conquer even the most challenging coverups including skin discolorations and more. The finished look is soft, matte, beautiful and flawless.

Angel Veil - Skin Perfecting Primer 16$
This super silky, light and fresh formula creates a comfortable cushion on your skin to enhance makeup application. The incredible formula creates a smooth, uniform canvas that minimizes shine and makes application flawless. Your skin will feel like it has been touched by an angel.

Lip Primer 7$

Instant gratification for your lips. Create the perfect canvas for lipcolor with this texture and color enhancing superhero. Ensures that lip product lasts and does not go outside the lines. Somebody get this product a cape!
  • Nude LPR01 - sheer nude
  • Deep Nude LRP02 - sheer deep nude

Radiant Finishing Powder 9$

BRIGHTENIlluminate the skin with an overall brightening effect. This multi-color powder finishes your makeup look and helps skin stay fresh and smooth-looking.
SUNKISSEDAdd natural radiance to any complexion for a healthy glow with this luminous collection of bronze, rose and gold toned powders. Soft, smooth, lightweight and luxurious, this all-over powder is comfortable to wear anytime anywhere.

Infinite Shadow Stick 9$

Infinitely awesome, this shadow stick glides on easily and stays put. Waterproof and smudgeproof, you can really make this look last and last without creasing, flaking or fading. Have fun with an assortment of shades that will really make a statement day or night.
  • Crystal ISS01 - pearly white
  • Blackout ISS02 - matte black
  • Chocolate ISS03 - matte dark brown
  • Silk ISS04 pearly nude
  • Almond ISS05 - pearly taupe
  • Sweet Pink ISS06 - pearly light pink
  • Flushed ISS07 - pearly coral beige
  • Rose Gold ISS08 - pearly rosegold
  • BronzeISS09  - pearly deep bronze

Gata, acum singur am terminat cu noutatile NYX. :D


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Buun vreau toate Lip Cream in afara de Orange, toate Shadow Sticks, toate blush-urile si nu m-ar deranja nici restul produselor :)).

    Off topic: nu stiu ce se intampla cu blogger/disqus, dar comentariul tau apare publicat, am dat resync (am mai recuperat 3 comentarii), in notificarea de pe mail apare ca e publicat si cu toate astea nu apare:)). O sa mai incerc, sper sa-si revina :(.
    Ca sa raspund - in realitatea apare normal, nu mi s-a parut prea rosiatic. Am vazut fardurile pt sprancene de la Inglot si vreau sa-mi iau in martie (pe langa o paleta de 2 pudre, una de 2 bucati speciala pt sprancene, inca un fard ca sa nu ramana paleta necompletata..o mama..Doamne Ajuta :)) )

  2. Uneori imi doresc sa nu mai fie atatea lansari de produse ca sa apuc sa-mi cumpar si eu ceva :)) Lip Cream cu siguranta vreau unul, de restul voi mai vedea, desi sunt tentante :D

    1. Si eu imi doresc acelasi lucru pentru ca nu am mai tinut pasul, dar sa stii ca mai am cateva noutati de pus pe blog. ;)

  3. Buna , sunt noua pe blogul tau , dar imi place f. mult , cum se pot procura produsele?

    1. Buna si bine ai venit!

      Cea mai mare varietate de produse NYX e cu siguranta online, in Romania sunt cei de la Makeup Shop http://www.makeup-shop.ro/ dar pe Cherryculture http://www.cherryculture.com/index.php sau BeautyJoint http://beautyjoint.com/ gasesti toate produsele si toate nuantele (exceptandu-le pe cele prezentate in postarile NYX 2014, care probabil vor aparea in curand, banuiesc).

      Am si o postare in care am dat mai multe detalii despre cum a decurs comanda pe Cherryculture, in caz ca te bate gandul: http://sihayaslovelyworld.blogspot.ro/2013/02/cherryculture-haul-nyx-jordana.html.

  4. Pff... ieri am inceput sa fac ordine la farduri si inca nu am terminat. As prefera sa nu mai apara alte noutati :(.
    Ma atrag aproape toate ca un magnet, dar cel mai mult shadow sticks-urile. Multumesc de prezentare!

    1. Si pe mine ma omoara toate noutatile si shadow sticks-urile sunt si pe lista mea de "must get". Pup :*


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
