Hello ladies! Scroll down for English RO: Saptamana mea a inceput foarte bine, a voastra cum a inceput? Azi m-am trezit devreme casa ajung la posta vamala cat mai devreme pentru a-mi ridica...
Hello ladies! Scroll down for English RO: Avand in vedere ca imi este cam lene sa stau si sa scriu articole mai elaborate, am zis ca astazi va voi incanta cu cateva vesti,...
nHello ladies! RO: Tocmai ce am terminat cu curatenia si m-am apucat sa scriu articolul de azi. Nu stiu cum e pe la voi, dar eu cat m-am fatait un pic prin casa...
Hello ladies! Scroll down for English RO: V-am aratat aici ca mi-am luat nuantator de la Loncolor si acum revin cu rezultatul si impresii despre produs, daca tot l-am folosit de multe ori...
Hello ladies! Scroll down for english RO: De fapt ar trebui sa fie NOTPD - nails of the previous day - pentru ca de azi port altceva pe unghii :))) Trebuie sa precizez ca...
Hello ladies! Scroll down for english. RO: A trecut ceva timp de cand nu v-am mai aratat ce mi-am luat, ultima oara cand v-am aratat, era in febra H&M :D Aaaa, ce zi frumoasa!...
Hello ladies! Some of you know that last Saturday was Museums night, a night when the museums are opened at night for visitors and the entrance is free. I might say it's a good...
Hello ladies! It seems lately it's all about make-up brushes, but really, I don't do it on purpose :))) Just received an email from Elf UK with their latest offer and wanted to...
Hello ladies! Since this post is such a long one, I will do a separate post for the english version. RO: Dupa cum v-am spus acum ceva zile, am primit de la Complex Apicol "Veceslav Harnaj" (ufff....ce...
Hello ladies! Little introduction: Well, I bought this conditioner aaaageees ago, I think you don't even remember this post. And been using it on and off ever since. Why on and off? Because...
Hello ladies! As promised yesterday, today it's time to show you my favorite clothing items of the month. And dare I might say that this is a unique kind of post :D (yeah...I...
Hello ladies! Another month has gone buy, and it's time to show you this month's favorites products :D It's nice to do these posts because it offers me and you the chance to...