
RO: Nici nu-mi vine sa cred ca am ajuns deja in Decembrie. A trecut asa de repede timpul si anul, iar pentru ca luna trecuta nu am apucat sa mai public preferatele lunii, am zis sa le pun la un loc cu cele de luna asta, pentru ca si asa nu s-au schimbat prea multe. Nu am prea multa inspiratie momentan, dar am vrut sa public articolul, pentru ca parca vad ca m iau cu altele si nu mai apuc nici luna asta sa va arat produsele prefrate, luna trecuta m-am trezit abia pe 20, si am zis ca nu mai are rost sa mai fac atunci, asa ca am sa va las cu produsele. Enjoy!
EN: Where did the time go? It flew by so quickly, I can't believe that it's already December, the year is almost up. Since I didn't get to show you the last month's favorite products I just thought about merging them and doing an Octomber+November faves, since they didn't change that much, they're pretty much the same products. I'm not feeling very inspired right now but I really wanted to make this post and not do the same thing as last month, when I realised that it was already the 20th and gave up on doing the monthly faves post then, so I'll just leave you with the products. Enjoy!
I've already declared my love for the Oyster Heaven Touch conditioner. It has been a great discovery, it's a great product and you can read all about it in my review.
[Deja mi-am declarat iubirea pentru balsamul Oyster Heaven Touch. A fost o descoperire nemaipomenita, mi se pare un produs foarte bun si puteti citi toate detaliile in review]
My great ally against dry hands, the Cosmetic plant hand cream with olive oil and seabuckthorn .
[Aliata mea impotriva mainilor uscate, crema de maini Cosmetic Plant cu ulei de masline si catina, puteti citi aici parerea mea despre ea.]
Another product that I love and cannot live without, the sweet almond oil, especially in these cold weather, it's wonderful for my dry skin, I apply it in the morning (before moisturizer) as well as in the evening. It's great, it's wonderful, it's hard to find the adequate adjectives to describe it :)
[Alt produs pe care il iubesc si fara de care nu pot trai, uleiul de migdale dulci, mai ales cu frigul asta, e minunat pentru pielea mea uscata, il aplic atat dimineata (inainte de crema hidratanta), cat si seara. E nemaipomenit, e minunat, nici nu stiu cum sa-l mai ridic in slavi cat de bun este :)]
Pfff...what a horroble picture I took :))) But back to the point and back to an old love, the moisturizing cream by Gerovital Plant, since I knew that it was a good match for me it was simple to get back to it. Here is the short review for it.
[Pfff...ce poza proasta am facut :))) Dar sa revenim la subiect si la un alt produs care imi place foarte mult, crema hidratanta Gerovital Plant. Tinand cont de cum s-a comportat in trecut, a fost usor pentru mine sa revin la ea, iar voi puteti citi review-ul facut acestei creme]
Another new-comer is the foaming cleanser Hydratia by Iwostin. Since using their Hydratia moisturizer and being pretty pleased with it, I've decided to not rebuy the beloved Vichy Essentielles cleanser and went for the Iwostin one. It's so gentle, the foam is so light and I enjoy every second using it.
[Un produs nou este spuma de lotiunea spumanta de curatare Hydratia de la Iwostin. Dupa ce am folosit crema Hydratia cu ceramide vara asta si avand in vedere ca am fost multumita de ea, m-am hotarat sa nu recumpar cleanser-ul Vichy Essentielles si l-am ales pe cel Iwostin. Este atat de delicat iar spuma e atat de usoara si eu ma bucur de fiecare secunda atunci cand o folosesc.]
Vichy thermal water, after using it the whole summer to freshen up or as a tonic, now I also spray it on my face after applying my foundation and it's a great helper, since I'm using Revlon Colorstay for dry/normal skin and it's a creamy/heavy texture. It helps a lot in achieving a more natural look and that's why, it is once again a monthly favorite..
[Apa termala Vichy, dupa ce am folosit-o toata vara pe post de tonic si pentru a-mi reimprospata tenul, acum o mai folosesc si dupa aplicarea fondului de ten, pulverizez pe ten si apoi incep sa blenduiesc. Avand in vedere ca folosesc Revlon Colorstay pentru ten uscat/normal si are o textura destul de cremoasa, apa termala pulverizata peste ma ajuta sa obtin un aspect mult mai natural si din acest motiv o regasiti printre preferatele lunii.]
The Balea byphasic makeup remover, bought it, loved it. Great product, very efficient at a great price, it certainly deserves a review somewhere in the future.
[Demachiantul bifazic de la Balea, l-am cumparat si imi place foarte mult. Un produs foarte bun si eficient la un pret la fel de bun, merita cu siguranta un review din partea mea (desi sunt deja cateva ;;) ).]
Make-up wise, other than the Sigma F80 brush, that I adore and would include it in absolutely every single monthly faves post, I have been obsessed with a certain product and used it quite a lot. I'm talking about the Oriflame Silky Kiss lipstick in Burgundy Taffeta that I received in the goodie bag from an Ab Fab fair. I just love the color, at first I thought I couldn't wear it, but as time passed, and summer was ending I couldn't wait to wear it and now I can't get enough of it, been wearing it constanly through out last month.
[In ceea ce priveste produsele de make-up, inafara de pensula F80 de la Sigma, pe care as include-o in absolut fiecare postare cu preferatele lunii, in octombrie mi s-a pus pata pe un anumit produs. Vorbesc despre rujul Oriflame Silky Kiss, nuanta Burgundy Taffeeta, primit in goodie bag la una din editiile Ab Fab. Imi place la nebunie culoarea, atunci cand l-am primit m-am cam strambat cand am vazut nuanta, dar pe masura ce timpul trecea, vara era pe terminate, iar eu abia asteptam sa port pe buze acest ruj. Iar acum nu ma mai satur de el si l-am folosit constant inultima luna.]
And after some unfortunate testing of other foundations, I have, yet again proclaimed my love for Revlon Colorstay. It's been a great product for me and I don't even plan in buying something different in the nearest future. If you're interested, I wrote some thoughts about it here.
[Dupa cateva intamplari nefericite legate de incercarea a altor fonduri de ten, mi-am redeclarat dragostea pentru Revlon Colorstay. Ne intelegem foarte bine, nu e foarte capricios si nu intentionez sa dau banii pe un alt fond de ten, cel putin nu in viitorul apropiat. Am si scris cateva impresii despre el acum ceva timp.]
Obviously that I cannot not include in the monthly favorites the fabulous Diving in Malaysia. You ca read all about it here, more than that...it's a perfect color for fall...and... ♥♥♥♥♥
[Nu se putea sa nu includ si Diving in Malaysia, puteti sa cititi despre ea aici, mai mult de atat cesa zic...mi se pare o culoare perfecta pentru toamna...si...♥♥♥♥♥]
If October was all about Diving in Malaysia, November was all about this baby here, you can see it on my nails here.
[Daca in Octombrie am purtat obsesiv Diving in Malaysia, in Noiembrie m-am reprofilat pe frumusetea asta, o puteti vedea pe unghii aici, cu un top coat matifiant.]
99.9% sunt si fav mele:X
ReplyDeleteSa stii ca incep sa imi doresc si eu Diving in Malaysia :(
ReplyDelete@Gya - how nice ;;)
ReplyDelete@Pinkie - muahahaha >:) E superba, dar de ce :(???