I had to use the flash in order to show you the actual colors
[a trebuit sa fac si o poza cu blit pentru a va arata culorile reale]
Initial am vrut sa va povestesc doar despre paleta Hide it! de la Technic dar ulterior m-am gandit sa le includ si corectoarele celelalte pe care le detin, ca oricum nu sunt multe, dupa cum ati observat si voi :))) Nu a fost prea greu sa mai fac niste poze in plus ca sa le includ.
Hm...cu ce sa incep, cu ce sa incep? Cred ca incep cu primul produs pozat, deci paleta corectoare Hide it! de la Technic. Imi doream de mult asa o paleta dar tot timpul ezitam in a cumpara una. Paleta de la Oriflame ma tenta mult (si inca ma tenteaza) dar in comoditatea mea nu am cautat un reprezentant de unde sa o pot cumpara :)) Se pare ca nu sunt destul de motovata. Dar uitandu-ma pe blogul Lianei, am dat peste paleta asta si avand in vedere ca era si la un pret ok, am luat-o.
Paleta Technic Hide it!
Nuante: conform celor din poze
Textura: cremoasa dar usoara
Acoperire: mica spre medie, mi se pare perfect daca ai cateva imperfectiuni de acoperit
Blending: datorita texturii usoare, a fost si usor de blenduit si nu s-a strans in micile linii
Rezistenta: destul de buna, mi-a rezistaat cateva ore bune, in conditiile in care l-am folosit si pe caldurile din vara, iar pe vremea de acum, se comporta si mai bine
Cum il folosesc:
Afterglow -> pentru a acoperi cearcanele si a ilumina zona ochilor, mi-a placut efectul foarte mult, uneori il foloseam si pentru a ilumina arcada
Dewkist ->pentru a acoperi roseata, trebuia sa fie verde de fapt, culoarea asta bate mai mult spre bleo, dra ajuta la acoperirea rosetii
Nude -> cand am vazut cateva recenzii video, nu intelegeam de ce toata lumea foloseste nuanta nude ca baza pentru ochi, in momentul in care am vazut nanta reala mi-am dat seama. Am folosit-o si eu tot ca baza de machiaj si nu m-a dezamagit
Sand -> inca nu am incercat-o, teoretic, daca nuanta este prea inchisa pentru ten poate fi amestecata cu nude pentru a obtine o nuanta mai deschisa
Partea proasta: cum nu are un grad mare de acoperire, daca aveti probleme serioase, acnee, cuperoza, cearcane, e bine sa cautati in alta parte
Partea buna:
- ambalajul si marimea sunt perfecte pentru a le lua in geanta cu tine si aplica retusuri, daca este nevoie
- imi place ca explica modurile de folosire ale fiecarei nuante de corector
- ambalajul si marimea sunt perfecte pentru a le lua in geanta cu tine si aplica retusuri, daca este nevoie
- imi place ca explica modurile de folosire ale fiecarei nuante de corector
Pret: 18 lei
Unde cumpar: http://lianabazar.blogspot.com/
Celelalte doua produse sunt de le Elf, unul e lichid iar celalalt sub forma de stick.
Elf All over coverstick
Nuanta: cea din poza este Rosy Beige
Textura: cremoasa
Acoperire: medie spre mare, nu l-am folosit prin zona ochilor sa vad daca se strange sau nu in micile riduri
Blending: fara mari probleme, trebuie avut grija sa nu aplicati prea mult pentru ca va arata nenatural
Rezistenta: oh, buna, sta pe fata mea de dimineata pana seara, cel putin pe a mea sta
Cum il folosesc: pentru a acoperi cosurile razlete sau urmele lor
Partea proasta: daca aplicati prea mult produs va arata urat
Partea buna: are cel mai mare grad de acoperire dintre toate produsele prezentate aici
Pret: 8 lei
Unde cumpar: eyeslipsface.com.ro (eu as fi recomadat site-ul din UK, DAR, cum nu mai livreaza in Romania..)
Elf Tone correcting concealer
Elf Tone correcting concealer
Nuanta: cea din poza este Apricot Beige
Textura: lichida si usoara
Acoperire: mica spre medie, mai mult inspre mica
Blending: datorita texturii lichide se blenduieste foarte usor
Rezistenta: mica, mi s-a parut ca se duce repede de pe fata, chiar fixat si cu pudra, nu vrea, si nu vrea sa stea locului :))
Cum il folosesc:
- pentru cearcane
- l-am incercat si pentru a crea o baza de machiaj, la acest capitol a fost chiar ok
- pentru cearcane
- l-am incercat si pentru a crea o baza de machiaj, la acest capitol a fost chiar ok
Partea proasta:
- acoperire mica + rezistenta mica => rezultate minime, nu acopera mai nimic, e cam apa de ploaie
- daca nu il blenduiesti bine te vei trezi cu el strans in micile linii ale fetei
- acoperire mica + rezistenta mica => rezultate minime, nu acopera mai nimic, e cam apa de ploaie
- daca nu il blenduiesti bine te vei trezi cu el strans in micile linii ale fetei
Partea buna:
- textura usoara si usor de blenduit
- daca il blenduiesti bine nu se strange in linii
- ca baza de machiaj si pentru cearcane usoare a fost ok
- textura usoara si usor de blenduit
- daca il blenduiesti bine nu se strange in linii
- ca baza de machiaj si pentru cearcane usoare a fost ok
Pret: 8 lei
Unde cumpar: eyeslipsface.com.ro (eu as fi recomadat site-ul din UK, DAR, cum nu mai livreaza in Romania..)
Concluzie: Cel mai mult imi place paleta Technic, imi place ca o pot folosi in multe scopuri, dar niciunul dintre produse nu ma multumeste pe deplin, asa ca m-am hotarat ca voi incerca si un concealer MAC, am vazut si citit destule astfel incat sa ma convinga ca isi merita investitia.
Voi ce concealer folositi, sunteti multumite de el?
Concluzie: Cel mai mult imi place paleta Technic, imi place ca o pot folosi in multe scopuri, dar niciunul dintre produse nu ma multumeste pe deplin, asa ca m-am hotarat ca voi incerca si un concealer MAC, am vazut si citit destule astfel incat sa ma convinga ca isi merita investitia.
Voi ce concealer folositi, sunteti multumite de el?
EN: Wow, this post has been sitting in drafts for such a long time (I didn't even used the watermark back then :))) but I've decided to finish it and publish it. I'm trying to get and write all the reviews that have been pending for a long time, I'm so behind right now.
So, at first I wanted to tell you about the Technic Hide it! palette but then I thought to include the other concealers that I own, not many, as you've noticed :)) It wasn't that hard to take a few more pictures and include them as well.
Hm...what should I begin with? I guess with the first one pictured, so it'll be the Technic Hide it! palette. I've wanted for some time a concealer palette of this type but always hesitated buying one. The Oriflame kit always tempted me, but as lazy as I am, I didn't search for a seller but always say I do :)) I guess there's a lack of motivation. But while browsing a blog (Liana's Boutique for RO users only) I stumbled upon this baby and since it was very cheap I went ahead and bought it
Technic Hide it! palette
The colors: as seen in the pictures
The texture: creamy but very light
The coverage: light to medium, great if you don't have major problems to cover.
The blending: easily, just tap your fingers gently, or using a concealer brush; didn't have any problems with it gathering in the little creases
The resistance: quite good, when you take into account the fact that I used them during the heat of summer, they didn't melt away.
How I use it:
Afterglow -> to cover dark circles and highlight the eyes
Dewkist -> to cover any redness, normally it should be a green, this is more towards baby blue but it's still helpful with the redness
Nude -> when watching some video review I would wonder why they only used the color as an eyeshadow base (because it looked nude in the video) but when saw the actual color I was like: "aaahaaa!" So I use it also as an eyeshadow base and it's pretty good
Sand -> never used it,if you find the color too dark, mix it with nude to achieve the perfect tone.
The downside: as I've said, they're sort of sheer, so if you do have more serious problems with acne, redness or dark circles, you should look elsewhere
The upside:
- since it's pocket size, you can easily take with you and apply touch ups if you feel the need, great for traveling as well
- I like the fact that you can find info on the ways to use each color
- since it's pocket size, you can easily take with you and apply touch ups if you feel the need, great for traveling as well
- I like the fact that you can find info on the ways to use each color
The price: 2 pounds
My other concealers are from Elf, I guess almost everyone has heard of them, one is a liquid concealer, the other a stick.
Elf All over coverstick
The color: the one pictured is Rosy Beige
The texture: creamy but more heavy
The coverage: I would say medium to high
The blending: no major problems, just be careful and do not apply too much, for it will look unnatural
The resistance: again, quite good, went about my day, and except for the powder touch ups, no problems with the concealer
How I use it: to cover pimples and scars, it's a little bit darker, but after blending it and applying my powder it looks just fine
The downside: like I said, a little bit heavy if you apply too much of it, you have to be careful and blend it well
The upside: it has the highest coverage
The price: 1,5 pounds (on eyeslipsface.co.uk)
Where to buy it: eyeslipsface.co.uk
Elf Tone correcting concealer
Elf Tone correcting concealer
The color: the one pictured is Apricot Beige
The texture: liquid, light
The coverage: light to medium
The blending: since it is a liquid concealer and being light you can blend it easily; didn't have problems with it gathering in the little creases
The resistance: not that great actually
How I use it: around my eyes, as concealer and I also used it to get a shadow base
The downside: being so sheer, other than using it in order to get an eye shadow base or even out discoloration on the skin, it's pretty much worthless
The upside: the lightest consistency and easiest to blend
The price: 1,5 pounds (on eyeslipsface.co.uk)
Where to buy it: eyeslipsface.co.uk
Conclusion: The product I like the most is the Technic one mainly because of its divers uses, though either one of them completely pleases me and so I've decided to get a MAC concealer. I"ve read and saw enough to convince myself that it's worth the investment.
What concealers do you use, are you pleased with it?
Am si eu un primer de la Technic (cumparat tot de pe blogul Lianei) si este bestial! Incep sa am din ce in ce mai mare incredere in acest brand :D
ReplyDelete@Pinkie - Me too, nu stiu cum, dar asta imi inspira :D Ma bantuie si pe mine primerul ala dar trebuie sa mai studiez :*