NOTD: Metalics [pic heavy]

flormar pretty p05
in direct sunlight w/out flash

flormar pretty p05
in direct sunlight w/out flash

flormar pretty p05
natural light w/out flash 
(poza facuta pe la inceputurile ojei)

flormar pretty p05
artificial light w/out flash



Orly Foil FX

Nail Rock metallic nail wraps

Nail Rock metallic nail wraps

Maybelline Mirror Image

Stargazer Chrome #232

China Glaze - Millenium 

RO: Oja metalica s-a numarat printre trendurile sezonului toamna/iarna 2011-2012 si inca de atunci mi-a atras atentia acest tip de manichiura. Dar cel mai mult mi-a placut aspectul acela oglinda al manichiurilor metalice pe care l-am admirat intens pe unghiile Ivelinei (FriChic), una dintre bloggeritele mele preferate de moda, deh, ce ar fi manichiura daca nu avem si o tinuta interesanta la care sa mearga, sau cel putin eu am savurat cu atat mai mult unghiile acompaniate de tinute care imi plac mereu si ma inspira.

Totusi, hai sa revenim sa subiectul actual, ojele metalice, scuzati parantezele, stiti ca nu ma pot abtine. :) Oje metalice au aparut de la Chanel (faimoasele Peridot si Graphite) pana la Orly (Foil FX) si nu numai, Asa cum suntem obisnuite, trend-urile sunt preluate de majoritatea brand-urilor de cosmetice si astfel avem atat variante scumpe cat si mult mai accesibile.

Dar asa cum v-am spus si mai sus, cel mai spectaculos mi s-a parut aspectul de oglinda, iar din cercetarile mele, pentru a-l obtine, cel mai usor mergeti pe abtipildurile de unghii de la Nail Rock, le gasitit pe Asos la 6,7 lire. Aspectul de oglinda il mai puteti obtine si setul Maybelline Mirror Image (daca aveti norocul sa-l gasiti pe undeva pentru ca este scos in 2009) sau ojele Stargazer Chrome (gasitit pe ebay) dar niciunul dintre acestea nu se compara cu Nail Rock, cel putin din punctul meu de vedere.

Eh, si ca sa ajungem acum si la oja pe care am purtat-o eu de curand, Flormar, din proaspata colectie de oje mini Pretty. Daca va aduceti aminte, v-am aratat pe pagina de Facebook toate culorile ce compun colectia (daca inca nu ati dat Like, sa stiti ca de obicei mai pun mici chestii pe Facebook ca sa nu incarc blogul, just sayin' ;;) ), impreuna cu niste dupe-uri din celelalte colectii (asta in caz ca aveti vreuna din ele prin colectie). Daca le-ati ratat, le-am mai pus aici o data.

De cand am vazut, colectia, am stiut ca vreau sa-mi iau neaparat aceasta culoare si sa-mi fac si eu unghiile argintii :). Si asa am si facut, ba mai mult, m-am gandit ca aceasta culoare va fi baza perfecta pentru a intensifica (speram de fapt ca voi avea acest rezultat) oja holo de la China Glaze. Ei bine, chiar a fost o baza buna pentru Sexagon, pe care am aplicat-o pe inelar, peste un strat de Flormar Pretty P05. Acum, mie sa stiti ca mi se pare dupe pentru argintiul de la Orly Foil FX, voua nu vi se pare?

Nuanta: Flormar Pretty P05
Aplicator: clasic, mai mic decat cele de la ojele clasice dar din aceasta cauza imi place mult si m-am descurcat mult mai bine cu el atunci cand am aplicat oja
Acoperire: acoperire buna si uniforma din 2 straturi
Rezistenta: nemaipomenita, pozele sunt facute dupa o saptamana de purtare (ca sa vedeti cum se prezinta oja dupa atata timp)
Timp de uscare: s-a uscat relativ repede, nu am avut probleme
Alte aspecte:
  - consistenta si aplicatorul o fac foarte usor de intins pe unghii, fara dungi inestetice sau alte incoveniente
Pret: 6 lei
Valabilitate: 24 luni
Cantitate: 6 ml
Unde cumpar: standurile Flormar

Am mai purtat nuante metalice cum ar fi essence 43 where is the party? si Sephora Diving in Malaysia.

Alte variante de oje metalice gri, in caz ca nu v-ati saturat :)
Chanel Steel
American Apparel
Dior Gris Perle, NY 57th
Butter London Chimney sweep (sau alte variante aici si aici)
Nars Full metal jacket
Essie Over the top
Nails Inc Cambridge terrace 

EN: Metallic nail polish has been among the trends for the last A '11/W '12 season and I've been hooked since then but I admired most the mirror look of such manicures, such as the ones Ivelina (FriChic) had. I like her blog very much abnd she always inspires me with her outfits, plus, what would a manicure be without a great outfit, or maybe the other way around.

But back to the nail polishes, excuse my additions, you know that I can't help myself sometimes. :) There have been metallic nail polishes from Chanel (the famous Peridot and Graphite) to Orly Foil FX and many other brands, as with everything, a trend is taken by every other brand, thus the diversity and many options, from cheaper to more expensive, from a poor quality to a the good one.

As I've written, the mirror aspect of metallic manicures was my favorite and from my searches I've reached to the conclusion that the way to get this look is with the nail wraps from Nail Rock, you can buy them on Asos for 6,7 pounds. Another option, if you find it anywhere is the Mirror Image set from Maybelline, but I find that the result is not that impressive, or you can go for the Stargazer Chrome nail polishes (you ca easily find these on ebay) but again, not quite the same look.

And finally, let me tell you about my metallic nail polish, Flormar, part of the new Pretty collection of 30 mini nail polishes. Just soon after they launched the collection I published 2 pictures on my Facebook page with all the colors, as well as some dupes for them from the classic Flormar collections. If you missed them, I've put them here also for you to see (if you're interested in the dupes please check on Facebook).

So, as soon as I saw the colors I instantly knew that I was going to get his color and paint my nails in silver. More so, I thought it would also be a great base for my China Glaze holo nail polish, and I was right, Sexagon looks great on 1 coat of this silver color. Also, after doing the research on the other silver metallic nail polishes, I find that P05 is almost identical to the one from Orly Foil FX, what do you think?

The color: Flormar Pretty P05
The aplicator: classic but smaller than the ones for the normal Flormar collection and I loved it because I found it easier to use
Coverage: uniform and opaque coverage with 2 coats
Resistance: see for yourselves, the pictures were taken after a week of wearing this nail polish
Drying time: ok, I didn't encounter problems
Other notable aspects:
 - the consistency and aplicator make very easy to apply on the nails, no messy lines or other incovenients
Price: 1,5 euro (in Romania)
Valability: 24 months
Quantity: 6 ml /0.16 Oz

I also have other metallic polsihes featured on the blog, like essence's 43 where is the party? and Sephora's Diving in Malaysia.

And some other silver metallics, in case you want more:
Chanel Steel
American Apparel
Dior Gris Perle, NY 57th
Butter London Chimney sweep (or other alternatives here and here)
Nars Full metal jacket
Essie Over the top
Nails Inc Cambridge terrace


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. vreau oja aia care bate spre holooo !! :x wohoo

  2. @Dariaa - nu bate, chiar e holo, CG Sexagon :D

  3. Imi pare rau ca nu gasesc Maybelline Mirror Image :(.

  4. Wowwww ce faina e !! Trebuie sa dau o tura pe la flormar, ultima data nu am vazut-o pe aia metalica, erau doar celelalte care mi se pareau identice cu celelalte colectii.

  5. @Iulia - si mie mi-a parut rau :(

  6. @Iguanitza - trebuie, trebuie :)


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
