May's favourites & disappointments


RO: Luna asta se pare ca vin cat de cat devreme cu preferatele lunii, sunt tare mandra de mine. :D Si daca ati vazut din titlu, luna asta vin cu o noutate, am sa va spun si produsele care m-au dezamagit, nu sunt multe, dar eu am fost foarte dezamagita de ele si am vrut sa va impartasesc cu voi experientele astea mai neplacute. :) Totusi, voi incepe cu preferatele, nu stiam daca sa termin intr-un ton mai placut postarea sau s-o termin, dar pana la urma am lasat sa va vorbesc intai despre produsele care mi-au placut in mod special in luna ce tocmai a trecut.

Sampon Selsun Blue

Din pacate, samponul pe care-l foloseam, Oyster Sublime fruit cu citrice mi-a cauzat probleme destul de grave asa ca m-am decis sa-mi cumpar samponul antimatreata Selsun Blue. Momentan il folosesc la fiecare spalare si situatia s-a imbunatatit simtitor.

Paula's Choice RESIST Weekly Resurfacing Treatment with 10% AHA

Inca nu ma pronunt asupra rezultatelor obtinute cu exfoliantii chimici pe care ii folosesc dar de fiecare data dupa ce folosesc tratamentul cu AHA, pielea este mult mai luminoasa, parca mai intinsa. Si tocmai ce am citit la Pasagera ca ea il foloseste o data la 2 zile, m-ar bate si pe mine gandul sa-l aplic mai des, momentan il folosesc doar o data pe saptamana.

MAC Fluidline in nuanta Blacktrack

Cred ca va voi povesti zilele urmatoare de el, ar fi cazul, nu credeti? :) Desi nu sunt inca multumita de tehnica mea si de coditele care-mi ies, l-am folosit destul de des, il am din noiembrie, deci are ceva timp si nu regret banii pe care i-am dat atunci (cred ca v-am mai zis asta, nu? ;;) ).

Rujurile in culori vibrante

Constant am intins mana dupa culorile intense de ruj pe care le am in colectie: NYX Soft matte lip cream Sao Paulo, NYX Round Lipstick Miracle si Flormar LongWearing L13 au fost alegerile mele. Rujul NYX l-am purtat si in cel mai recent oufit post, desi nu l-a surprins in toata splendoarea.

Beauty Blender dupe

Nu am apucat inca sa va spun despre cea mai recenta jucarie a mea de care sunt foarte incantata: mi-am cumparat de pe ebay un buretel ce seamana si nu prea seamana cu deja celebrul Beauty Blender. Seamana pentru ca e cam aceeasi idee si nu prea seamana pentru ca forma este putin diferita. L-am primit luna asta dupa o asteptare cam lunga dar sunt foarte incantata, am reusit sa obtin un rezultat superior fata de aplicarea cu buretelul clasic si va voi vorbi sigur mai pe larg despre el.

OPI Monsooner or later si Gouda Gouda two shoes

Dupa o scurta nebunie cu oja metalica (prezenta si ea aici) si una galben neon, am dat in patima culorilor clasice si a fost perioada perfecta sa mai scot la lumina ojele OPI luate inainte de Paste, roz cu mici particule aurii si un rosu-portocaliu superb. Daca Gouda gouda two shoes nu o puteti vedea decat intr-un mic swatch pe care il gasiti in articolul despre colectia mea de oje, Monsooner or later o puteti vedea si in outfit-ul Red my lips.

Flormar Pretty P05

Cum scriam mai sus, pe la inceputul lunii am purtat o oja metalica, m-a luat asa dintr-o data, atunci cand am vazut swatch-urile pentru toata colectia de oje Pretty de la Flormar si dupa ce mi-am achizitionat-o am tinut-o cel putin o saptamana. O sa v-o arat cat de curand si pe blog, am... aproape toate pozele :D (din acest motiv am si intarziat cu articolul.

Si acum partea mai putin frumoasa, dezamagirile:

Fond de ten fluid pentru piele sensibila Ivatherm 

Ok, tenul meu capata tendinte de ingrasare pe timpul verii, dar zau ca fondul asta de ten ma face sa lucesc ca un bec si d-asta sunt atat de dezamagaita de el. Mi s-a terminat iubitul Colorstay si, in lipsa de altul si lene sa ma duc sa-mi comand Ideal Flawless de la Avon, l-am folosit pe cel mai sus mentionat si nu-mi place deloc chestia asta la el, eu nu sunt obisnuita sa am astfel de probleme.

Masca hidratanta cu goji de la Freeman

Stiti ca este oferta la DM pentru mastile Freeman? Una este 15 lei fata de 22 si cu gandul la diagnosticul facial de la Silhouette, am ales sa-mi iau masca hidratanta, nu inainte de a arunca o privire peste ingredientele ei, lucru pe care-l fac acum oricand ma bate gandul sa cumpar un produs de ingrijire. Nu pare nimic foarte deranjant, ba dimpotriva, are niste ingrediente bune, plina de antioxidanti, dar imediat ce am pus-o pe fata am simitit cum incepe si mi se incalzeste fata, semn deloc bun, asa ca am dat-o jos instant ianinte de a ma alege cu o iritatie de toata frumusetea. Dezamagirea vine de la faptul ca am avut aceasta reactie desi nu pare sa fie ceva  care s-o provoace, cel putin nu la nivelul de care am avut eu parte. Si nu sunt singura, pe makeupalley mai gasiti astfel de experiente, doar 46% ar recumpara produsul. Si Andreea m-a avertizat atunci cand m-am hotarat s-o iau dar eu m-am incapatanat, am zis ca nu am cum sa am astfel de reactii, ca de la ce, eh...karma :)

Voua ce produse v-au placut in mod special, sau poate v-au dezamagit?

EN: So it would seem that this month I'll be quite early with my monthly favorites, this is new, so proud of myself. :D And, as you've read in the title, I'll also be talking about some disappointments of this month, never did it before but I really wanted to talk to you about these not so happy experiences.

But I'll start with the favorites first.

Selsun Blue shampoo

Unfortunately, the shampoo I had been using, Oyster Sublime Fruit with citrus fruit, has caused me some serious problems and I decided that something had to be done, so I went and got myself this anti-dandruff shampoo. For the time being, I am using it every time I wash my hair and I already have seen improvements.

Paula's Choice RESIST Weekly Resurfacing Treatment with 10% AHA

I won't talk about the results with the chemical exfoliants I have started to use but every time I use this treatment, I wake up with luminous skin. And as it happens that I've just read on Pasagera that she uses this product every 2 days and I'm thinking of doing something similar. For the moment I have been using it just once per week.

MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack

I think I should tell you more about in the next few days, since I have been using it for quite some time ever since I bought it, back in November, don't you think so? Even though I'm not quite very happy with my technique and the lines don't come out quite as I'd want, looking back, I don't regret the money paid for it.

Lipsticks in vibrant colors

This month, my to go lip colors have been the bold shades in my collection, among them these were my favorites: NYX Soft matte lip cream in Sao Paulo, NYX Round lipstick in Miracle and Flormar LongWearing in L13. I'm wearing the NYX Round lipstick in my latest outfit post, although the camera didn't manage to capture the beauty of it

Beauty Blender dupe

I haven't managed to tell you yet about my new beauty toy: I recently got my Beauty Blender dupe, bought on ebay. Well, actually it is a dupe and not quite, is because it has the same principle behind but isn't because its shape is a little different from the well-known Beauty Blender. Just got it this month and I'm verry happy with it, the results I've had using it exceed those I had got using a classic sponge and I will surely tell you more about it.

OPI Monsooner or later si Gouda Gouda two shoes

After a a short crazy episode that involved a metallic nail polish and a neon yellow one, the whole rest of the month I was into a classic nail colors mood, so it was the perfect time for 2 of my OPIs to see the light of day: Monsooner or later and Gouda gouda two shoes, pink with tiny gold particles and red-orange. For Gouda gouda two shoes I have a little swatch available in my nail polish collection article and Monsooner or later is also featured in the Red my lips outfit post.

Flormar Pretty P05

As I was writing above, I had an episode with metallic nail polish triggered by the pictures with the swatches for the recent Flormar Pretty nail polish range of colors. After I got it I kept it on my nail for at least 1 week, I have almost everything ready for the article for the blog, I just need a couple more pictures, as usual.

And now for the disappointments:

Liquid foundation for sensitive skin by Ivatherm

Ok, T zone does tend to have oily tendencies during summer but when I used this foundation it was positively glowing and that's why  it's such a disappointment. Since I finished my beloved Colorstay and was too lazy to go and get the Ideal Flawless, this foundation was my only choice and I hate this about it, I'm not used with these kind of problems.

Freeman Hydration mask with goji berry

Before buying it I looked over the ingredients and there were no red flags, actually they're quite impressive hence me getting it, but shortly after applying it all over my face I felt it heating up, no good sign in my book so I instantly took it off before winding up with a skin irritation. That's why I'm so disappointed with it, but Andreea warned me of this, she told me that there were reviews on makeupalley that said about this reaction, but I thought that it cannot happen to me...karma :)

Were any products that you particularly liked, or maybe any disappointments?


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Uh, deci ti-ai luat masca hidratanta pana la urma si te-ai ales si cu o alergie :(. Imi pare rau... Masca mea nu mi-a daunat, inca. Dar ma sperie gandul mastii tale.

  2. @Iulia - din pacate, sunt asa suparata. :( A ta cred ca ar fi fost o alegere mai buna. Pup :*

  3. Ce bine ca ai scris despre fondul de ten, mi-ai salvat niste banuţi :)

  4. Foarte fain articolul ! Am fost de curand in Turcia si m-am intors cu 10 oje Flormal pretty, le adooooor xx

    PS: Nu uit sa te inscri in noul meu giveaway, garantez ca o sa-ti placa : AICI !

  5. @Macnetize - daca vrei ti-l dau imprumut sa-l incerci, asa vezi pe pielea ta daca-ti place :)

  6. @Iulia Romana - ma bucur ca ti-a placut :) :*

  7. nu prea am adaugat alte produse fata de luna trecuta, dar in mare imi plac produsele din lista ta:)


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
