My face routine

Hello ladies!

RO: Pey, asta ar fi prima mea postare de acest gen, de ce am asteptat atat de mult pentru a o face? Nu stiu, poate are de a face si ceva lene, atunci cand nu aveam altceva planificat.

Dar inainte de a incepe voiam sa va spun ca, de fiecare data cand vreti sa aflati detalii despre tenul meu, parul meu samd,  aruncati un ochi la Basic info (o sa si traduc pagina cat de curand). Pentru a nu mai scrie de fiecare data aceste detalii, le-am trecut pe toate intrun loc, asa ca puteti verifica acolo pentru eventuale asemanari.

Cu toate stim ca este foarte important sa avem o rutina buna, sa folosim mereu produse dedicate tipului nostru de ten, adresate problemelor noastre specifice (fie acnee, fie roseata etc) iar greselile pe care le facem se vor intoarce impotrive noastra in anii ce vor veni (riduri, piele cu aspect nesanatos) dar si in viitorul apropiat (pori astupati, cosuri etc). Inainte de a-mi deschide bloguletul aveam rutine de la care nu ma abateam muuult timp, dar din Ianuerie am inceput sa ma adaptez astfel incat sa pot testa produsele dorite dar sa respect si ideile de baza a unei ingrijiri corespunzatoare. Aceasta a fost rutina mea pentru cel putin 2 luni (cea mai recenta adaugare a venit de la apa termala) si mie mi-a priit.

Scroll mai jos pentru restul articolului (traducere in paranteza patrata "[ ]")

EN: Ok, so this would be the first post of this kind for me, why did I wait so long to do it? I don't know, laziness might have to do with it, that's when I didn't have a review to write or something else planned.

But before we get to that, whenever you want to know details about my skin type or any other details of this kind, be sure to check Basic info. In order to avoid writing the same things over and over I just wrote them there, so be sure to check there for similarities.

We all know it's important to have a good skin care routine, to always use products for your type of skin and products that address your particular problems (acne, redness and so on, you get the ideea) and the mistakes you do know will come back to haunt us in the years to come (wrinkles, bad skin) but also in the immediate future (clogged pores, pimples and so on). Before I opened my little bloggidy blog, I would stick to a routine for a very long time, but since January I had to incorporate some new products that I wanted to test and would constantly change my routine even by just switching one product with another. But I have used this particular routine at least 2 months (longer if you count out the thermal water) and it has worked for me.


1.1. Cleansing -> Ivatherm micellar lotion

Been using it since the Ivatherm WOM campaign. I like it very much and use it every morning to clean my face and wait a few minutes before going to the next step. I really like using this kind of product during this "baking" days and couldn't bare the thought of using a traditional cleansing milk. And I hope that real' soon to tell you more about the product

[Am inceput sa folosesc lotiunea micelara o data cu debutul campaniei WOM pentu Ivatherm. Imi place foarte mult si o folosesc in fiecare dimineata pentru a-mi curata fata, astept cateva minute si apoi trec la pasul urmator. Imi place s-o folosesc pe zilele astea toride si nu suport nici macar gandul de a pune pe fata lapte demachiant. Sper sa va si spun despre ea cat de curand ]

1.2. Toning -> Vichy thermal water

Refreshing and calming, my face just loves it when it's pampered with thermal water. My boyfriend loves it too, when he sees me "puffing" away he comes with his cute face, craving it :D

[Racoritoare si calmanta, fetei mele ii place foarte mult s-o rasfat cu apa termala. Si prietenului meu ii place, cand ma vede cum ma dau pe fata vine cu moaca lui draguta, specifica momentelor cand vrea ceva :D]

1.3. Moisturizing -> Gerovital Plant moisturizing cream and Gerovital Plant Eyes and lips serum

Reviewed here. Love, love, loved this face cream! Here you can find the review for the serum. I wonder if I'll be able to finish it before it expires but I am truly trying :))) As for the moisturizing cream, just finished it :(( and just after this came the surprise by Iwostin, with their samples for the Hydratia Phisiological cream with ceramides.

[Am scris un review aici. Iubesc crema asta! Iar aici puteti gasi review despre ser. Ma intreb daca o sa apuc sa-l termin inainte sa expire, dar ma straduiesc din plin :))) Cat despre crema hidratanta, tocmai ce am terminat-o :(( dar la fix cu surpriza de la Iwostin, mostrele de crema Hydratia cu ceramide pe care o folosesc momentan]

1.4. Protection -> Gerovital Sun anti-aging face cream with SPF 50

I use SPF all year round, but, as summer came, I upgraded to SPF 50 and I am really satisfied with this cream. And again, I do want to review it the first chance I get. It has done its job so far and I just test it intensely 2 weeks ago.

[Folosesc FPS pe tot parcusul anului, dar o data cu venirea verii am trecut la FPS 50 si sunt foarte multumita de crema. Si din nou, inca ceva la care trebuie sa ma apuc de review. Si-a facut treaba pana acum, daca mai adaugam si testele intense de acum 2 saptamani]


2.1. Cleansing -> Vichy Essentielles facial cleanser + Ivatherm micellar lotion

I always clean my eye make-up with the micellar lotion and then I wash my face with the cleanser to remove dirt and make-up. You can find the review for the cleanser here

[Intotdeauna ma curat la ochi cu lotiunea micelara si apoi ma spal pe fata cu gelul spumant Vichy pentru a indeparta machiajul si mizeria. Gasiti review aici.]

2.2. Toning -> Vichy thermal water again

2.3. Moisturizing -> Apidermaliv cream and Gerovital Plant Eyes and lips serum

As I've said in my review here, I love to use Apidermaliv during night time and I am really satisfied with the results. I even have noticed the lack of the redness that was bothering me some time ago

[Asa cum am scris si in review, imi place sa folosesc crema Apidernaliv pe timpul noptii si sunt foarte multumita de rezultate. Ba chiar n-am mai observat nici roseata aia de ma deranja in trecut.]


3.1. Exfoliating -> Cosmetic Plant calendula gommage cream + ROC Renewex

Another review, it's on my list, but I have hesitated to write it until now because I did want to try using it on a daily basis, with the cleanser so I may give you all the details and results. As I've said here (long long time ago) I really like the feeling after using this combination and use it once or twice a week, depending on if I feel the need for exfoliating or not :D and I always use it after showering (with my opened pores)

[Si inca un review ce trebuie scris, dar am ezitat pana acum pentru ca am vrut sa incerc sa folosesc aparatul zilnic, in combinatie cu cleanser-ul Vichy si asa sa va expun cat mai pe larg eventualele moduri de a-l folosi. Dar, asa cum am scris aici (acum mult, mult, mult timp), sunt foarte multumita de combinatia cu crema de gommage si o folosesc de 1-2 ori pe saptamana, in functie de cum simt eu ca e cazul sau nu de o exfoliere :D si mereu o folosesc dupa dus, cand am porii deschisi.]

3.2 Avon Planet Spa Smoothing face mask with japanese sake and rice

Technically, it would count as exfoliating as well, since it's a peel-off mask and sometimes, when the laziness is overwhelming, I skip over the ROC Renewex and just use this mask. It's easy to use, a big plus that in order to remove it I just have to peel it off and I just love the smell :)) (I know it's not a good criteria, but I had to mention it). I usually use it once a week, again after I took a shower.

[Teoretic, si asta ar intra la exfoliere, avand in vedere ca este o masca film, si atunci cand ma copleseste lenea sar peste pasul anterior si trec direct la masca asta. E usor de folosit, o mare bila alba pentru faptul ca se indeparteaza usor, doar trebuie s-o dezlipesc si in plus, ador mirosul :)) (Stiu ca nu ar trebui sa fie un criteriu, dar a trebuit sa mentionez lucrul asta). O folosesc de obicei o data pe saptamana, din nou, dupa dus.]

3.3 Avon Planet Spa Facial mud mask with Dead Sea minerals

Since I like to apply a face mask about 2 times per week, the other time (as in when I'm not using the smoothing mask) I use this face mask in order to do a deeper cleaning. My face feels really good and it's just positively glowing, it has been a good replacement for the Himalaya Mud pack.

[Pentru ca imi aplic masti de macar 2 ori pe saptamana, cealalta masca pe care o folosesc cu regularitate (atunci cand n-o aplic pe cea film) folosesc aceasta masca pentru o curatare in profunzime. Imi simt fata foarte fina si este foarte luminoasa dupa aplicare, a fost un inlocuitor bun pentru Himalaya mud pack.]

3.4. Avon Planet Spa Hydrating face mask with Mediterranean olive oil

Occasionally, I try to apply this kind of mask, but I feel that these kind of masks are not my cup of tea. Bought all three face masks on a promotion and at least I'm happy with my other 2 choices. Still, will try it again and see how it goes, will surely let you know on the progress.

[Din cand in cand, incerc sa aplic si o masca hidratanta, dar am impresia ca acest tip de masca nu este pentru mine. Am cumparat toate cele 3 masti la oferta si sunt foarte multumita de celelalte doua macar. Totusi, ii mai dau o sansa si sa vad cum va fi, va mai zic eu daca se schimba ceva.]

3.5. Pure and simple olive oil

Now here's moisturizing :D From time to time (usually when I spend the night at my dad's, since I wouldn't want zah boyfrind to see me doing this ;;) ) I use olive oil, just apply it on my face, neck and bust area and sleep like this. I wake up with perfectly moisturized skin, it's awesome

[Eh, uite aici hidratare :D Tot din cand in cand (de obicei atunci cand dorm la tata, nu as vrea sa ma vada prietenul meu facand asta ';;) ) folosesc ulei de masline, aplic pe fata, gat si decolteu si dorm asa. Ma trezesc cu o piele perfect hidratata, e minunat!]

And I guess, that it, what do you think?

[Si cam asta a fost, ce parere aveti?]



Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Masca hidratanta de la Planet Spa o poti folosi la iarna cand ai tenul deshitratat & co.

  2. @Iulia - chestia e ca am impresia ca nu-si face treaba :( :*


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
