RO: Alta saptamana, alta manichiura :) Daaar, inainte, voiam sa va zic ca de acum puteti folosi butoanele "sociale" de deasupra slide-ului (cele in forma de inimioara). Acum putetti accesa foarte usor pagina de facebook, profilul de Twitter sau sa dati subscribe la RSS, tot din butonelele de sus. Am tot stat si am umblat pe ici pe colo la template, pentru a rezolva micile detalii care ma deranjau, ce ziceti, va place aspectul final? Mie-mi place foarte mult...m-am indragostit de template-ul meu ;;)
Azi revin cu alta oja Astor, dupa cum ati observat, e cea mai noua venita in umila mea colectie de lacuri de unghii si eram foarte curioasa daca am nimerit nuanta si se pare ca am nimerit-o ;;) ( engleza suna asa de bine si mergea perfect "I nailed it" :(( ) Dar sa va explic, nu stiu cate dintre voi o urmariti pe Chiara (The Blonde Salad) dar eu o urmaresc si am observat ca in ultimul timp purta o culoare foarte draguta pe unghii (sau alea or fi unghiile ei naturale? ) si imi doream si eu o nuanta asemanatoare. Asa ca la ultima mea perindare prin DM, saptamana trecuta, am gasit-o pe aceasta si parea a fi ce cautam eu. Si iiat-o pentru prima oara pe unghiile mele, in 2 straturi.
Acum puteti observa finish-ul de care va spuneam eu in celalalt NOTD (din nou nu am un top coat aplicat). Si pentru prima oara am incercat si eu manichiura cu inelarul de alta culoare si am recurs din nou la Soft lavender, ca sa raman "in familie" :D. Cum vi se pare?
Imi place la nebunie culoarea, e exact ce voiam eu, o usoara tenta nude, un look sanatos, v-am spus cumva ca e numai buna pentru french? Dar mie imi place s-o folosesc asa, si arata foarte bine si pe unghii scurte (nu ca ar fi ale mele lungi, dar intelegi voi :D ) Pe sticluta scrie ca formula contine diamante micronizate - particule foarte mici, de ordinul micronilor: 10 la puterea -6 - (asta imi aduce aminte o colectie de lacuri de unghii de la Maybelline, veche, tot culori pastel...denumirea era ceva cu Diamonds...vai ce-mi placea colectia aia) si calciu, nu l-am ochit inca pe lista de ingrediente, dar nu stiu daca mai conteaza avand in vedere ca de obicei aplici oja peste un strat de baza, nu direct pe unghie
Avand in vedere experienta mea cu ojele Astor, presimt ca si asta o sa ma tina o saptamana fara probleme, dar nu as baga mana in foc, va mai zic eu saptamana viitoare cum s-a comportat. Si, precum ati observat, am facut si niste poze comparative pentru a vedea diversele aplicatoare. Daca observati din poze, in afara de cel de la Astor, toate celelalte sunt mai subtiri si lungi. gasit oja de care va spuneam, uitasem complet ca era tratament:
Va aduceti aminte de ele? :)
EN: Another week, another manicure :) Buut first, I want to tell you that, you can now use the "social" buttons above the pics slide (the heart shaped ones). You can now easily access my Facebook page, Twitter profile and subscribe to RSS using those buttons. I have been tweaking my template here and there and resolved all the little things that bothered me, you likey? Me likey very much :P
Today I have another Astor varnish for you, as you've noticed, it's my newest addition and I was really curious if I nailed (pun intended :) ) the right color, and I did, I did! ;;) But let me explain, I don't know if you follow Chiara (The Blonde Salad) but I do, and lately she's been wearing a very nude nail polish (or maybe those are just her natural nails :D) and I knew I just had to have something similar. So when I took a stroll through DM last week, I found this one and it looked like the right color. So here it is, for the first time on my nails, in 2 coats.
You can now see the shiny finish I was telling you about in my previous NOTD post (again no top coat featured in the pics). And for the first time I did the different color of nail polish on ring finger thingy, and went for Soft lavender again.
I love the color, it's the exact thing I was looking for, giving you just a slight pale nude, very healthy looking, did I mention its main use is for french manicure? But I like to use as such and it looks just as good for short nails...They say the formula contains micronized diamonds (this reminds me of a varnish collection from Maybelline with pastel colors, good for french, something with,, I loved loved loved those colors) and calcium, haven't located it yet on the ingredients' list, no matter though, since you normally apply it over a base coat.
In light of my experience with other Astor polishes, I predict it will stay put a week no problem, but never say never, will tell you next week how it behaved. And, if you noticed I took some pictures and did a comparison on the nail applicators for different brands of nail polish. As seen in the pictures, all the other applicators are thinner and longer than the Astor one.
Ahhaaa...found the Maybelline I was telling you about:
Remember this? :)
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