Absolutely Fabulous Fair 10.04.2011 + Outfit post [pic heavy]

Hello ladies!

As I told you yesterday, on Sunday I went to the Ab Fab Fair again. It's always a pleasure to go, and I told my boyfriend a long time ago: "On April 10th we're going to the Ab Fab Fair!" :))) And as sweet as he is, he went with me :X Well, at least this time they had goodies for men as well, and he was pretty satisfied with the goodies he got :D

As for the people there, well I spotted the stylish S&E from The Hearabouts and the ones from Bucharest Style, while I was waiting for one of the magnolia's to become available :))). Everyone, and I mean everyone has pictures with the bloomed magnolia. And you know the one in all the pictures (Wonder fashion, The Hearabouts, Fashion in my eyes)...well I took the photos with the other one :D Yes, there were 2, on each side of the building. Lucky me!!! Otherwise I could have waited a looong time to take those pictures :)))

Apart from the usual sellers at the event, I spotted Ana from High Street Cardigans, she was there with her Snobbish Breakfast dresses. And they looked gorgeous!!!  I wanted to talk to her a little about those dresses, but she was busy :(( Eh, maybe next time...

look at all cuuute accessories

the ladies who made them, So mad that I just realised I misplaced their business card GR!!!!
LE: I am a genius!!!! I remember that their shop name was something with Veronique, searched and found it right away. So, I absolutely recommend you check their virtual boutique

I guess your all familiar with Dulapul Bunicii

As for the outfit part, first feature for the lovely booties from H&M! And there will be more in the future! I have practically been living in them since I bought them, with little exceptions. It took my feet time to adjust to this height of heel since I haven't worn heels so high in a long looong time. But once my feet adjusted it was great.

Jacket: Random / Shirt: Random / Scarf: hand-made/
Faux leather skirt: New Yorker / Tights: New Yorker/
Booties: H&M / Bag: MOA 

And I have to show you the necklace bought from the ladies pictured above, and the little embellishment for my laptop :D Ever since I bought I thought that is absolutely fabulous, but now I have the sticker to make it obvious to others as well :P It's been a pain in the ass to stick it there (Hm...this sentence doesn't sound right :))) but anyways), I had to use my tweezers to get all the details but in the end it looks great. Don't you think?? And how about my new necklace, don't you love it?...Say you do ;;)




Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. deci nu pot sa cred ca ai mers fara mine..si nici ca si tu ai laptop toshiba ca si mine si ca si stella :)) ba chiar stella are si acelasi model ca mine..foarte frumos lantisorul..gata sunt supi pe tine..:(

  2. @Yoana - Uffff...eu am intrebat sambata pe FB cine merge...promit ca ma revansez cumva, ca sa nu mai fii supi :(((...si la urmatorul te iau cu mine...NEAPARAT!! Poate vorbim si cu Stella...PLS NU MAI FI SUPI PE MINE >:D< :*:*

  3. hmm..hai ca prea am ras ultima data cu tine asa ca nu pot fi supi pe tine..:)) te pup..pai asa sa faci..si poate iesim intr-o zi la facut poze cu tinute funky :)) trebuie sa probez salopeta aia :))

  4. Yeeey! Mersi :*...Da, trebuie neaparat sa mergem o data, si asa ma gandeam ca vreau sa fac odata poze in cabina de proba :D Desi nu stiu daca face fata aparatul meu

  5. il iau pe al meu :))) iti dai seama eu in colantii aia? :)))=)))

  6. =)))) Daca a fost vreodata un moment care trebuie neaparat imortalizat printro o poza...cand vei proba colantii, ala va fi! :)))

  7. da da..lasa ca esti invidioasa..stiu eu :))) lesin aici de ras..zuza esti..

  8. hey buburuzo mica ..vroiam sa te intreb dc mai ai vreun sticker in plus..tare as vrea si eu unul *blushing*

  9. da,mereu zicem sane organizam,puteam sa iesim frumos imreuna,si cu Ioana.eu nu vreau sa deranjez pe nimeni.

  10. @Superficial Beauty - ufff...il mai am pe cel pus la giveaway...dar sunt mari sanse sa n-am cui sa-i dau premiul, dupa cum pare :((...daca nu il dau ti-l dau tie. Si la urmatorul voi lua mai multe stickere :D

  11. @Modniza - Eu nu te-am intrebat ca m-am gandit ca vii cu Ana si poate ne mai intalnim pe acolo...deci pe aceeasi idee ca tine, sa nu deranjez :)) Dar la urmatorul ne mobilizam si mergem, macar noi 3

  12. eu totusi sper sa se dea premiul...dc nu vrea stickerul il veau eu :)

  13. Dragute poze! Imi place cum te-ai imbracat!


  14. Vai ce dragut! ma bucur nespus ca ti-a placut atat de mult colierul si mai mult ma bucur ca ai recunoscut brosa de pe care o purta Ana. Iti multumesc pentru toate gandurile frumoase! Esti o dulce!

  15. @Mika - mersi, ma bucur ca iti place.

    @Veronica Biliboc - N-ai pt ce, mi-a facut placere sa prezint niste lucruri f dragute!

  16. love your outfit! Very cute!


  17. @Shaina - thanks for the lovely comment :*

  18. Multumesc mult pentru poze si mentiune! Mi-a placut la nebunie outfitul - fusta si colantii aratau grozav impreuna! Kisses:)

  19. @Alice - mersi de comment si de aprecieri ;;) Inseamna mult pt mine tocmai pt ca admir tot timpul tinutele si creatiile tale. Deci nu se putea sa nu te includ :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


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