Hello ladies! Last night I finally got to test the ROC Renewex microdermabrasion system. I have been dying to test since I bought it but didn't have my Cosmetic Plant Gommage cream with...
Hello ladies! I received this tag from Sweet Crazy Lollipop, Andreea and Joice and I thank them for tagging me :D I haven't had anything planned for a post, I know I’m supposed...
Hello ladies! I've been wanting for some time a microdermabrasion kit, namely the Dermanew Rejuvenation system but it costs about 100 bucks (with shipping and all that jazz) and sincerely, right now i have other...
Hello ladies! Little introduction: I told you ladies that I bought this cleanser, my very first Cosmetic Plant product and surely there will be many more in the future because so far, I’ve...
Hello ladies! Long time, no...nothing! ;;) Finally, some well deserved rest for me and what do i do, i write some much postponed posts. So I'll start with these swatches. And like the...
Hello ladies! Renunt la engleza un pic, ca si asa nu e cazul pentru ce am de zis. Voiam sa va zic si voua ce am descoperit azi, poate stiati, poate nu. M-am...
Hello ladies! Yesterday i had my appointment with Denise Dideata for the Vichy dermatological consultation and wanted to share it with you ladies, the ones that don't get to go to something like this. She...
Hello ladies! So i need your advice and opinions ladies. I was approached this morning by a Lady's (Avon/Oriflame kind of) representative and asked if i wanted to become a representative as well? Did...
Morning ladies! I took this tag from Anais. Thought it would be interesting to show you guys what i carry almost all the time with me and decided to do it this morning so...
Hello (again) ladies! I promised you this morning I'll also include a positive experience so to balance this day's earlier harsh review. Now, i told you some time ago that i finally bought the...
Hello ladies! So here's the deal: i had some disappointments, like bigger than the Balea lip balm :D, i had some expectations about these products and they have been sooo let down. So just...
Evening ladies! Yeesss...i know you missed me...not...maybe just a little...had a very tough exam and had to study a lot and i had just enough spare time to catch up on my blogs but...
Evening ladies! It’s a brand new week and it’s review time haha. So what’s on the menu today? I chose the Vichy facial cleanser because I’ve been using it for soooo long (since they...
Evening ladies! Let me tell you about the great day that I've had. Got up this morning, opened Bloglovin, as usual and as I checked the new posts and got to Wonder Fashion saw at...
Hello ladies! Today was super busy for me, got up early in the morning (couldn't sleep anymore, grrr), met with my dear friend Oana at the park, went for a short walk, in order...