Hello ladies!
RO: Scumpa de Alexandra mi-a oferit acest premiu, mersi mult, acuma mi-am declarat deja sentimentele pentru tine ;) :* Asa cum poate stiti, trebuie sa va spun 7 lucruri despre mine si am incercat sa aleg lucruri de care nu v-am mai spus pana acum. Sper sa va placa :D
1. Ador sporturile si le-am practicat toata viata mea (eh, mai slabut in ultimul an, am fost foarte lenesa in ultimul an). Cand temeperatura si vremea imi permit imi place sa ies cu rolele, si sunt putin cam obsedata cu anumite modele de role, iar in timpul iernii ies cu patinele sau la munte cu snowboard-ul. Nu as putea trai fara role, patine si iubita mea placa <3
2. Tinand cont ca astazi este Sf. Andrei, ma cheama si Andreea, desi nimeni nu mi-a zis asa vreodata. Imi aduc si eu aminte ca ma mai cheama si Andreea doar in perioada asta a anului :))
3. V-ati intrebat de unde vine Sihaya? Sunt obsedata de seria Dune, sunt pe departe in fruntea cartilor mele preferate si acum mult timp, pe vremea mIRC-ului, nu stiam ce nick sa-mi aleg iar un prieten (care citea la vremea respectiva Dune) mi-a zis ca mi s-ar potrivi Sihaya, primavara desertului. Mi-a placut atat de mult ca l-am pastratpana acum.
4. Am vazut Stargate SG-1, Babylon 5 si Star Trek DS9 de nu mai stiu cate ori, la un moment dat stiam pe dinafara toate episoadele. O'Neill rulez!! :))
5. Cand eram mica de tot obisnuiam sa-i fur mamei mele tot, machiaj, pantofi cu toc, haine, bijuterii, spre exasperarea ei. Asa ca e boala veche la mine :D
6. Iubesc cultura japoneza, cu samuraii si gheisele lor, dar si cea actuala dar in general imi place cultura asiatica, si mancarea.
7. Cand am dat admiterea la faculate, am optat initial pentru sectia Calculatoarea (stiam ca vreau sa dau la calculatoare inca din a10a), dar din cauza greselilor mele de neatentie am intrat la Automatica, iar acum ma bucur atat de mult pentru greselile alea.
Si pentru ca trebuie sa-l dau mai departe, se pare ca trebuie sa nominalizez 15 blogger-ite, nu stiu daca reusesc sa le nominalizez pe toate, eu ofer premiul tuturor celor care nu l-au primit inca, plus:
1. Pinkie (Not another beauty blog)
2. Pixie (Not another beauty blog)
3. Alina (Cosmetics all the way)
4. Andreea (Thrill of a heel) - asa de ziua ei :*
5. Oliviana (Wonder Fashion)
6. S&E (The Hearabouts)
7. Andreea (In loc de vorbarie) - tot de ziua ei :*
8. Cristina (La taina despre cosmetice)
9. Cristina (Shopping Therapy)
Stiu ca e deja aproape dusa ziua, dar eu va urez oricum: La multi ani si tot ce va doriti Andreelor :*:* Si sa aveti o seara minunata!
EN: My dearest Alexandra gave me this award, thank you sweetie :* Now this includes me telling you 7 things about me. I chose little things that defy me, things you might find interesting. Hope you enjoy!
1. I love sports and practiced them all my life (well expect for the last year, I've been really lazy this past year). I love to rollerbade and have a little obsession for particular models, and during winter times I love to ice skate and snowboard. I couldn't live without my roller skates, ice skates and beloved snowboard <3
2. Since is today is Saint Andrew, I'm also called Andreea , though nobody has ever called me this way. I only remember this name at this time of the year. :))
3. Ever wondered where Sihaya comes from? Well, I have a huge obsession with the Dune series books, they're by far on the top of my favorite books and a loong long time ago, while mIRC was at large I was wondering what nick to choose and a friend of mine (who was reading Dune at the time) suggested Sihaya, it meant the desert's spring and I loved it so much that I kept it.
4. I have seen Stargate SG1, Babylon 5 and Star Trek DS9 many times over, I used to know every episode by heart. O'Neill rulez! :))
5.When I was but mearly a little girl I used to steal my mother's everything, makeup, high heeled shoes, jewelry, clothes, to her desperation. So they're my first obsessions :))
6. I love the Japanese culture, with their samurais and geishas, but I generally interested in Asian cultures, and food.
7. I initially wanted to study Computers at my University and wound up at Automation because of the silly mistakes I did at the exam. Now I couldn't be happier about those little mistakes.
Have a great night!
RO: Scumpa de Alexandra mi-a oferit acest premiu, mersi mult, acuma mi-am declarat deja sentimentele pentru tine ;) :* Asa cum poate stiti, trebuie sa va spun 7 lucruri despre mine si am incercat sa aleg lucruri de care nu v-am mai spus pana acum. Sper sa va placa :D
1. Ador sporturile si le-am practicat toata viata mea (eh, mai slabut in ultimul an, am fost foarte lenesa in ultimul an). Cand temeperatura si vremea imi permit imi place sa ies cu rolele, si sunt putin cam obsedata cu anumite modele de role, iar in timpul iernii ies cu patinele sau la munte cu snowboard-ul. Nu as putea trai fara role, patine si iubita mea placa <3
2. Tinand cont ca astazi este Sf. Andrei, ma cheama si Andreea, desi nimeni nu mi-a zis asa vreodata. Imi aduc si eu aminte ca ma mai cheama si Andreea doar in perioada asta a anului :))
3. V-ati intrebat de unde vine Sihaya? Sunt obsedata de seria Dune, sunt pe departe in fruntea cartilor mele preferate si acum mult timp, pe vremea mIRC-ului, nu stiam ce nick sa-mi aleg iar un prieten (care citea la vremea respectiva Dune) mi-a zis ca mi s-ar potrivi Sihaya, primavara desertului. Mi-a placut atat de mult ca l-am pastratpana acum.
4. Am vazut Stargate SG-1, Babylon 5 si Star Trek DS9 de nu mai stiu cate ori, la un moment dat stiam pe dinafara toate episoadele. O'Neill rulez!! :))
5. Cand eram mica de tot obisnuiam sa-i fur mamei mele tot, machiaj, pantofi cu toc, haine, bijuterii, spre exasperarea ei. Asa ca e boala veche la mine :D
6. Iubesc cultura japoneza, cu samuraii si gheisele lor, dar si cea actuala dar in general imi place cultura asiatica, si mancarea.
7. Cand am dat admiterea la faculate, am optat initial pentru sectia Calculatoarea (stiam ca vreau sa dau la calculatoare inca din a10a), dar din cauza greselilor mele de neatentie am intrat la Automatica, iar acum ma bucur atat de mult pentru greselile alea.
Si pentru ca trebuie sa-l dau mai departe, se pare ca trebuie sa nominalizez 15 blogger-ite, nu stiu daca reusesc sa le nominalizez pe toate, eu ofer premiul tuturor celor care nu l-au primit inca, plus:
1. Pinkie (Not another beauty blog)
2. Pixie (Not another beauty blog)
3. Alina (Cosmetics all the way)
4. Andreea (Thrill of a heel) - asa de ziua ei :*
5. Oliviana (Wonder Fashion)
6. S&E (The Hearabouts)
7. Andreea (In loc de vorbarie) - tot de ziua ei :*
8. Cristina (La taina despre cosmetice)
9. Cristina (Shopping Therapy)
Stiu ca e deja aproape dusa ziua, dar eu va urez oricum: La multi ani si tot ce va doriti Andreelor :*:* Si sa aveti o seara minunata!
EN: My dearest Alexandra gave me this award, thank you sweetie :* Now this includes me telling you 7 things about me. I chose little things that defy me, things you might find interesting. Hope you enjoy!
1. I love sports and practiced them all my life (well expect for the last year, I've been really lazy this past year). I love to rollerbade and have a little obsession for particular models, and during winter times I love to ice skate and snowboard. I couldn't live without my roller skates, ice skates and beloved snowboard <3
2. Since is today is Saint Andrew, I'm also called Andreea , though nobody has ever called me this way. I only remember this name at this time of the year. :))
3. Ever wondered where Sihaya comes from? Well, I have a huge obsession with the Dune series books, they're by far on the top of my favorite books and a loong long time ago, while mIRC was at large I was wondering what nick to choose and a friend of mine (who was reading Dune at the time) suggested Sihaya, it meant the desert's spring and I loved it so much that I kept it.
4. I have seen Stargate SG1, Babylon 5 and Star Trek DS9 many times over, I used to know every episode by heart. O'Neill rulez! :))
5.When I was but mearly a little girl I used to steal my mother's everything, makeup, high heeled shoes, jewelry, clothes, to her desperation. So they're my first obsessions :))
6. I love the Japanese culture, with their samurais and geishas, but I generally interested in Asian cultures, and food.
7. I initially wanted to study Computers at my University and wound up at Automation because of the silly mistakes I did at the exam. Now I couldn't be happier about those little mistakes.
Have a great night!