Hello ladies!
RO: Uof, ieri si alaltaieri am fost foarte trista...foarte foarte foarte trista. Nu m-am asteptat la lipsa de interes pentru ideea mea, dar macar am fost inspirata si am intrebat intai, inainte de a sta ore pentru a ma documenta pentru un articol. Asa ca, m-am gandit ca ar fi bine sa scriu un review, ca tot nu am mai facut unul de o groaza de timp...geesh!
Asaaa...review-ul, cum zice titlul, este pentru balsamul de buze manufaktura, din gama pe baza de struguri, cumparat la un blog sale organizat de Larisa. Din pacate, l-am pierdut/ratacit, nu-l gasesc pe nicaieri, asa ca, pntru poze, a trebuit sa ma bazez pe cele facute de colege din blogsfera. Intotdeauna imi ratacesc balsamurile de buze, e un obicei d-ale mele (da, sa stiti ca asa e corect, really :P), asa ca daca tot nu am prea folosit balsamul, atunci cand l-am cautat pentru a face poze ia balsamul de unde nu-i.
Mica introducere:
Bineinteles, ca prima oara cand am citit despre produsele Manufaktura, a fost pe blogul Andreei, apoi a fost si tot entuziasmul cand si-au deschis magazin pe Lipscani. Normal ca am ramas foarte curioasa, le-am vizitat magazinul din AFI, dar nu am luat nimic la momentul respectiv pentru ca voiam sa ma mai documentez un pic. Si apoi am vazut balsamul de buze de vanzare la un blog sale al Larisei (apropo Andreea, era al tau balsamul de buze? :) ) si l-am luat fara stau pe ganduri.
Descrierea produsului:
Balsamul de buze contine ingredeinte naturale valoroase: ulei din samburi de struguri, unt de Shea, ceara de albine, vitamine E. Untul de Shea are proprietati unice de hranire si cicatrizare si protejeaza pielea de factorii extreni daunatori. Ceara de albine si uleiul de struguri sunt cunoscute pentru efectele regenerante. Vitamina E trateaza si vindeca buzele crapate
Catifeleaza si vindeca pielea crapata a buzelor, asigurandu-le hidratarea optima datorita ingredientelor valoroase precum uleiul din samburi de struguri si untul de shea extrem de hranitor.
Ingrediente active
Uleiul din samburi de struguri - ingredient cosmetic folosit pentru proprietatile hidratante. Usor si delicat, uleiul din samburi de struguri lasa o pelicula subtire la suprafata pielli atunci cand este folosit ca ulei de transmisie a altor uleiuri esentiale in aromaterapie. Contine o cantitate mai mare de acid linoleic decat multe alte uleiuri de transmisie. Uleiul din samburi de struguri poate fi folosit si ca lubrifiant cand va radeti
Untul de Shea - cunoscut ca unt de Karite, este derivat din grasimea arborelui de Karite, un unt natural cu actiune hranitoare ce combate in acelasi timp imperfectiunile pielii si ii reda elasticitatea.
Textura (nu atat de albicios, si un pic mai lichid)
Uz Aplicati pe buze ori de cate ori simtiti nevoia si mai ales inainte de a va pregati sa aplicati ruj sau gloss pe buze.
Cantitate 15 ml
Pret 15 lei in magazin (13,5 pe site)
Quick pros and cons:
+ miros placut
+ consistenta placuta
+ vine sub forma de lichid, nu baton solid ca majoritatea balsamurilor de buze
- nu a asigurat/mentinut nici minimul de hidratare
- daca aplici prea mult te trezesti cu buze albicioase
Desi, dintro privire rapida asupra plusurilor si minusurilor, se observa mai multe plusuri decat minusuri, cel mai important aspect apare la minusuri: hidratarea. Dar sa nu sarim prea inainte si s-o luam cu inceputul.
Tot ce tine de aspect mi-a placut foarte mult. Imi place ambalajul, foarte dragut si practic, imi plac foarte mult balsamurile ce vin la tub, fata de cele sub forma de baton, si mi-a placut mirosul foarte mult. Nu mi s-a parut ca miroase a struguri, era ceva mai dulce, ce-mi vine acum in minte e guma de mestecat :D Dar, daca se inatmpla sa aplici prea mult produs (am patit eu de cateva ori) te trezesti cu buze albicioase, mai ales de jur imprejurul buzelor, de-a lungul conturului. Si singurul lucru pe care cred ca l-a facut pt buzele mele a fost doar sa le usuce si va voi explica de ce zic asta.
Am incercat sa folosesc balsamul in diverse momente si in diverse stadii ale buzelor: crapate, uscate si normale, ca metoda preventiva. Nu a facut nimic pentru buzele crapate si nu a facut nimic pentru buzele uscate. Asa ca intrun final m-am gandit:"hey, daca nu merge asa, macar sa-l folosesc preventiv". Si asa am facut. Dupa vreo 30 de minute imi simteam buzele uscate si incepusera sa se formeze cojite. Deci nu a fost buna nici folosit preventiv.
Bine ca nu l-am cumparat din magazin si ca nu am platit pretul intreg pentru ca as fi regretat enorm. Produsul intra in categoria dezamagiri pentru ca asta a si fost, o mare dezamagire.
EN: Oh, wow, yesterday and the day before I was really really bummed...really really really bummed. I never expected that lack of interest in my idea but at least I'm glad I asked first, before spending all those hours of research. So, the next best thing I thought of was to do a review, since I haven't done one in a while...geesh!
Ah...the review, like the title says, it's for the Manufaktura Wine line lip balm, bought from one of Larisa's blog sales. Unfortunately, I lost/misplaced it, can't find it anywhere, so for pictures I had to rely on ones from fellow bloggers. I always tend to misplace my lip balms, it's a habit of mine, and since I didn't use this balm that much, when i searched for it to take pictures it was "find the lip balm, if you can". Well, I couldn't :)))
Little introduction
Well, of course that I first read about Manufaktura on Andreea's blog and then it was all that fuss about their store in the city center. Of course I was intrigued, went also to their store in AFI mall, but didn't buy anything and wanted to read more about the products before making a decision. And then I saw the lip balm on Larisa's blog sale, the price was awesome (by the way, Andreea, was that lip balm from you? :) ) and I bought it right away.
Product description
Caring plant lip balm contains valuable natural ingredients: grape oil, shea butter, beeswax and vitamin E. Shea butter has a unique nourishing and healing properties and protects the skin from the adverse external influences. Grape oil and beeswax are known for their regenerative effects. E vitamin will treat dry and chapped lips.
Softens and heals the chapped lips, ensuring the optimal moisturization due to its valuable natural ingredients.
Active ingredient
Grape seed oil - a preferred cosmetic ingredient for control of skin moisturization. A light, thin oil, grape seed oil leaves a glossy film over the skin when used as a carrier oil for essential oils in aromatherapy. It contains more linoleic acid than many other carrier oils. Grape seed oil is also used as a lubricant for shaving
Shea butter - widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion. It has been claimed to be effective treatment for the following conditions: fading scars, eczema, burns, rashes, severely dry skin, dark spots, skin discolorations, chapped lips, stretchmarks, wrinkles, and in lessening the irritation of psoriasis
Texture (very similar, think a little less whiter and a little more fluid)
Use Apply it on your lips whenever you feel necessary, specially before applying lipstick or lipgloss on your lips.
Size 15 ml
Quick pros and cons
+ nice smell
+ liked the consistency
+ comes in a tube, not as a stick, as the regular lip balms
- no moisturizing whatsoever
- if too much is applied the whitey paste will be visible
Though at a quick glance you see more pros than cons, the most important aspect comes with the cons: moisturizing. But let's not get ahead of ourselves and take it in order.
So, everything related to aspect, I liked very much. I like the packaging, very cute, very easy to use, I love this liquid-ey form of lip balm and I really, really like the smell. It doesn't smell like grapes, but sweeter, the thing that comes to mind is bubble gum :D But when I would accidentally apply more products I would wound up with "whitey" lips, especially around the contour area. And, the only thing that I felt it did for my lips was drying them, and I will explain why.
I have tried it in various moments and in various stages of my lips: chapped lips, dry lips and normal lips, as a preventive measure. Did nothing for my chapped lips, nothing for my dry lips. So, finally I said to myself: "hey, I'll just use it to prevent the drying of my lips" so I applied it. Take about a half an hour of so, my lips were dry and beginning to chap. So, no good as a preventive measure at all.
Thank god I bought the lip balm at a blog sale, and didn't pay the full price, I would have regret it. This one goes in the disappointments box for it has really disappointed me.
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