April's favourites

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RO: Luna trecuta nu am mai avut niciun chef de preferatele lunii, dar am zis ca nu mai trebuie sa ratez si Aprilie. Nu am avut multe produse preferate, in general nu am experimentat, am preferat sa merg la sigur dar exista cateva produse pe care trebuie neaparat sa le mentionez.

Retin-A + Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Lotion

Va povesteam in articolul despre Retin-A de problemele mele din ultima vreme iar acum sunt mult mai bine ca atunci, aproape ca am scapat de ele, mi-au mai dat de cap 2 pustule in ultima vreme dar deja se vindeca mult mai repede ca inainte si mult mai bine, asa ca trebuie sa le includ printre preferate.

Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Moisturizer

De la prima aplicare mi-a placut aceasta crema si m-a impresionat dar am sa mai astept ceva pana sa-i fac un review. L-a impresionat chiar si pe prietenul meu :)

Uleiul de macadamia

 Nu numai ca mi-a fost de un real ajutor atunci cand m-am jupuit, dar mereu cand aveam fata ceva mai iritata simteam ca-mi face bine. Il folosesc in fiecare seara intr-un mix de uleiuri despre care o sa va povestesc cat de curand.

Maybelline Volum' Express

Motivele pentru care este aici la preferate la gasiti in articolul comparativ intre Colossal si Volum' Express.

Avon SuperSHOCK in nuanta Blackberry

Il ador, este o nuanta superba, pare maro, dar parca are si olecuta di mov, e moale, e rezistent...si probabil va voi vorbi mai pe larga despre el. :) E primul creion Supershock si sunt chiar impresionata, nu degeaba le tot lauda lumea.

LA Girl Pro Conceal

2,5$ bine cheltuiti, imi place foarte mult si il folosesc ca anticearcan.

NYX Cream Blsuh

Sunt absolut indragostita de acest produs, o culoare atat de frumoasa si o aplicare atat de usoara.

Gloss Flormar SuperSHINE

Desi la inceput nu am fost prea incantata de particulele aurii pe care le contine, acum chiar imi plac. E o culoare foarte frumoasa, perfecta pentru vara.

Sleek Au Naturel, mai exact nuanta Bark

Cu care imi conturez mai nou sprancenele, o ador, e perfecta pentru mine.


Cam astea ar fi, voi dupa ce ati intins mana cel mai des luna trecuta? Si daca aveti preferinte legate de produsele despre care vreti sa va vorbesc mai intai (cele prezentate aici) , lasati-mi un comentariu. :)

Am fugit la somn acum...zzzzz....Va urez o saptamana cat mai usoara!

PS: maine probabil fac un update la colectia de oje, am facut rost de unghiute pe care am facut toate swatch-urile lipsa :D Va dau de veste pe Facebook atunci cand termin update-ul.

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EN: Last month I skipped the monthly favorites but I said to myself that it won't happen again for April's faves so, ince again, later than your average blogger, I give you my favorites. I don't have many products, mainly I focused on sticking to the classics, the things I already like and less "exploring" but I just had to show you some of them and also tell you a tee bit about them.

Retin-A + Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Lotion

Gosh, 2 products that have been my faces saviors. If you's like to read the translated article (via your best friend Google translate) where I talk about my experiences with Retin-A, you'll see that I have been having some skin problems but thanks to these 2 products, I am much better, almost perfect I should say. Just waiting for the scars to heal.

Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Moisturizer

This cream has been the most pleasant surprise from its first application and it's a great product, it managed to impress my boyfriend as well. :) But I'll be waiting maybe a month more to tell you all the details about it.

Macadamia nuts oil

After a very unfortunate accident with my wax strips, this oil has been a gift sent from heaven, not only to mention that whenever my skin is slightly irritated, it really does help. I use every night in the form of an oil mix.

Maybelline Volum' Express

You can read all the details about it in my comparative article between The Colossal and Volum' Express.

Avon SuperSHOCK in Blackberry

What a lovely colour this is, brown, but with a little bit of purple, can't quite describe it nor did I manage to capture it in all its beauty but I love it. Also, it's my first Supershock pencil and I must say, now I understand all the praises.

LA Girl Pro Conceal

Some 2,5$ well spent, I really like this product and it's a great concealer, I use it for my under-eye dark circles.

NYX Cream Blsuh

I can't have enough of this blush, it's a great colour and the application is great, simply gorgeous.

Flormar SuperSHINE Gloss 

At first, I didn't like those gold-ish particles, but now it's a completely different story. Also, in my mind, the colour is a great one for summer and I also like the fact that it's a sheer gloss.

Sleek Au Naturel, more specifically Bark

It's the colour I use now to fill my brows and it's just perfect :)


Well, that's about it with my favorites, what were your favorites for April?

Gotta go now, off to bed, mush needed sleep...zzzz...Have a great week!


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. @Calin Andreea - oo, ce sampon Oysyer? Te rog sa mu-ti mai lasi link-uri catre ga-uri pentru ca vor fi sterse.

  2. Foarte tentate favoritele tale din aceasta luna :)
    Abia astept review-ul tau la crema Paula's Choice. Si eu am tenul uscat si sunt curioasa daca e buna.
    Pana acum nu m-au impresionat produsele PC.

  3. M-ai facut foarte curioasa cu crema Paula's Choice. Frumoasa culoarea blush-ului Nyx.

  4. Ok ladies, deci va fi sigur un review pt crema PC :)

  5. eu si au naturel nu ne-am inteles deloc:D drept urmare ne-am luat la revedere. De cand vreau si eu un Avon Supershock

  6. @Alexandra - eu cu Oh so special nu ma prea inteleg, in schimb Au naturel e <3. E foarte misto creionul, trebuie sa-l vezi :) Pip :*


Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the subject here. Did you like it? Did you hate it? I love feedback! :*
