Flakies manicure

RO: Parca a trecut un secol de cand nu v-am mai aratat ce-am mai purtat pe unghii, dar am tot revenit la culori pe care vi le-am mai aratat aici pe blog la care mai adaug si faptul ca mi-am cam impus sa nu-mi mai cumpar oje pentru moment si sa le folosesc pe cele pe care le am deja.

Buna, ma numesc Sihaya si sunt dependenta de oje. Au trecut 2 luni 16 zile 5 ore 36 de minute si 20 de secunde de cand am cumparat ultima oja. :P Eh, nu e chiar atat de exacta data dar ati inteles ideea, de fapt am uitat cand mi-am luat cumparat ultima oja, atat de mult a trecut. ;;)

Manichiura asta am purtat-o acum ceva mai mult timp, cand era destul dstul de populara in blogosfera manichiura cu astfel de oje, de unde si tentatia mea dar am pastrat pozele. Bine, nu stiu cum s-a nimerit ca si acum au fost manichiuri cu flakies. :D Daca va amintiti v-am mai aratat oja Golden Rose Scale Effect, doar ca de data asta am aplicat-o in 3 straturi peste 2 straturi de Seventeen Supreme 63. In caz ca sunteti curioase, timpul de uscare pentru atatea straturi nu a fost chiar atat de mare, din fericire, oja Scale Effect se usuca foarte repede deci nici asteptarea nu a fost prea mare.

Imi place foarte mult cum arata ojele cu flakies aplicate peste culori inchise, parca iti sar in ochi, ce ziceti?

EN: I feel like it has been forever since my last nails of the day here on the blog, but to be sincere, I have been wearing some of the colors that I have already showed here, plus I have been on a sort of nail polish shopping ban lately.

Hi, my name is Sihaya and I am a nail polish addict. It has been 2 months 16 days 5 hours 36 minutes and 20 seconds since my last nail polish purchase. :P Well, it's not quite so exact but you get the idea, I don't really now when was my last purchase but it seems sooo long ago.

This manicure is kind of old, I wore it more than, there was a particular affinity for flakies during that time, hence my desire to try mine but I saved the photos, in order not to bore you with the same thing. I've showed you the Golden Rose Scale Effect nail polish before, only this time I applied it in 3 coats on top of 2 coats of Seventeen's Supreme no. 63Maybe you're curious about the drying time after all those coats, but the Scale Effect dries quickly, thus my wait wasn't that long.

I love the look of flakeys on dark colors, they just pop, don't you think so?


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. of ce rau imi pare ca eu nu gasesc deloc oja asta de la golden rose:( e superba:X

  2. @Let's make a diva daca ai cum si mai gasesti sunt cele de la Sephora la reduceri, tot cu flakies, sau Seventeen, dar mai scumpe decat GR din pacate.

  3. Foarte draguta oja, de unde ai luat-o?

  4. @Andreea DLC eh, pey scrie aici (http://sihayaslovelyworld.blogspot.ro/2012/03/haul-birthday-sales-goodies.html) de unde o am :P

  5. Ce ma oftic ca eu nu gasesc ojele alea de la Golden Rose. Not fair! Si nici pe cea de la Sephora n-am mai gasit-o, evident!:)))

    Asta chiar e deosebita, are niste reflexii superbe!:X


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