Hello ladies!
First of all, how was your Easter? Mine was ok, though a little bit stressing because of that damn form for the Gerovital Plant campaign, and after finishing that campaign I just felt I needed to take a little break from the blog, facebook and everything. But now I'm back with a little outfit and some photos. I recently began to use Photoshop and I think that I'm slowly becoming addicted to it :)) And I don't like it! :)))
Now, about the outfit, it's all Zara :D Have you noticed that A LOT of fashion bloggers have bought a specific pair of shoes from Zara? No, well I did, almost all the girls whose blogs I'm following have that pair, or a variation of it so I wanted to go and them out, try them on. Of course that first I had to find them in my size (36) which is always a challenge :)) But in one of my incursions in Plaza I found them so I knew I had to try them on, and then I thought that it would be the perfect time to try those photos in the changing room.
I love the shoes though, to me, they seem like the pair of shoes from hell when it comes to the level of comfort, with their stiletto heel and just their design. But I love them! :( What do you think, do you like the shoes? :))
And here are the photos I've been telling you about. But have I told you that I'm obsessed with photographing flowers? No? Well I am :))) Every time I see a pretty flower I have to stop and take a picture, so you can imagine my high during spring time, with all the blossomed trees.
And finally I have some photos taken down in the subway station, at Romana. It's a poster, for a campaign, but I liked the drawings very much and photographed them. They're not that great since the light is awful and our subway was coming, so I had to take the photos quickly.
Have you noticed the poster? Have you seen something similar anywhere else?
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I love those Zara hells! I like your outfit! The colors are so beautiful! Kisses
ReplyDeleteImi place bluza - croiul si culoarea :X.
ReplyDelete@Andreea - hells :)) I know is a misspell but sounds so good :D just noticed a guest at the royal wedding wearing them :D kisses
ReplyDelete@Iulia - si mie mi-a placut mult bluza, cred ca o s-o si iau, ca tot imi lipseste ceva portocaliu in garderoba :D
ReplyDeleteImi cer scuze! Sunt aiurita :)) vroiam sa scriu heels :)
ReplyDelete@Andreea - nu-i nimic, mi-am dat seama, dar m-a amuzat ca mergea cu descrierea mea, "the shoes from hell"
ReplyDeletevery,very chic!love it!pup
ReplyDeleteAm vazut si eu pantofii aia pe cateva bloguri si ma fascineaza. Dar eu zilele trecute nu i-am vazut pe la noi la Zara. Stiu ca atunci cand am intrat eu erau toti in focuri si puneau marfa noua pe umerase deci poate am nimerit eu momentul inoportun. Mi-ar fi placut sa ii probez si eu sa vad cum sunt :)
ReplyDelete@Modniza - glad you love it! kisses
ReplyDelete@Joice - eu am intrat in cateva magazine si am cautat special pantofii ca sa-i probez (crazy me). Bine, daca porti mai mult s-ar putea sa ai noroc, plus ca sunt si varianta alba aparuta recent si cu toc mai mic pe galben si albastru, deci trebuie sa gasesti ceva. Asa se simt bine in picioare, cand stai pe loc :D Dar s-au plans multe de bataturile pe care le-au avut de la pantofi(avand in vedere design-ul) si pe mine personal nu ma incanta tocul cui. Dar arata asa de bine :))