natural light w/out flash
natural lisht w/ flash
artificial light w/out flash
artificial light w/ flash
RO: De ceva timp ma tot tin sa va arat cum arata pe unghii Wocka Wocka (dar cum lumina este foarte proasta in ultimul timp nu prea m-am invrednicit, iar pe balcon nu mai ies de mult :)) ), cealalta minunatie OPI luata la sfarsitul lui Ianurie la oferta 1+1 gratuit pe care au avut-o. V-am povestit atunci despre ea si v-am aratat o poza cu ele, in caz ca ati ratat, cealalta oja OPI luata a fost mi amor Midnight in Moscow pe care am descoperit-o atunci cand am fost cu fetele la manichiura la Shades, folosind voucher-ul de la Glam Pack-ul din Decembrie.
Asa, ca sa ma intorc "la oile noastre", oja este Wocka Wocka si face parte din colectia Muppets, lansata in toamna anului trecut si atunci cand ma documentam in privinta unei nuante de rosu, dupa multe swatch-uri m-a cucerit aceasta culoare. Am zis ca este o culoare de care sigur nu ma voi plictisi (avand in vedere cantitatea mai mult decat generoasa a ojelor OPI :))) si dupa ce mi-am facut unghiile mi le admiram constant.
Nuanta: Wocka Wocka
Aplicator: clasic dar ceva mai lat decat cele normale
Acoperire: 1 strat este opac dar cu 2 culoarea este mai intensa
Rezistenta: cam 4 zile
Timp de uscare: scurt, nu am fost foarte atenta dar oricum stiu ca nu am avut probleme cu stricarea manichiurii chiar daca straturile au fost ceva mai groase
Alte aspecte:
- m-a cam dezamagit la capitolul rezistenta avand in vedere ca vorbim de OPI, nu folosesc cine stie ce base sau top coat dar am oje mai ieftine care ma tin mai mult
- culoarea este cameleonica si mereu te surpinde in functie de lumina
Pret: 36-52 lei
Valabilitate: 24 luni
Cantitate: 15 ml
Unde cumpar: Beauty in the Bottle (36 lei), Top Line (52 lei)
EN: For some time now I wanted to show you Wocka Wocka (but since the light is horrible I would always leave it for another time, and the balcony is out of the question :)) ), the other beauty I got at the end of January, when I took advantage of a 1+1 free offer. I got then 2 colors, my first two, this one and my love Midnight in Moscow (NOTD here).
Anyways, getting back to the point here, Wocka Wocka is part of the Muppets collection, launched last year in autumn and when I started searching for a great shade of red, after many swatches and doubts this color really captured my heart. I knew then that it would be a color I wouldn't get over (considering the generous quantity of polish :)) ) and after trying it on for the first I would constantly stare at my nails (always a goos sign :)) ).
The color: Wocka Wocka
The aplicator: classic, but wider than normal
Coverage: uniform and opaque coverage with 1 coat but the color is more intense with 2
Resistance: 4 days
Drying time: short, though I didn't pay much attention didn't have problems with ruining my manicure though the coats were a little bit too thick
Other notable aspects:
- I was disappointed with the resistance since we are talking about OPI, though I may not be using top notch base or top coats I have nail polishes way cheaper that last longer
- the color is constantly changing according to the light
- I was disappointed with the resistance since we are talking about OPI, though I may not be using top notch base or top coats I have nail polishes way cheaper that last longer
- the color is constantly changing according to the light
Price: depends on where you buy it (for Romania, 11$-15.5$)
Valability: 24 months
Quantity: 15 ml /0.5 Oz
Foarte frumoasa culoarea!
ReplyDeleteCe nuanta frumoasa!:X
ReplyDeleteArata foarte frumos si imi place forma unghiilor tale :*.
ReplyDelete<3 E frumoasa. Poate data viitoare rezista mai mult :D
ReplyDeleteCat de frumoasa poate fi :X
ReplyDeleteDeci va place si voua observ, ma bucur :D
ReplyDelete@Andreea - de doua ori mi-am facut unghiutele cu ea si a fost la fel :(
E superba si ai aplicat-o asa frumos!! :)
ReplyDeleteeste superba, cu un top-coat bun se rezolva!!
ReplyDeleteFrumoasa nuanta!
ReplyDeleteM-ai imbolnavit cu nuanta asta! :|
ReplyDelete@Georgiana - mersi, mai gresesc si eu :)) :*
ReplyDelete@Miha.ela - oi vedea atunci cand am sa iau Seche Vite (candva :D) :*
@ABeautyTale - hai ma, ca nu vreau sa te imbolnavesc :( >:D< :*
Ce imi place nuanta vede asa de frumos si elegant.