Parerea mea despre demachiantul Gerovital Plant

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RO: Bine de fapt numele complet ar fi lapte vitaminizant demachiant Gerovital Plant cu extract bio de floare de colt. M-am gandit sa incep cu produsul care nu mi-a placut, ca sa pot termina intro nota pozitiva grupul de cele 3 review-uri. Nu ma lungesc, ca sa nu va plictisesc pt ca stiu ca ati mai citit probabil nu stiu cate review-uri despre acest demachiant. Nu pot zice ca am ceva deosebit de spus, dar pt mine e foarte important sa va zic parrea mea.

Daca sunteti interesate sa cititi mai multe informatii despre produs, o puteti face aici:

Ingrediente: eu am uitat sa pozez demachiantul inainte sa-l trimit castigatoarei (da,stiu, sunt o ametita) dar cel mai bine va recomand postarea facuta de Georgiana, unde explica fiecare ingredient.

LE: Puteti gasi aici informatii despre ingredientele noii game Gerovital Plant:

Quick pros and cons:

 + ambalajul (si cam atat la pros)
 - miros neplacut, a prenadez (nu stiu daca e scris corect, dar intelegeti voi ideea)
 - nu e bun pt ochi si buze
 - textura mult prea light pt un ten normal/uscat
 - usturime


 -> Mi s-a parut dragut ambalajul, per total imi place schema de culori aleasa pt noua gama
 -> Din nou nasul meu hipersensibil :))) Dar pur si simplu mie mi s-a parut ca miroase a prenadez, m-am uitat chiar sa vad daca n-o fi expirat. Desi mi-a placut mirosul cremelor, asa cum am si zis-o, dar nu stiu ce a fost cu demachiantul, poate a simtit nasul meu ca n-o sa-mi priasca :)))
 -> Initial am incercat demachiantul pt a ma demachia la ochi (stiu ca nu si pt aceasta zona dar nu-mi place sa am o mie de produse diferite de demachiere), nu a mers prea bine dar nu a fost un cap de tara
-> Socul a venit cand am vrut sa-mi demachiez fata. Ca de obicei, am pus demachiant si mi l-am intins pe fata, iar cat am vrut sa iau discheta ca sa-l stergam simtit cum IMI IA FATA FOC!!!! Nu am mai patit asa ceva cu NICIUN DEMACHIANT pana acum!!! Am murit de usturime pana mi-am inlaturat tot demachiantul de pe fata. Nu stiam cum sa scap mai repede si sa pun lotiunea micelara pe fata mea, nororc ca o aveam la indemana. Nu cred ca pot sa redau acum in scris senzatia mea de disperare de la momentul respectiv.
 -> Drept urmare a fost singura si ultima oara cand voi pune pe fata mea acest demachiant. Si pentru ca am vazut ca unele fete au fost foarte multumite de el, am vrut sa-l ofer macar sa se bucure cineva de el, daca eu nu am putut.
 -> Din ce am mai citit, reactiile nu au fost decat la extreme pt acest demachiant, unora le-a placut foarte mult, iar celorlalte le-a creat tot felul de neplaceri, pana la bubite rosii.


Cum am zis si mai sus, nu mai am de gand sa mai pun pe fata mea vreodata acest demachiant. Este inclus in grupa de dezamagiri (si asa nu mai intrase nimic acolo de mult :))) ). Nu mi se pare un demachiant potrivit pt tenul normal sau uscat, avand o textura mult prea light (dupa parerea mea).
Nici nu stiu ce sa zic de recomandare, eu as tinde sa zic ca NU-L RECOMAND. De ce? Pt ca exista demachiante romanesti in aceeasi categorie de pret sau poate mai ieftine care isi fac treaba mult mai bine, si de la care nu ai astfel de surprize.

EN: The actual complete name is Vitamin Cleansing Milk with edelweiss bio extract. I wanted to start the group of 3 reviews with the product that I didn’t like, in order to finish them on a positive note. I’m not going to ramble and will just tell you quickly my opinion on the product.

If you’re interesting in reading more information on this product, you can do it here:

Ingredients: forgot to take photos of the ingredients but you can read about them with a little more detailing in Georgia's post

Quick pros  and cons:

+ packaging (and that’s the only pro)
- awful smell,
- no good for removing eye make-up
- too light texture for normal or dry skin
- burning sensation


 -> I liked the packaging and the scheme of colors chosen for this product line, simple and classy.
 -> And again my hyper-sensitive nose :)))), did you missed it? As I do with everything, I first went to smell the product, and it seemed to me like the smell of shoe glue (I don’t know the proper English term) so I quickly checked if the product was expired. Even thought I liked the perfume of the face creams from this product line, I hated the smell of the cleansing milk. Maybe my nose was trying to tell me something before I tried the product :))))
 ->Initially I tried to remove my eye make-up (it isn’t for the eye area as well but I hate having a zillion products for every little part of the face) and it didn’t go that well
 -> The shock came when I wanted to remove the make-up from the rest of my face. As usual I took the product and distributed all over my face, and as I wanted to get a pad I just felt like my face WAS ON FIRE!!! I have never experienced such a sensation, with any cleansing milk. It felt like I couldn’t remove the cleansing milk fast enough, in order to go for the micellar lotion. Lucky me  because I had the micellar lotion on hand. I don’t think I am can relay in words my desperation at that time.
 -> So that was the first and last time I will ever put this product on my face. But since I saw other girls happy with this cleansing milk, hence the giveaway. If I couldn’t enjoy it, but someone else will
 -> After reading other reviews, I concluded that this cleansing milk has generated reactions on the extreme, and nothing in between: either they loved it or they hated it and had problems with it going to even little red spots (similar to chicken pox)


Ad I’ve said before. I will never put this product on my face again. It goes in the disappointments group. I don’t think it is a cleansing milk appropriate for normal or dry skin due to its too light texture.
As for a recommendation, I really don’t know what to say, but I tend to tell you that I DON’T RECOMMEND IT. Why? Simply because there are a lot of other products in the same price category, or even cheaper, that do a much better job, and do not cause surprises.

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Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Îmi pare rău că nici ție nu ți-a plăcut demachiantul ăsta... Eu de când îl am, îl folosesc zilnic, dimineața și seara și sunt super mulțumită de el.
    Nu mi-au apărut coșuri sau alte iritații , ochii îi demachiez tot cu laptele demachiant și nu mă ustură deloc.
    Îmi lasă tenul super super fin și îl simt așa curat, neted.
    Mirosul îmi place, nu mă deranjează deloc.

  2. @Iguanitza - vezi, am zis eu ca a generat numai reactii la extreme :D Ma bucur ca iti place, eh, eu raman la lotiunea micelara de la Ivatherm momentan


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