L2R: 3 straturi | 2 straturi | 1 strat
Dar o data pozele facute, textul trebuia scris si uitati asa iar m-am lalait nu stiu cate zile, am avut asa o lene, nu mai zic chef de a scrie, din acest motiv si linistea de pe blog. Dar gata, am zis ca azi trebuie sa termin macar articolul asta si sa mai anunt si castigatoarea giveaway-ului Mario Badescu.Dar sa revenim, pentru ca am deviat de la subiect asa cum imi place mie :D
Nuanta: 15
Aplicator: clasic
Timp de uscare: scurt, intr-un minut, doua e uscata
Alte aspecte:
- miroase ingrozitor
- nu as folosi-o fara o baza aplicata pe unghie
Pret: 4-5 lei
Valabilitate: 8 luni
Cantitate: 10 ml
Unde cumpar: no idea, din pacate Scale Effect sunt f rare
Nuanta: 72 Time for romance
Aplicator: plat si lat (este acelasi cu cel de la 43 Where is the party)
Timp de uscare: pentru 1 strat este scurt, se usuca repede, dar mi-a fost cam frica asa ca am stat cuminte 5 minute pentru a se usca si cele 3 straturi
Alte aspecte:
- este greu s-o dai jos, din acest motiv nu ma prea incumet s-o folosesc des, poate doar asa pe un deget
- ati vazut ca pentru 1 strat sau doua sclipiciul nu este foarte dens, eu am folosit-o doar intr-un strat, dar daca vreti sa obtineti o unghie acoperita in totalitate cu particulele de sclipici trebuie sa dati 3 sau chiar 4 straturi
- particulele de sclipici sunt suspendate intr-un lac ce tinde catre culoarea particulelor, nu este incolor
Pret: 6,5-7 lei
Valabilitate: 24 luni
Cantitate: 5 ml
Unde cumpar: standurile essence (am scris aici exact unde le gasiti, puteti sa vedeti si toate nunatele de oja Colour&Go disponibile la noi)
Cam asta ar fi, incep sa-mi rascumpar pacatele. :) Si pentru ca e vineri va urez sa aveti un w/e minunat, si poate si ceva vreme buna, nu-mi place deloc ploaia asta.
EN: Because I'm such a
But, as they say, better late than never and with that saying in mind I finally managed to take those pictures and write the text for the post...pats on the back :)). So here they are, on my right hand Golden Rose Scale Effect in one layer over OPI's Wocka Wocka and on the left hand Essence's 72 Time for romance in 1, 2 and 3 layers, again over Wocka Wocka.
The color: 15
The aplicator: CLASIC
Drying time: short, no more than 2 minutes
Other notable aspects:
- the smell is awful
- I wouldn't use it without applying a base color first
- the smell is awful
- I wouldn't use it without applying a base color first
Price: about 1 euro in Romania
Valability: 8 months
Quantity: 10 ml /0.34 Oz
The color: 72 time for romance
The aplicator: flat and wide (the same as the one for 43 where is the party)
Drying time: short for 1 or 2 layers but I waited patiently about 5 minutes in order for the 3 layers to dry
Other notable aspects:
- it's hard to remove it off your nails and this is why I tend to use it less and maybe on a single nail
- as you've seen, for 1 and 2 layers the glittering particles aren't as dens as you'd maybe want and if you're looking for nails completely covered in glitter you'd need 3 or maybe 4 layers
- the glitter is suspended in a lacquer that it's not completely colorless, it has a slight tint of the color of the glitter.
- it's hard to remove it off your nails and this is why I tend to use it less and maybe on a single nail
- as you've seen, for 1 and 2 layers the glittering particles aren't as dens as you'd maybe want and if you're looking for nails completely covered in glitter you'd need 3 or maybe 4 layers
- the glitter is suspended in a lacquer that it's not completely colorless, it has a slight tint of the color of the glitter.
Price: 1,5-3 euro (from what I've read, in Romania 1,5)
Valability: 24 months
Quantity: 5 ml /0.16 Oz
I guess, that's it, redemption is on the way. :) And since it's Friday, may you have a wonderful w/e.
I guess, that's it, redemption is on the way. :) And since it's Friday, may you have a wonderful w/e.
Cum ma faci tu sa ma duc in Bucur Obor, sa-mi caut Essence... Arata bine de tot.
ReplyDeletearata bine pe rosu!
ReplyDeleteOja de la GR arata cam la fel ca una din colectia noua de la Seventeen :D. Mie-mi place sa aplic in 2 straturi ca sa se vada mai bine acel efect.
ReplyDelete@Macnetize - me? never! ;;) Sa-mi zici si mie rezultatele incursiunii tale la Obor :D Pup :*
ReplyDelete@From Meg with Love - asa m-am gandit si eu :)
ReplyDelete@Iulia - am vazut-o si pe cea de la Seventeen, arata tare bine :). M-am gandit abia mai tarziu ca puteam sa aplic in mai multe straturi si Scale Effect-ul asa macar pentru poze :(
ReplyDeleteImi plac amandoua :D
ReplyDeletevreau si eu scale effect :(
@Alessandra - :( poti sa-ti iei Seventeen Supreme 103, 104 sau 105, sunt aceeasi idee si ai mai mari sanse sa gasesti :)
ReplyDeleteimi plac :*
ReplyDeleteGata, pacat accomplished. Am fost si m-am imprietenit cu standul Essence si am pacatuit cu doua oje, un fdt si un corector :D Fdt am vazut ca n-are alcool si nu stiu de ce naiba l-am luat, ca mai am o caruta pe care tot zic ca le termin, da' n-apuc, ca nu-mi mai dau decat la ocazii. In fine, mi-ar fi stat pe creier, daca nu l-as fi luat. Abia astept sa incerc ojele, abia astept! Pupici! :*
ReplyDelete@Macnetize - prieteni buni chiar :)) Sa le folopsesti cu placere! Abia astept sa vad ojele, si celelalte produse, hai ca ma tentezi tu acum... dar nu, stau cuminte. :D Pup :*
ReplyDeleteculmea imi place mai mult golden roseul :D
ReplyDeleteTrebuie sa-mi iau si eu oja aia Essence!Este superba!