NOTD: Dusty mauve polish from Flormar

Hello ladies!

natural light w/out flash

natural light w/ flash

artificial light w/out flash

artificial light w/out flash 
(dar am umblat la culoare s-o aduc aproape de cea la lumina naturala)

artificial light w/ flash

RO: Avand in vedere de reactia la intrebarea pe Facebook apropo de pozele cu oja Flormar 418 iata ca azi "ma conformez" :P si va arat aceasta superba culoare si inca un dupe dupa o oja Chanel, pentru Paradoxal de aceasta data. Stiti cat imi plac mie dupe-urile astea :)

Imi aduc aminte ca prima oara am citit despre Barry M Dusky Mauve la Camelia doar ca pe atunci nu dobandisem "viciul" de a strange cat mai multe oje asa ca am trecut peste. Apoi am citit despre comparatia intre Barry M si Flormar 418, tot la Camelia, din nou am trecut peste. Dar acum...acum e cu totul alta poveste :))

Din cate am mai citit, Dusky Mauve nu sta prea bine la capitolul rezistenta iar ojele Chanel sunt pe departe de a sta bine tot la acest capitol. Dar intre cele doua nu exista diferente de culoare, sunt identice. In schimb, ojele Flormar au din partea mea rating AAA (:>) in ceea ce priveste capitolul rezistenta dar 418 este ceva mai deschisa decat celelalte doua culori. Dar sincer, la ce pret au si cat de frumoasa este culoarea chiar nu ma intereseaza daca 418 nu este o copie exacta.

Finish-ul ojei este cel pe care-l vedeti in poze, nu este unul lucios, maine aplic si un top coat.

Iata si "fisa tehnica":

Nuanta: no. 418, mov prafuit i-as zice eu cu reflexe gri si mici particule irizante
Aplicator: clasic, subtire, lung, nu mi se pare prea prietenos dar ce sa-i faci
Acoperire: 1 strat este opac dar cu 2 culoarea este mai intensa
Rezistenta: probabil 5-7 zile, eu o am de ieri
Timp de uscare: mediu as zice, daca aplicati primul strat prea gros trebuie stat ceva mai mult ca sa se usuce bine
Alte aspecte: momentan nu
Pret: 6 lei
Valabilitate: 18 luni
Cantitate: 11 ml
Unde cumpar: standurile Flormar

EN: Since there was quite an interest on the Facebook page when I asked about the Flormar 418 mail polish today I'm showing you a wonderful color from Flormar and another Chanel dupe, for Paradoxal this time. You know how I love those ;)

I remember reading for the first time about the Barry M Dusky mauve nail polish on Camalia's blog, at the time, my obsession for hoarding nail polishes hadn't kicked in yet so I read and then I moved on. And then I also remembered her post with the Flormar comparison, again, moved on. But it's a totally different story :))

From what I've read, the Barry M is not that great in the resistance department and maybe you don't know but Chanel nail polishes are far from great in the department also. But the 2 are identical. Now, The Flormar polishes have an AAA (:>) from me at resistance, they're fabulous, I've had them go on for 7 days straight without base or top coat but the color itself is a tat lighter than the other 2. But hey, for the price and great quality, not to mention the great color,  don't even care if it's not an exact copy.

The finish isn't shiny, as you may have noticed in the pictures, tomorrow though I will apply a top coat.

"The technical data":

The color: no. 418, dusty mauve with grey-ish reflections and tiny sparkling particles 
The aplicator: classic, thin, long, I find it a little bit unfriendly but I manage
Coverage: uniform and opaque coverage with 1 coat but the color is more intense with 2
Resistance: probably 5-7 days
Drying time: medium I would say, but if the 1st coat is too thick you'll need to wait longer
Other notable aspects: none yet
Price: depends on where you buy it (for Romania, 1,5 euro)
Valability: 18 months
Qunatity: 11 ml
Where to buy: wherever there's a Flormar stand


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Love the colour! Great review!
    I admire your billingual posts, congrats, I love reading these. I don't comment very often, sorry :)

  2. Cand am ajuns acu 2 sapt la timisoara la standul Flormar ,gandul mi-a fugit de indata la ea si am zis ca trebuie sa o am ...insa nu o aveau ... :(

  3. @Blueroses - thank you, you don't have to apologize, I'm glad if you just like them :*

  4. Foarte frumoasa! O am si eu :X.

  5. @Pinkie - da, sunt superbe reflexele, nu am putut sa le surprind pe cele rozalii :(


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