Hello ladies!
RO: De ceva timp tot stau to draft-ul si vreau sa va povestesc cum a fost cu toata nebunia cu Black Friday si cu transportul gratuit la Sigma.
Cred ca este singura sansa in an cand cei de la Sigma ofera transport gratuit si cum imi doream foarte mult setul Synthetic Sigmax Duo ce contine pensulele F82 si F84 (iar transportul pentru ele costa 11$ in cazul in care setul este 24$) am zis ca trebuie neaparat sa profit de ocazie. Nu a fost nici pe departe atat de usor sa comand, site-ul nu a facut fata avalansei de trafic si comenzi, multe ore a fost neaccesabil iar intr-un final cei de la Sigma au facut un sistem de coada in care intrai si asteptai randul pentru a putea accesa site-ul. Efectiv cand tastai adresa Sigma, in loc sa-ti apara site-ul, iti aparea un mesaj unde te anunta ca trebuie sa-ti astepti randul si te va redirectiona automat catre site atunci cand esti tu la rand, iar pagina avea un refresh la cateva minute sa zicem. De asteptat eu am asteptat cam 30 de minute maxim pana sa apuc sa intru pe site, dar mult timp nu mi-a mers butonul Add to cart insa deja pe la ora 1 noaptea incepuse sa se linisteasca lucrurile, nici nu mai trebuia sa astepti pentru a accesa site-ul, a mers si butonul Add to cart, am mai avut eu cateva probleme dar am reusit sa-mi comand pensulele intr-un final, adica pe la 1:30 cred. Plata am efectuat-o prin Paypal, sistem in care am mare incredere, tata foloseste paypal de multi ani si niciodata nu a avut vreo problema.
Si a inceput asteptarea, bineinteles, pentru ca avand in vedere cate comenzi s-au efectuat in acea zi, m-am asteptat sa dureze ceva pana sa mi se expedieze coletul. Comanda am plasat-o pe 26 Noiembrie iar coletul mi-a fost expediat pe 6 Decembrie cu USPS First Class. Pe 14 decembrie coletul ajunsese deja la posta vamala, marcat ca gift si cu valoarea de 15$ trecuta pe el si nu am platit nicun fel de taxa.
Daca optati pentru First Class shipping, ei zic no tracking number dar mie mi-au dat un tracking number (probabil toate comenzile de acest gen primesc) dar care nu poate fi folosit decat pentru a-l urmari cat este pe teritoriul SUA, dati click pe numar si va redirectioneaza automat catre site-ul de tracking.
Acum pensulele au ajuns bine mersi, ambalate frumos intr-un saculet turcoaz din organza (??? sau asa cred :-?), impreuna cu un pliant ce contine cateva informatii despre fiecare dintre pensulele ce compun Synthetic Essential Kit, eu sunt foarte incantata ca le-am luat, mi le doream de mult timp ca sa nu mai frec atat F80-ul atat plus ca tanjeam mult atunci cand o spalam si trebuia sa astept o eternitate sa se usuce. By the way, cred ca este cazul sa-i si fac un review.
In concluzie, nu m-am asteptat la nimic altceva decat la seriozitatea cu care m-am obisnuit atunci cand am avut de-a face cu Sigma, ce-i drept nu cat mi-as fi dorit eu, dra nu-i nimic. Daca planuiti sa profitati la anul de oferta Black Friday va recomand sa aveti rabdare pentru ca va vor trimite cu siguranta comanda, eu nu am trimis absolut niciun email, am asteptat cuminte mail-ul in care sa ma anunte ca mi-au trimis comanda.
PS: iata si cea mai recenta oferta Sigma, daca va tenteaza, 10% discount, click pe banner pentru a intra pe site-ul lor.
PPS: Pentru ca cel mai probabil nu mai apuc sa scriu ceva pana diseara va urez un nou an cat mai bun plin de impliniri si va multumesc din suflet, voua celor care va rupeti din timp pentru a ma citi si pentru a-mi lasa feedback, inseamna enorm pentru mine. La multi ani!
EN: This little article has been standing in drafts for some time and I wanted just to share with you my experience on the Black Friday Sigma special free international (madness :P) shipping.
If I'm not mistaken, though I'm 99% sure I'm not, Black Friday is the only time of the year when th guys at Sigma have free international shipping and since I wanted really bad the Synthetic Sigmax Duo, the F82 and F84 brushes (that have a normal shipping fee of 11$ for a 24$ set) I knew that this was my chance. But it wasn't by far as easy as I imagined, the site crashed due to the overwhelming traffic and they took it offline for many hours. And after all those hours, still the same problem, so they devised a queue system: when you accessed the site you took your place in the queue, waited for your turn as the site would refresh at every minute or so. As for the waiting time, my longest one wasn't more than 30 minutes but when I would finally could access the site, there were still problems: my Add to cart button would not work X( (now that was frustrating). But after trying and trying, at about 1 AM (EET) things started to cool down, there was no queue anymore and by 1:30 my order was placed. So the waiting began...
Of course, with the amount of traffic and sales I was expecting it would take some time to precess and ship my order. So I placed the order on the 26th of November and my order shipped on the 6th of december via USPS First Class Airmail. On the 14th of December the parcel was already at the Customs office, marked as a gift and with the value of 15$, no custom fees paid.
If you do opt for First Class shipping, they say it doesn't come with a tracking number but they still give you a tracking number that you can use to track the parcel while in the US, just click the number and you'll be directed to the tracking site.
The brushes arrived just fine, in an organza little turquoise bag along with a flyer containing a little description for each of the brushes that compose the Synthetic Essential Kit, I am so happy that I finally have them, I've been craving them for soo long in order to give the F80 a break from time to time, plus the long drying time it's always killing me. Oh, and by the way, I think it's about time to review it.
As a conclusion, I expected nothing less than the usual professionalism from Sigma and if you're planning to take advantage of next year's Black Friday my main advice for you is to be patient for they will ship your order. I didn't need to send any e-mails asking about my order, just waited for the e-mail notification that my order has been shipped.
PS: here's the latest offer from Sigma, 10% off, just click on the banner to acces their site
PPS: sunce most certainly I won't be able to erite anythung else utodai I'm wishing a happy new year and may it be full of achievements. Also I want to thank all of you who take a little of your time to read my blog and lwave your feedback, I am deeply thankful for all the support.
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La multi ani! Multa sanatate si fericire si sa ti se indeplineasca toate dorintele!
ReplyDeletePensulele arata asa de bine! Nu stiu cum de ai putut sa le astepti asa de rabdatoare atat timp...am facut si eu o comanda de pe iherb si deja am intrat in panica ca inca nu a ajuns ;))
La multi ani si tie Alinuto! Tot ce-ti doresti :* Pey am avut rabdare atata timp, cat am ravnit la ele asa ca inca 3 saptamani a fost nimic :P
ReplyDeleteLa multi ani si un an nou minunat! La anul sigur nu ratez ocazia sa-mi comand si eu un set.. Te pup!
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ReplyDelete@Georgiana - la fel si tie! :* Asa sa faci :D
ReplyDeleteThank you. I am glad you like the post and blog. I love reading this kinds of stuff.