Hello ladies!
RO: A inceput o noua campanie Trender, dupa cum toata lumea stie si a vazut pe alte bloguri, iar printre persoanele alese in campanie ma numar si eu dar am mai asteptat un pic pana sa scriu despre asta. Nu va zic inca de produse, deja le stiti care sunt, va voi da cateva detalii despre ele intrun alt post separat dar acum m-am gandit ca mi-as dori sa va spun ce asteptari am eu de la un sampon pentru a-l recumpara si cum imi ingrijesc parul si rezolv eventualele probleme.
Principiul meu de baza este ca mai bine previi ceva decat sa tratezi, mai ales cand vine vorba de par. De aceea, atunci cand m-am confruntat cu un par mai uscat (n-am mai patit-o decat acum cativa ani, la scurt timp dupa am si trecut la un par mai scurt) primul lucru pe care l-am facut a fost sa ma duc sa-mi tund varfurile, bine varfurile, a luat un pic mai mult din lungime si am apelat si la un sampon de reparare, de fapt ideea a fost sa-mi schimb samponul pe care-l foloseam atunci. A fost ok, am scapat de problema si pana de curand nu am avut probleme majore cu parul.
Dar de cand am ales sa revin la tunsoarea Bob, am inceput sa folosesc mai des placa de par (uscatorul de par il folosesc aproape de fiecare data dupa ce ma spal) dar niciodata nu am folosit-o mai mult de 2 ori pe saptamana, pentru a-mi menaja cat de cat parul. Daca mai adaug si faptul ca salonul la care ma tundeam de foarte multi ani s-a inchis si eu am ajuns sa stau 7 luni fara sa tund macar varfurile, plus ca samponul meu obisnuit, Johnson's Baby mi-a facut matreata, pe care am tratat-o cu samponul anti-matreata de la Cosmetic Plant. Ei bine, de matreata m-a scapat, dar samponul a fost cam agresiv cu parul meu, cred ca a fost picatura care a umplut paharul iar parul meu a devenit uscat, tern, mult mai fragil decat de obicei (eu deja avand un fir subtire), daca nu il aranjam cumva arata ca o maturica. Din nou, care credeti ca a fost primul lucru pe care l-am facut pentru a remedia problemele cu parul? M-am dus si m-am tuns, si tot ce a crescut in 7 luni, acei cm buni au disparut in cateva minute cu tot cu varfurile mele foarte tocite si despicate.
Urmatorul pas a fost sa-mi iau un sampon pentru par uscat, l-am luat pe cel de la Kallos dupa cum
v-am povestit aici, aplic mai des o masca de par, si incerc sa nu mai uit sa aplic un ser pt varfuri pentru a intarzia pe cat posibil despicarea lor. Samponul Kallos a fost ok pentru inceput iar cand am vazut ca noua campanie Trender este pentru a testa produse de par am zis "What the hell, nu am nimic de pierdut" si poate doar de castigat asa ca iata-ma, testand gama Gliss Ultimate repair pentru par uscat si degradat. Ah, si m-am gandit ca asa il poate incerca si mama prietenului meu, ea este vopsita blond deci are parul destul de degradat si uscat, asa ca voi culege feedback si de la ea
Acum sa va si spun ce asteptari am eu de la un sampon, nu ma astept la lucruri miraculoase si par "ca in reclame", nici pe departe. Ma astept ca acel sampon sa nu-mi cauzeze matreata, sa-mi spele parul bine fara a fi agresiv, sa nu-mi ingrase parul mai repede (in mod normal ma spal pe cap cam la 3 zile) sau alte neplaceri (de ex cadere excesiva a parului sau mai stiu eu ce). In general ma uit catre ce tip de par este adresat samponul si ignor in mare parte ceilalti termeni "cheie" sau afirmatiile de genul par mai sanatos in doar x zile, demonstrat clinic. Acum vom vedea cum se va comporta samponul si care vor fi rezultatele iar intrun articol ulterior va voi povesti cate ceva despre cheratina, daca aceasta gama tot contine aceasta substanta.
Asa ca o concluzie, in momentul in care vedeti ca parului nu-i este bine, incercati pe cat posibil sa eliminati cauzele si ajutati-l sa-si revina de la interior (vitamine, alimentatie cat mai buna) catre exterior (tuns, masti, seruri, balsamuri, sampoane) pentru ca firul de par absoarbe substantele nutritive prin radacina, din sange. Apropo de asta, aveti vreo recomandare de vitamine pentru a-mi ajuta parul?
Voi dupa ce va ghidati atunci cand cumparati un nou sampon?
EN: There's a new campaign in town and I'm part of it, another Trender Word of mouth campaign, that is and this time is all about the hair. I will tell you about the products in another post, I'll try to give some some details about them and now I want to tell you my expectations when buying a shampoo, my beliefs and how I treat my hair problems.
The basic principle I follow is to always prevent a problem rather than treat it, especially when it comes to hair. That's why when confronted with dry and brittle hair (this has happened only once a few years ago, and shortly after I switched to much shorter hair) the first thing I did was to go and take care (cut off) the split ends, well it was more than just the split ends and then I went and bought a shampoo for damaged hair, but the idea was to change the shampoo. It was ok, it worked for me and I haven't had any similar problems until recently.
Well, since I opted to go back to a Bob hairstyle, I've been using the straightening iron a lot more often (and I use a dryer almost every time after washing my hair), but never more than twice per week in order to manage my hair. If you add that to the fact that the place where I have been cutting my hair for many, many years is now out of business and I ended up waiting 7 months in between haircuts. Plus, my normal shampoo caused me dandruff and I ended up buying an agressive shampoo, I got rid of the dandruff but I think the shampoo was the last straw for my hair and I wound up with dried, tarnished, more fragile than usual (since I already have thin hairs), broom-like hair. Well, what do you think was the first thing I did, again? Of course I went and cut my hair, everything that grew in all those 7 monts, at least a couple of inches, all gone in minutes along with the split and damaged ends.
Then the second thing I did was to get myself a shampoo for dry hair, and I chose the one from Kallos,
as I've written here, then apply a hair mask more often and try not to forget about the split ends serum, I use it as a preventive measure. The Kallos shampoo was ok but whenthe new campaign was announced and I saw it was for hair products my thought was "What the hell, what do I have to lose", maybe just to gain so here I am, testing the new Gliss Ultimate repair line for dry and damaged hair. And I thought that my boyfriend's mother could also test the product, she dyes her hair blonde, so you know it is dry and in need of some much needed TLC and I will also be collecting feedback from her as well.
My expectations from any shampoo I buy, well I'm realistic about them and I do not expect to wake up with shiny smooth hair, like the ones you would see in commercials. I just want a shampoo that does not cause me dandruff, one that cleans well without being aggressive on the hair and any other unpleasantries, such hair falling off, washing my hair more often than the usual 3 days. I generally look if the shampoo is designated for my type of hair and almost always ignore the "key" words used os usual phrases, healthier hair in x days, clinically proven (well, I'm not sure if they use such statements for shampoos, but they are used on other products and I still ignore them). We'll se how it goes and what the results will be and because this product line contains keratin, I want to talk about it in a future article.
As a conclusion, when you notice that your hair is not doing very well, try, as much as possible to eliminate the cause and help it recover from the inside (vitamins, good nutrition) out (getting a haircut, masks, serums, conditioner, shampoos) because hair absorbs nutrients at the root, from the bloodstream. By the way, do you have any recommendations for hair vitamins?
What do you look for when buying a new shampoo?